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Server Administration

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

In the Speech Server Administrator console, a computer running the Speech Server service is called a server. The Speech Server Administrator console provides functionality for adding and removing servers to Speech Server deployment groups, starting and stopping servers, and configuring server settings for specific purposes (such as secure communication). You can remotely manage and configure one or more servers from a single Speech Server Administrator console.


You cannot use the Speech Server Administrator console to manage and configure Speech Server that is installed on a Windows XP computer. Only Speech Server installed on Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later can be managed with the Administrator console.

In This Section

How to: Add or Remove a Server

How to: Start and Stop Speech Server

How to: Specify the Location for Speech Server Working Files

How to: Configure the Listening Ports for SIP Peer Communication

How to: Set Up a Certificate for Secure SIP Peer Communication

How to: Configure Speech Server Audio Settings

How to: Prioritize Media Codecs Used by Speech Server

How to: Specify the Time-out for Inactive SALT Voice Response Applications

How to: Set Up Call Throttling

How to: Copy Speech Server Settings to All Computers in a Deployment Group

How to: Save or Load Speech Server Settings

How to: Update Cached Resources


Technical Reference

Logging Administration | Application Administration | SIP Peer Administration | Speech Server Administration Through WMI