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Understanding Speech Server Administration

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

When you install Speech Server, you can configure and manage several aspects of the system using administration tools. The following Speech Server components can be configured, managed, and monitored using the Speech Server Administrator console or Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) scripts:

  • Server running Speech Server ??? Computers running the Speech Server service.
  • Speech Server applications ??? Speech applications that manage and control interactions with callers.
  • SIP peers ??? Voice over IP (VoIP) devices and applications that transmit and receive audio data to and from Speech Server.
  • Telephony Interface Manager Connector (TIMC) ??? A service that enables calls coming from telephony boards managed by a Telephony Interface Manager (TIM) to communicate with Speech Server. From an administration perspective, TIMC is configured and managed as a special type of SIP peer.

Using the Speech Server Administrator console, you can view and modify many of the configuration settings associated with these components. You can also start, stop, and pause the Speech Server service.

There is also a complete WMI namespace provided for configuring and managing these components using WMI scripts. For more information, see Speech Server WMI Reference.

In This Section

Speech Server Administration Management Tools

Speech Server Deployment Groups

Logon Permissions for the Computer Running Speech Server

How to: Start the Speech Server Administrator Console

How to: Connect to Another Administration Computer

See Also

Other Resources

Server Administration
Logging Administration
Application Administration
SIP Peer Administration