AddParticipant(ChatParticipant, CancellationToken)
Adds participants to a thread. If participants already exist, no change occurs.
AddParticipantAsync(ChatParticipant, CancellationToken)
Adds a participant to a thread asynchronously. If the participant already exist, no change occurs.
AddParticipants(IEnumerable<ChatParticipant>, CancellationToken)
Adds participants to a thread. If participants already exist, no change occurs.
AddParticipantsAsync(IEnumerable<ChatParticipant>, CancellationToken)
Adds participants to a thread asynchronously. If participants already exist, no change occurs.
DeleteMessage(String, CancellationToken)
Deletes a message.
DeleteMessageAsync(String, CancellationToken)
Deletes a message.
GetMessage(String, CancellationToken)
Gets a message by id.
GetMessageAsync(String, CancellationToken)
Gets a message by id asynchronously.
GetMessages(Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, CancellationToken)
Gets a list of messages from a thread.
GetMessagesAsync(Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, CancellationToken)
Gets a list of messages from a thread asynchronously.
GetParticipants(Nullable<Int32>, CancellationToken)
Gets the participants of a thread.
GetParticipantsAsync(Nullable<Int32>, CancellationToken)
Gets the participants of a thread asynchronously.
Gets a chat thread.
Gets a chat thread asynchronously.
GetReadReceipts(Nullable<Int32>, CancellationToken)
Gets read receipts for a thread.
GetReadReceiptsAsync(Nullable<Int32>, CancellationToken)
Gets read receipts for a thread asynchronously.
RemoveParticipant(CommunicationIdentifier, CancellationToken)
Remove a member from a thread .
RemoveParticipantAsync(CommunicationIdentifier, CancellationToken)
Remove a participant from a thread asynchronously.
SendMessage(SendChatMessageOptions, CancellationToken)
Sends a message to a thread.
SendMessage(String, ChatMessageType, String, CancellationToken)
Sends a message to a thread.
SendMessageAsync(SendChatMessageOptions, CancellationToken)
Sends a message to a thread asynchronously.
SendMessageAsync(String, ChatMessageType, String, CancellationToken)
Sends a message to a thread asynchronously.
SendReadReceipt(String, CancellationToken)
Sends a read receipt event to a thread, on behalf of a user.
SendReadReceiptAsync(String, CancellationToken)
Sends a read receipt event to a thread, on behalf of a user asynchronously.
Posts a typing event to a thread, on behalf of a user.
SendTypingNotification(TypingNotificationOptions, CancellationToken)
Posts a typing event to a thread, on behalf of a user.
Posts a typing event to a thread, on behalf of a user asynchronously.
SendTypingNotificationAsync(TypingNotificationOptions, CancellationToken)
Posts a typing event to a thread, on behalf of a user asynchronously.
UpdateMessage(String, String, CancellationToken)
Updates a message synchronously.
UpdateMessage(UpdateChatMessageOptions, CancellationToken)
Updates a message synchronously.
UpdateMessageAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)
Updates a message asynchronously.
UpdateMessageAsync(UpdateChatMessageOptions, CancellationToken)
Updates a message asynchronously.
UpdateProperties(UpdateChatThreadPropertiesOptions, CancellationToken)
Updates the thread's properties.
UpdatePropertiesAsync(UpdateChatThreadPropertiesOptions, CancellationToken)
Updates the thread's properties asynchronously.
UpdateTopic(String, CancellationToken)
Updates the thread's topic.
UpdateTopicAsync(String, CancellationToken)
Updates the thread's topic asynchronously.