
Dela via

servicePrincipal resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents an instance of an application in a directory. Inherits from directoryObject.

This resource supports using delta query to track incremental additions, deletions, and updates, by providing a delta function. This resource is an open type that allows other properties to be passed in.


Method Return Type Description
List servicePrincipal collection Retrieve a list of servicePrincipal objects.
Create servicePrincipal Creates a new servicePrincipal object.
Get servicePrincipal Read properties and relationships of servicePrincipal object.
Update None Update servicePrincipal object.
Upsert servicePrincipal Create a new servicePrincipal if it doesn't exist, or update the properties of an existing servicePrincipal.
Delete None Delete servicePrincipal object.
Get delta servicePrincipal collection Get incremental changes for service principals.
List created objects directoryObject collection Get a createdObject object collection.
List owned objects directoryObject collection Get an ownedObject object collection.
Deleted items
List directoryObject collection Retrieve a list of recently deleted servicePrincipal objects.
Get directoryObject Retrieve the properties of a recently deleted servicePrincipal object.
Restore directoryObject Restore a recently deleted servicePrincipal object.
Permanently delete None Permanently delete a servicePrincipal object.
App role assignments
List appRoleAssignments appRoleAssignment collection Get the app roles that this service principal is assigned.
Add appRoleAssignment appRoleAssignment Assign an app role to this service principal.
Remove appRoleAssignment None Remove an app role assignment from this service principal.
List appRoleAssignedTo appRoleAssignment collection Get the users, groups, and service principals assigned app roles for this service principal.
Add appRoleAssignedTo appRoleAssignment Assign an app role for this service principal to a user, group, or service principal.
Remove appRoleAssignedTo None Remove an app role assignment for this service principal from a user, group, or service principal.
Certificates and secrets
Add password passwordCredential Add a strong password or secret to a servicePrincipal.
Remove password passwordCredential Remove a password or secret from a servicePrincipal.
Add key keyCredential Add a key credential to a servicePrincipal.
Remove key None Remove a key credential from a servicePrincipal.
Add token signing certificate selfSignedCertificate Add a self signed certificate to the service principal. Mostly use for configuring SAML based SSO applications from the Microsoft Entra gallery.
Delegated permission classifications
List delegatedPermissionClassification collection Get the permission classifications for delegated permissions exposed by this service principal.
Add delegatedPermissionClassification Add a permission classification for a delegated permission exposed by this service principal.
Remove None Remove a permission classification for a delegated permission exposed by this service principal.
Delegated (OAuth2) permission grants
List oAuth2PermissionGrant collection Get the delegated permission grants authorizing this service principal to access an API on behalf of a signed-in user.
List memberOf directoryObject collection Get the groups that this service principal is a direct member of from the memberOf navigation property.
List transitive member of directoryObject collection List the groups that this service principal is a member of. This operation is transitive and includes the groups that this service principal is a nested member of.
Check member groups String collection Check for membership in a specified list of groups.
Check member objects String collection Check for membership in a specified list of groups, directory roles, or administrative unit objects.
Get member groups String collection Get the list of groups that this service principal is a member of.
Get member objects String collection Get the list of groups, administrative units, and directory roles that this service principal is a member of.
List directoryObject collection Get the owners of a service principal.
Add directoryObject Assign an owner to a service principal. Service principal owners can be users or other service principals.
Remove None Remove an owner from a service principal. As a recommended best practice, service principals should have at least two owners.
Password-based single sign-on credentials
Create passwordSingleSignOnCredentialSet Create a credential set for the user or group specified in the body.
Get passwordSingleSignOnCredentialSet Get a credential set for the user or group specified in the body.
Update None Update a credential set for the user or group specified in the body.
Delete None Delete a credential set for the user or group specified in the body.



Specific usage of $filter and the $search query parameter is supported only when you use the ConsistencyLevel header set to eventual and $count. For more information, see Advanced query capabilities on directory objects.

Property Type Description
accountEnabled Boolean true if the service principal account is enabled; otherwise, false. If set to false, then no users are able to sign in to this app, even if they're assigned to it. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, in).
addIns addIn collection Defines custom behavior that a consuming service can use to call an app in specific contexts. For example, applications that can render file streams may set the addIns property for its "FileHandler" functionality. This lets services like Microsoft 365 call the application in the context of a document the user is working on.
alternativeNames String collection Used to retrieve service principals by subscription, identify resource group and full resource IDs for managed identities. Supports $filter (eq, not, ge, le, startsWith).
appDescription String The description exposed by the associated application.
appDisplayName String The display name exposed by the associated application.
appId String The unique identifier for the associated application (its appId property). Alternate key. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, in, startsWith).
applicationTemplateId String Unique identifier of the applicationTemplate. Supports $filter (eq, not, ne). Read-only. null if the app wasn't created from an application template.
appOwnerOrganizationId Guid Contains the tenant ID where the application is registered. This is applicable only to service principals backed by applications. Supports $filter (eq, ne, NOT, ge, le).
appRoleAssignmentRequired Boolean Specifies whether users or other service principals need to be granted an app role assignment for this service principal before users can sign in or apps can get tokens. The default value is false. Not nullable.

Supports $filter (eq, ne, NOT).
appRoles appRole collection The roles exposed by the application, which this service principal represents. For more information, see the appRoles property definition on the application entity. Not nullable.
customSecurityAttributes customSecurityAttributeValue An open complex type that holds the value of a custom security attribute that is assigned to a directory object. Nullable.

Returned only on $select. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, startsWith). Filter value is case sensitive.
  • To read this property, the calling app must be assigned the CustomSecAttributeAssignment.Read.All permission. To write this property, the calling app must be assigned the CustomSecAttributeAssignment.ReadWrite.All permissions.
  • To read or write this property in delegated scenarios, the admin must be assigned the Attribute Assignment Administrator role.
  • deletedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time the service principal was deleted. Read-only.
    description String Free text field to provide an internal end-user facing description of the service principal. End-user portals such MyApps displays the application description in this field. The maximum allowed size is 1,024 characters. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, ge, le, startsWith) and $search.
    disabledByMicrosoftStatus String Specifies whether Microsoft has disabled the registered application. Possible values are: null (default value), NotDisabled, and DisabledDueToViolationOfServicesAgreement (reasons may include suspicious, abusive, or malicious activity, or a violation of the Microsoft Services Agreement).

    Supports $filter (eq, ne, not).
    displayName String The display name for the service principal. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, ge, le, in, startsWith, and eq on null values), $search, and $orderby.
    errorUrl String Deprecated. Don't use.
    homepage String Home page or landing page of the application.
    id String The unique identifier for the service principal. Inherited from directoryObject. Key. Not nullable. Read-only. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, in).
    info informationalUrl Basic profile information of the acquired application such as app's marketing, support, terms of service and privacy statement URLs. The terms of service and privacy statement are surfaced to users through the user consent experience. For more info, see How to: Add Terms of service and privacy statement for registered Microsoft Entra apps.

    Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, ge, le, and eq on null values).
    keyCredentials keyCredential collection The collection of key credentials associated with the service principal. Not nullable. Supports $filter (eq, not, ge, le).
    loginUrl String Specifies the URL where the service provider redirects the user to Microsoft Entra ID to authenticate. Microsoft Entra ID uses the URL to launch the application from Microsoft 365 or the Microsoft Entra My Apps. When blank, Microsoft Entra ID performs IdP-initiated sign-on for applications configured with SAML-based single sign-on. The user launches the application from Microsoft 365, the Microsoft Entra My Apps, or the Microsoft Entra SSO URL.
    logoutUrl String Specifies the URL that the Microsoft's authorization service uses to sign out a user using OpenId Connect front-channel, back-channel, or SAML sign out protocols.
    notes String Free text field to capture information about the service principal, typically used for operational purposes. Maximum allowed size is 1,024 characters.
    notificationEmailAddresses String collection Specifies the list of email addresses where Microsoft Entra ID sends a notification when the active certificate is near the expiration date. This is only for the certificates used to sign the SAML token issued for Microsoft Entra Gallery applications.
    passwordCredentials passwordCredential collection The collection of password credentials associated with the service principal. Not nullable.
    passwordSingleSignOnSettings passwordSingleSignOnSettings The collection for settings related to password single sign-on. Use $select=passwordSingleSignOnSettings to read the property. Read-only for applicationTemplates except for custom applicationTemplates.
    preferredSingleSignOnMode string Specifies the single sign-on mode configured for this application. Microsoft Entra ID uses the preferred single sign-on mode to launch the application from Microsoft 365 or the Microsoft Entra My Apps. The supported values are password, saml, notSupported, and oidc. Note: This field might be null for older SAML apps and for OIDC applications where it isn't set automatically.
    permissionGrantPreApprovalPolicies permissionGrantPreApprovalPolicy collection The list of preapproval policies that has been assigned to the service principal.
    preferredTokenSigningKeyEndDateTime DateTimeOffset Specifies the expiration date of the keyCredential used for token signing, marked by preferredTokenSigningKeyThumbprint. Updating this attribute isn't currently supported. For details, see ServicePrincipal property differences.
    preferredTokenSigningKeyThumbprint String This property can be used on SAML applications (apps that have preferredSingleSignOnMode set to saml) to control which certificate is used to sign the SAML responses. For applications that aren't SAML, don't write or otherwise rely on this property.
    publishedPermissionScopes permissionScope collection The delegated permissions exposed by the application. For more information, see the oauth2PermissionScopes property on the application entity's api property. Not nullable.
    Note: This property is named oauth2PermissionScopes in v1.0.
    publisherName String The name of the Microsoft Entra tenant that published the application.
    replyUrls String collection The URLs that user tokens are sent to for sign in with the associated application, or the redirect URIs that OAuth 2.0 authorization codes and access tokens are sent to for the associated application. Not nullable.
    samlMetadataUrl String The url where the service exposes SAML metadata for federation.
    samlSingleSignOnSettings samlSingleSignOnSettings The collection for settings related to saml single sign-on.
    servicePrincipalNames String collection Contains the list of identifiersUris, copied over from the associated application. More values can be added to hybrid applications. These values can be used to identify the permissions exposed by this app within Microsoft Entra ID. For example,
    • Client apps can specify a resource URI that is based on the values of this property to acquire an access token, which is the URI returned in the "aud" claim.

    The any operator is required for filter expressions on multi-valued properties. Not nullable.

    Supports $filter (eq, not, ge, le, startsWith).
    servicePrincipalType String Identifies if the service principal represents an application or a managed identity. This is set by Microsoft Entra ID internally. For a service principal that represents an application this is set as Application. For a service principal that represents a managed identity this is set as ManagedIdentity. The SocialIdp type is for internal use.
    signInAudience String Specifies the Microsoft accounts that are supported for the current application. Read-only.

    Supported values are:
    • AzureADMyOrg: Users with a Microsoft work or school account in my organization's Microsoft Entra tenant (single-tenant).
    • AzureADMultipleOrgs: Users with a Microsoft work or school account in any organization's Microsoft Entra tenant (multitenant).
    • AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount: Users with a personal Microsoft account, or a work or school account in any organization's Microsoft Entra tenant.
    • PersonalMicrosoftAccount: Users with a personal Microsoft account only.
    tags String collection Custom strings that can be used to categorize and identify the service principal. Not nullable. The value is the union of strings set here and on the associated application entity's tags property.

    Supports $filter (eq, not, ge, le, startsWith).
    tokenEncryptionKeyId String Specifies the keyId of a public key from the keyCredentials collection. When configured, Microsoft Entra ID issues tokens for this application encrypted using the key specified by this property. The application code that receives the encrypted token must use the matching private key to decrypt the token before it can be used for the signed-in user.
    verifiedPublisher verifiedPublisher Specifies the verified publisher of the application that's linked to this service principal.



    Specific usage of the $filter query parameter is supported only when you use the ConsistencyLevel header set to eventual and $count. For more information, see Advanced query capabilities on directory objects.

    Relationship Type Description
    appManagementPolicies appManagementPolicy collection The appManagementPolicy applied to this service principal.
    appRoleAssignedTo appRoleAssignment App role assignments for this app or service, granted to users, groups, and other service principals.Supports $expand.
    appRoleAssignments appRoleAssignment collection App role assignment for another app or service, granted to this service principal. Supports $expand.
    claimsMappingPolicies claimsMappingPolicy collection The claimsMappingPolicies assigned to this service principal. Supports $expand.
    claimsPolicy customClaimsPolicy A claims policy that allows application admins to customize the claims that will be emitted in tokens affected by this policy.
    createdObjects directoryObject collection Directory objects created by this service principal. Read-only. Nullable.
    delegatedPermissionClassifications delegatedPermissionClassification collection The permission classifications for delegated permissions exposed by the app that this service principal represents. Supports $expand.
    endpoints endpoint collection Endpoints available for discovery. Services like Sharepoint populate this property with a tenant specific SharePoint endpoints that other applications can discover and use in their experiences.
    homeRealmDiscoveryPolicies homeRealmDiscoveryPolicy collection The homeRealmDiscoveryPolicies assigned to this service principal. Supports $expand.
    memberOf directoryObject collection Roles that this service principal is a member of. HTTP Methods: GET Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand.
    oauth2PermissionGrants oAuth2PermissionGrant collection Delegated permission grants authorizing this service principal to access an API on behalf of a signed-in user. Read-only. Nullable.
    ownedObjects directoryObject collection Directory objects that are owned by this service principal. Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand and $filter (/$count eq 0, /$count ne 0, /$count eq 1, /$count ne 1).
    owners directoryObject collection Directory objects that are owners of this servicePrincipal. The owners are a set of nonadmin users or servicePrincipals who are allowed to modify this object. Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand and $filter (/$count eq 0, /$count ne 0, /$count eq 1, /$count ne 1).
    remoteDesktopSecurityConfiguration remoteDesktopSecurityConfiguration The remoteDesktopSecurityConfiguration object applied to this service principal. Supports $filter (eq) for isRemoteDesktopProtocolEnabled property.
    synchronization synchronization Represents the capability for Microsoft Entra identity synchronization through the Microsoft Graph API.
    tokenIssuancePolicies tokenIssuancePolicy collection The tokenIssuancePolicies assigned to this service principal. Supports $expand.
    tokenLifetimePolicies tokenLifetimePolicy collection The tokenLifetimePolicies assigned to this service principal. Supports $expand.

    JSON representation

    The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

      "accountEnabled": true,
      "addIns": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.addIn"}],
      "alternativeNames": "String",
      "appDisplayName": "String",
      "appId": "String",
      "appOwnerOrganizationId": "Guid",
      "applicationTemplateId": "String",
      "appRoleAssignmentRequired": true,
      "appRoles": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.appRole"}],
      "customSecurityAttributes": {
        "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.customSecurityAttributeValue"
      "disabledByMicrosoftStatus": "String",
      "displayName": "String",
      "errorUrl": "String",
      "homepage": "String",
      "id": "String (identifier)",
      "info": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.informationalUrl"},
      "keyCredentials": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.keyCredential"}],
      "loginUrl": "String",
      "logoutUrl": "String",
      "notes": "String",
      "notificationEmailAddresses": ["String"],
      "publishedPermissionScopes": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.permissionScope"}],
      "passwordCredentials": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.passwordCredential"}],
      "passwordSingleSignOnSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.passwordSingleSignOnSettings"},
      "preferredSingleSignOnMode": "String",
      "preferredTokenSigningKeyEndDateTime": "DateTime",
      "preferredTokenSigningKeyThumbprint": "String",
      "publisherName": "String",
      "replyUrls": ["String"],
      "samlMetadataUrl": "String",
      "samlSingleSignOnSettings": "microsoft.DirectoryServices.SamlSingleSignOnSettings",
      "servicePrincipalNames": ["String"],
      "servicePrincipalType": "String",
      "signInAudience": "String",
      "tags": ["String"],
      "tokenEncryptionKeyId": "String",
      "verifiedPublisher": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.verifiedPublisher"}