Dela via

<debug> Element

This topic is specific to a legacy technology that is retained for backward compatibility with existing applications and is not recommended for new development. Distributed applications should now be developed using the  Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

Specifies whether to load types in the configuration file when the application starts. This element cannot be specified when the configuration file is named web.config and the remote type host process is Internet Information Services (IIS). This element may occur in an application configuration file, machine configuration file.

Schema Hierarchy

  <system.runtime.remoting> Element
    <debug> Element



Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description


Required attribute.

Specifies whether to load all types specified in this configuration file when the application starts, so that you can be alerted if there is an error in your configuration file. This helps to prevent simple typing errors from becoming a time-consuming debugging effort.

Child Elements


Parent Elements

Element Description


The root element in every configuration file used by the common language runtime and .NET Framework applications.


Contains information about remote objects and channels.


The following configuration file example tells the .NET Framework remoting system to attempt to load the types specified in this file (in this case, the ServiceClass and TcpChannel types) when the client application starts.

               type="ServiceClass, IService"
            <channel ref="tcp"/>
      <debug loadTypes="true" />

See Also


Remoting Settings Schema