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Attract customers and promote your apps

Once your app is in the Microsoft Store, it's time to get it in front of as many customers as possible. Partner Center offers many features that help you promote your products and grow your customer base, including ad campaigns, promo codes, sale pricing, and more.

App promotion campaigns

Paid campaigns

Paid campaigns

These campaigns will run ads in any other app that matches your app’s device and category. You can also choose a universal campaign, where the ads will also appear within,, Skype, and other Microsoft premium properties.


Free house campaigns

Free house campaigns

These campaigns will run ads only in your other apps, free of charge.


Free community campaigns

Free community campaigns

These campaigns will run ads in apps published by other developers who also participate in community ad campaigns, free of charge.


Ad experiences for campaigns

Banner and banner interstitial ads

Banner and banner interstitial ads

Banner ads use a portion of the app's real estate. Banner interstitial ads are full-screen ads that grab the complete attention of users.


Video ads

Video ads

Video ads are full-screen ads that show users the features of your game in a visually engaging manner. Video ads are currently available for high-budget campaigns. To learn more, email us at


Native ads

Native ads

Native ads enable you to send all the individual components of your ad (such as the image, title, and description) to the receiving app. The app stitches these components together to provide a native experience for the user.


Learn more about app promotion campaigns

Learn more about app promotion campaigns

Create an ad campaign in the dashboard

Create an ad campaign using our REST API

Review campaign performance data in the dashboard

Get campaign performance data using our REST API

Promotion analytics

Promotion analytics

Acquisitions report

Get analytics data using our REST API

Other ways to promote your app

Promotional codes

Sale pricing

Microsoft store badges

Custom promotion campaigns

Microsoft Store marketing guidelines for apps

Link to your app

Make your app easier to promote