

Azure OpenAI Service deprecated models

Azure OpenAI Service offers a variety of models for different use cases. The following models were deprecated on July 6, 2023 and will be retired on June 14, 2024. These models are no longer available for new deployments. Deployments created prior to July 6, 2023 remain available to customers until June 14, 2024. We recommend customers migrate their applications to deployments of replacement models prior to the June 14, 2024 retirement.

At the time of retirement, deployments of these models will stop returning valid API responses.


The impacted GPT-3.5 models are the following. The replacement for the GPT-3.5 models is GPT-3.5 Turbo Instruct when that model becomes available.

  • text-davinci-002
  • text-davinci-003
  • code-davinci-002


The impacted GPT-3 models are the following. The replacement for the GPT-3 models is GPT-3.5 Turbo Instruct when that model becomes available.

  • text-ada-001
  • text-babbage-001
  • text-curie-001
  • text-davinci-001
  • code-cushman-001

Embedding models

The embedding models below will be retired effective June 14, 2024. Customers should migrate to text-embedding-ada-002 (version 2).

Each family includes models across a range of capability. The following list indicates the length of the numerical vector returned by the service, based on model capability:

Base Model Model(s) Dimensions
Ada 1,024
Babbage 2,048
Curie 4,096
Davinci 12,288

Similarity embedding

These models are good at capturing semantic similarity between two or more pieces of text.

Use cases Models
Clustering, regression, anomaly detection, visualization text-similarity-ada-001

Text search embedding

These models help measure whether long documents are relevant to a short search query. There are two input types supported by this family: doc, for embedding the documents to be retrieved, and query, for embedding the search query.

Use cases Models
Search, context relevance, information retrieval text-search-ada-doc-001

Code search embedding

Similar to text search embedding models, there are two input types supported by this family: code, for embedding code snippets to be retrieved, and text, for embedding natural language search queries.

Use cases Models
Code search and relevance code-search-ada-code-001

Model summary table and region availability

Region availability is for customers with deployments of the models prior to July 6, 2023.

GPT-3.5 models

Model ID Base model Regions Fine-Tuning Regions Max Request (tokens) Training Data (up to)
text-davinci-002 East US, South Central US, West Europe N/A 4,097 Jun 2021
text-davinci-003 East US, West Europe N/A 4,097 Jun 2021
code-davinci-002 East US, West Europe N/A 8,001 Jun 2021

GPT-3 models

Model ID Base model Regions Fine-Tuning Regions Max Request (tokens) Training Data (up to)
ada N/A N/A 2,049 Oct 2019
text-ada-001 East US, South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,049 Oct 2019
babbage N/A N/A 2,049 Oct 2019
text-babbage-001 East US, South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,049 Oct 2019
curie N/A N/A 2,049 Oct 2019
text-curie-001 East US, South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,049 Oct 2019
davinci N/A N/A 2,049 Oct 2019
text-davinci-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A

Codex models

Model ID Base model Regions Fine-Tuning Regions Max Request (tokens) Training Data (up to)
code-cushman-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,048

Embedding models

Model ID Base model Regions Fine-Tuning Regions Max Request (tokens) Training Data (up to)
text-similarity-ada-001 East US, South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-similarity-babbage-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-similarity-curie-001 East US, South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-similarity-davinci-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-search-ada-doc-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-search-ada-query-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-search-babbage-doc-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-search-babbage-query-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-search-curie-doc-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-search-curie-query-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-search-davinci-doc-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
text-search-davinci-query-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
code-search-ada-code-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
code-search-ada-text-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
code-search-babbage-code-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020
code-search-babbage-text-001 South Central US, West Europe N/A 2,046 Aug 2020