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Restarting and Resetting a MED-V Workspace

Gäller för: Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization 2.0

During troubleshooting, you may sometimes find it necessary to restart or reset the MED-V-arbetsyta. Restarting the MED-V-arbetsyta is basically the same as restarting a physical computer. Resetting the MED-V-arbetsyta reruns first time setup and deletes all data that is stored in the virtual machine. Because all stored data is deleted, you typically should only reset the MED-V-arbetsyta to resolve the most serious troubleshooting issues, or to restore a previously working MED-V-arbetsyta back to a working state.

For information about how to open the MED-V Administration Toolkit, see Troubleshooting MED-V by Using the Administration Toolkit.

Restarting a MED-V Workspace

  1. On the MED-V Administration Toolkit window, click Restart MED-V Workspace. A dialog window opens in which you must confirm that you want to restart the MED-V-arbetsyta.

  2. Click Restart.

    Any published applications that are running or redirected web sites that are open will be closed when the MED-V-arbetsyta restarts.

Resetting a MED-V Workspace

  1. On the MED-V Administration Toolkit window, click Reset MED-V Workspace. A dialog window opens in which you must confirm that you want to reset the MED-V-arbetsyta.


    Resetting the MED-V-arbetsyta causes first time setup to run again, and thus reloads the original virtual hard disk. All data that is stored in the MED-V-arbetsyta since first time setup was originally run will be deleted.

  2. Click Reset.

    Any published applications that are running or redirected web sites that are open will be closed when the MED-V-arbetsyta resets.

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Ytterligare resurser

Viewing and Configuring MED-V Logs
Viewing MED-V Workspace Configurations

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