Build a Microsoft Teams tab app


Tabs in Microsoft Teams allow you to display content like webpages, documents, or custom app features directly in your personal workspace, group chats, or team channels. In this module, you'll learn how to:

  • Create a personal tab app in Teams by using the Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code extension.
  • Test and debug your tab app.
  • Add customization to your tab app and test it further.

Teams Toolkit provides scenario-based templates and samples to start from. It can create a base project for you to customize.

Teams Toolkit simplifies the process of creating and configuring tab apps for Microsoft Teams by providing all the necessary components. You can view the project folders and files on the EXPLORER pane in Visual Studio Code. The folders include:

  • teamsapp.local.yml: This file defines the lifecycles and actions required for debugging. The main Teams Toolkit project file for debugging.

  • src: Contains the code for the tab capability that's needed at runtime, such as scripts, styling file and the code for the UI of your app.

  • appPackage: Contains the templates for the app package files (like the app manifest file) and assets (like icons and color images).

In the next unit, you'll learn how to build your first Teams tab app.