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Troubleshooting MED-V by Using the Administration Toolkit

Gäller för: Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization 2.0

Use the MED-V Administration Toolkit to troubleshoot certain problems in a MED-V-arbetsyta. The MED-V Administration Toolkit lets you access and configure event logs, restart or reset the MED-V-arbetsyta, and view the published applications and redirected web addresses in the MED-V-arbetsyta. You can also use the MED-V Administration Toolkit to open the MED-V-arbetsyta virtual machine in full-screen mode.

To Open the MED-V Administration Toolkit

Perform the following steps to open the MED-V Administration Toolkit:

  1. On the host computer that contains the MED-V-arbetsyta you are troubleshooting, open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Browse to %systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization.

  3. At the command prompt, type MedvHost /toolkit.

After the MED-V Administration Toolkit opens, you can use the toolkit to help resolve issues in the MED-V-arbetsyta found during troubleshooting.

In this Section

  • Viewing and Configuring MED-V Logs
    Describes how to use the MED-V Administration Toolkit to collect and manage MED-V event logs in the host computer and the guest virtual machine.
  • Viewing MED-V Workspace Configurations
    Describes how to use the MED-V Administration Toolkit to view the published applications and redirected web addresses in a MED-V-arbetsyta and how to open the MED-V-arbetsyta virtual machine in full-screen mode.

Se även

MED-V Event Log Messages

Ytterligare resurser

Troubleshooting MED-V

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