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11 Patterns and pattern matching

11.1 General

A pattern is a syntactic form that can be used with the is operator (§12.12.12) and in a switch_statement (§13.8.3) to express the shape of data against which incoming data is to be compared. A pattern is tested against the expression of a switch statement, or against a relational_expression that is on the left-hand side of an is operator, each of which is referred to as a pattern input value.

11.2 Pattern forms

11.2.1 General

A pattern may have one of the following forms:

    : declaration_pattern
    | constant_pattern
    | var_pattern

A declaration_pattern and a var_pattern can result in the declaration of a local variable.

Each pattern form defines the set of types for input values that the pattern may be applied to. A pattern P is applicable to a type T if T is among the types whose values the pattern may match. It is a compile-time error if a pattern P appears in a program to match a pattern input value (§11.1) of type T if P is not applicable to T.

Example: The following example generates a compile-time error because the compile-time type of v is TextReader. A variable of type TextReader can never have a value that is reference-compatible with string:

TextReader v = Console.In; // compile-time type of 'v' is 'TextReader'
if (v is string) // compile-time error
    // code assuming v is a string

However, the following doesn’t generate a compile-time error because the compile-time type of v is object. A variable of type object could have a value that is reference-compatible with string:

object v = Console.In;
if (v is string s)
    // code assuming v is a string

end example

Each pattern form defines the set of values for which the pattern matches the value at runtime.

11.2.2 Declaration pattern

A declaration_pattern is used to test that a value has a given type and, if the test succeeds, provide the value in a variable of that type.

    : type simple_designation
    : single_variable_designation
    : identifier

The runtime type of the value is tested against the type in the pattern using the same rules specified in the is-type operator (§ If the test succeeds, the pattern matches that value. It is a compile-time error if the type is a nullable value type (§8.3.12). This pattern form never matches a null value.

Note: The is-type expression e is T and the declaration pattern e is T _ are equivalent when T isn’t a nullable type. end note

Given a pattern input value (§11.1) e, if the simple_designation is the identifier _, it denotes a discard (§ and the value of e is not bound to anything. (Although a declared variable with the name _ may be in scope at that point, that named variable is not seen in this context.) If simple_designation is any other identifier, a local variable (§9.2.9) of the given type named by the given identifier is introduced. That local variable is assigned the value of the pattern input value when the pattern matches the value.

Certain combinations of static type of the pattern input value and the given type are considered incompatible and result in a compile-time error. A value of static type E is said to be pattern compatible with the type T if there exists an identity conversion, an implicit or explicit reference conversion, a boxing conversion, or an unboxing conversion from E to T, or if either E or T is an open type (§8.4.3). A declaration pattern naming a type T is applicable to every type E for which E is pattern compatible with T.

Note: The support for open types can be most useful when checking types that may be either struct or class types, and boxing is to be avoided. end note

Example: The declaration pattern is useful for performing run-time type tests of reference types, and replaces the idiom

var v = expr as Type;
if (v != null) { /* code using v */ }

with the slightly more concise

if (expr is Type v) { /* code using v */ }

end example

It is an error if type is a nullable value type.

Example: The declaration pattern can be used to test values of nullable types: a value of type Nullable<T> (or a boxed T) matches a type pattern T2 id if the value is non-null and T2 is T, or some base type or interface of T. For example, in the code fragment

int? x = 3;
if (x is int v) { /* code using v */ }

The condition of the if statement is true at runtime and the variable v holds the value 3 of type int inside the block. end example

11.2.3 Constant pattern

A constant_pattern is used to test the value of a pattern input value (§11.1) against the given constant value.

    : constant_expression

A constant pattern P is applicable to a type T if there is an implicit conversion from the constant expression of P to the type T.

For a constant pattern P, its converted value is

  • if the pattern input value’s type is an integral type or an enum type, the pattern’s constant value converted to that type; otherwise
  • if the pattern input value’s type is the nullable version of an integral type or an enum type, the pattern’s constant value converted to its underlying type; otherwise
  • the value of the pattern’s constant value.

Given a pattern input value e and a constant pattern P with converted value v,

  • if e has integral type or enum type, or a nullable form of one of those, and v has integral type, the pattern P matches the value e if result of the expression e == v is true; otherwise
  • the pattern P matches the value e if object.Equals(e, v) returns true.

Example: The switch statement in the following method uses five constant patterns in its case labels.

static decimal GetGroupTicketPrice(int visitorCount)
    switch (visitorCount) 
        case 1: return 12.0m;
        case 2: return 20.0m;
        case 3: return 27.0m;
        case 4: return 32.0m;
        case 0: return 0.0m;
        default: throw new ArgumentException(...);

end example

11.2.4 Var pattern

A var_pattern matches every value. That is, a pattern-matching operation with a var_pattern always succeeds.

A var_pattern is applicable to every type.

    : 'var' designation
    : simple_designation

Given a pattern input value (§11.1) e, if designation is the identifier _, it denotes a discard (§, and the value of e is not bound to anything. (Although a declared variable with that name may be in scope at that point, that named variable is not seen in this context.) If designation is any other identifier, at runtime the value of e is bound to a newly introduced local variable (§9.2.9) of that name whose type is the static type of e, and the pattern input value is assigned to that local variable.

It is an error if the name var would bind to a type where a var_pattern is used.

11.3 Pattern subsumption

In a switch statement, it is an error if a case’s pattern is subsumed by the preceding set of unguarded cases (§13.8.3). Informally, this means that any input value would have been matched by one of the previous cases. The following rules define when a set of patterns subsumes a given pattern:

A pattern P would match a constant K if the specification for that pattern’s runtime behavior is that P matches K.

A set of patterns Q subsumes a pattern P if any of the following conditions hold:

  • P is a constant pattern and any of the patterns in the set Q would match P’s converted value
  • P is a var pattern and the set of patterns Q is exhaustive (§11.4) for the type of the pattern input value (§11.1), and either the pattern input value is not of a nullable type or some pattern in Q would match null.
  • P is a declaration pattern with type T and the set of patterns Q is exhaustive for the type T (§11.4).

11.4 Pattern exhaustiveness

Informally, a set of patterns is exhaustive for a type if, for every possible value of that type other than null, some pattern in the set is applicable. The following rules define when a set of patterns is exhaustive for a type:

A set of patterns Q is exhaustive for a type T if any of the following conditions hold:

  1. T is an integral or enum type, or a nullable version of one of those, and for every possible value of T’s non-nullable underlying type, some pattern in Q would match that value; or
  2. Some pattern in Q is a var pattern; or
  3. Some pattern in Q is a declaration pattern for type D, and there is an identity conversion, an implicit reference conversion, or a boxing conversion from T to D.


static void M(byte b)
    switch (b) {
        case 0: case 1: case 2: ... // handle every specific value of byte
        // error: the pattern 'byte other' is subsumed by the (exhaustive)
        // previous cases
        case byte other: 

end example