
Dela via

audioConferencing resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents phone access information for an onlineMeeting.


Property Type Description
conferenceId String The conference id of the online meeting.
dialinUrl String A URL to the externally-accessible web page that contains dial-in information.
tollFreeNumbers String collection List of toll-free numbers that are displayed in the meeting invite.
tollNumbers String collection List of toll numbers that are displayed in the meeting invite.
tollFreeNumber (deprecated) String The toll-free number that connects to the Audio Conference Provider.
tollNumber (deprecated) String The toll number that connects to the Audio Conference Provider.


  • The tollFreeNumber and tollNumber properties are deprecated. Use the tollFreeNumbers and tollNumbers properties instead.
  • For backward compatibility, the original tollFreeNumber is added to the new tollFreeNumbers collection and the original tollNumber is added to the new tollNumbers collection.

JSON representation

The following is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "conferenceId": "String",
  "dialinUrl": "String",
  "tollFreeNumbers": [ "String" ],
  "tollNumbers": [ "String" ]