

Microsoft Copilot for Service synthesizes vast amounts of data that's already available from an organization’s trusted knowledge sources to provide relevant, timely guidance to agents in their flow of work. Copilot for Service provides flexibility for organizations to quickly realize the benefits of generative AI by extending their existing investments in CRM and contact center solutions, including Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

Connect to existing contact center and CRM solutions

Without costly development time or rip-and-replace efforts, organizations can point to their data, such as public websites, SharePoint, knowledge base articles, and offline files, and quickly unlock generative, AI-powered conversations across all their data. Copilot for Service reduces time to production with out-of-the-box integrations for Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

Assist agents in the flow of work

Copilot for Service accelerates the agent onboarding process and case resolution, improves efficiency, and automates tasks to help agents focus on customers. With AI-powered Copilot embedded in their desktop of choice or deployed in Microsoft Teams, agents can ask questions in natural language to receive relevant answers that use existing contact center knowledge. This aspect helps enhance agent productivity and customer satisfaction.

Because Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 is included in Copilot for Service, organizations benefit broadly from productivity enhancements in the tools that agents use daily, such as Microsoft Outlook and Teams.

For example, Copilot can bring agents up to speed on email threads within Outlook by providing summaries, and it can accelerate responses to customers by providing draft emails. In Teams, agents can keep current on meetings with customers or subject matter experts by viewing AI-powered meeting recaps with summaries of key discussion points and next steps. Furthermore, agents can use Copilot to get the latest account and case information from CRM systems.

Responsible AI FAQs

Responsible AI FAQs are part of a broader effort to put Microsoft AI principles into practice. They aim to provide insights into the workings of AI technology, the decisions that can affect its performance and behavior, and the significance of considering the entire system, including the technology, people, and environment. We recommend that you use these FAQs to gain a deeper understanding of specific AI systems and features developed by Microsoft.

To learn about the AI capabilities and impact of specific features of this solution, see Responsible AI FAQ for Copilot in Customer Service.