Introduction to the Scale phase of the service adoption framework


A slide showing the keys to adoption success.

4. Raised awareness through email, Intranet, announcements, posters, teaser videos, and newsletters (rated 31% for importance)

In this phase, you use your learnings, talented project team, and relationships with stakeholders, champions, and early adopters to support the broad scale enablement of Teams for your organization. Complete the following steps as you prepare for continued business engagement regarding your organizations use of Microsoft Teams:

  1. Define broad outcomes and success measures.
  2. Select service strategy.
  3. Engage stakeholders.
  4. Design and launch an awareness campaign.
  5. Design and launch a training program.
  6. Understand reporting tools.
  7. Prepare for ongoing business engagement.
  8. Prepare for ongoing service health & adoption reviews.

In many cases, you'll just be expanding the work you did for Start and Experiment to a larger user audience. You may choose to do a "big bang," turning on Microsoft Teams for all users simultaneously, or a phased rollout by division or region. In any case, you have additional end users to support through the change. Work closely with your IT partners in charge of technical readiness to ensure quality, reliability, and overall health of the experience that people will soon be using.

As each segment of your organization onboards to the new experience, you'll want to ensure their awareness of local champions and training opportunities.

Review details about service enablement strategies for Microsoft Teams and discuss them with your IT partners and key stakeholders.