CMFCRibbonColorButton Class
The CMFCRibbonColorButton class implements a color button that you can add to a ribbon bar. The ribbon color button displays a drop-down menu that contains one or more color palettes.
class CMFCRibbonColorButton : public CMFCRibbonGallery
Public Constructors
Name |
Description |
Constructs and initializes a CMFCRibbonColorButton object. |
Public Methods
Name |
Description |
Adds a group of colors to the regular color area. |
Specifies whether the Automatic button is enabled. |
Enables the Other button. |
Retrieves the current automatic (default) color. |
Returns the currently selected color. |
Returns the size of the color elements that appear on the color bar. |
Retrieves the number of color items per row that are shown in the regular color area. |
Returns the color of the currently selected element on the popup color palette. |
Removes all color groups from the regular color area. |
Selects a color from the regular color area. |
Sets the size of all the color elements that appear on the color bar. |
Sets a new name for a specified color. |
Sets the number of color items per row that are shown in the regular color area. |
Specifies a list of RGB values to display in the document color area. |
Sets the list of selectable colors that are visible in the regular color area. |
Used internally. |
The ribbon color button displays a color bar when a user presses it. By default, this color bar contains a color selection palette called the regular color area. Optionally, the color bar can display an Automatic button, which allows the user to select a default color, and an Other button, which displays a popup color palette that contains additional colors.
The following example demonstrates how to use various methods in the CMFCRibbonColorButton class. The example shows how to construct a CMFCRibbonColorButton object, set the large image, enable the Automatic button, enable the Other button, set the number of columns, set the size of all the color elements that appear on the color bar, add a group of colors to the regular color area, and specify a list of RGB values to display in the document color area. This code snippet is part of the DrawClient Sample: MFC Ribbon-Based OLE Object Drawing Application.
// Create the "Paper Color" button
CMFCRibbonColorButton* pBtnPaperColor = new CMFCRibbonColorButton(ID_VIEW_PAPERCOLOR, _T("Paper Color\ng"), TRUE, 13, 1);
pBtnPaperColor->EnableAutomaticButton(_T("&Automatic"), RGB(255, 255, 255));
pBtnPaperColor->EnableOtherButton(_T("&More Colors..."), _T("More Colors"));
pBtnPaperColor->SetColorBoxSize(CSize(17, 17));
// CList<COLORREF,COLORREF> m_lstMainColors
pBtnPaperColor->AddColorsGroup(_T("Theme Colors"), m_lstMainColors, TRUE);
// CList<COLORREF,COLORREF> m_lstAdditionalColors
pBtnPaperColor->AddColorsGroup(_T(""), m_lstAdditionalColors, FALSE);
// CList<COLORREF,COLORREF> m_lstStandardColors
pBtnPaperColor->AddColorsGroup(_T("Standard Colors"), m_lstStandardColors, TRUE);
pBtnPaperColor->SetDocumentColors( _T("Document Colors"), lstColors );
Inheritance Hierarchy
Header: afxribboncolorbutton.h