

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL: Java SDK v4 examples



To learn more about Java SDK v4, please see the Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 Release notes, Maven repository, Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 performance tips, and Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 troubleshooting guide for more information. If you are currently using an older version than v4, see the Migrate to Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 guide for help upgrading to v4.


If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.

You can try Azure Cosmos DB for free, without an Azure subscription, and with no commitment required. Alternatively, you can create an Azure Cosmos DB free tier account, with the first 1000 RU/s and 25 GB of storage for free. You can also use the Azure Cosmos DB emulator with a URI of https://localhost:8081. For the key to use with the emulator, see Authenticating requests.

The latest sample applications that perform CRUD operations and other common operations on Azure Cosmos DB resources are included in the azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samples GitHub repository. This article provides:

  • Links to the tasks in each of the example Java project files.
  • Links to the related API reference content.


You need the following to run this sample application:

  • Java Development Kit 8
  • Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4

You can optionally use Maven to get the latest Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 binaries for use in your project. Maven automatically adds any necessary dependencies. Otherwise, you can directly download the dependencies listed in the pom.xml file and add them to your build path.


Running the sample applications

Clone the sample repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samples.git

$ cd azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samples

You can run the samples using either an IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, or VS Code) or from the command line using Maven.

These environment variables must be set

ACCOUNT_HOST=your account hostname;ACCOUNT_KEY=your account primary key

in order to give the samples read/write access to your account.

To run a sample, specify its Main Class


where sample.synchronicity.MainClass can be

  • crudquickstart.sync.SampleCRUDQuickstart
  • crudquickstart.async.SampleCRUDQuickstartAsync
  • indexmanagement.sync.SampleIndexManagement
  • indexmanagement.async.SampleIndexManagementAsync
  • storedprocedure.sync.SampleStoredProcedure
  • storedprocedure.async.SampleStoredProcedureAsync
  • changefeed.SampleChangeFeedProcessor (Changefeed has only an async sample, no sync sample.) ...etc...


Each sample is self-contained; it sets itself up and cleans up after itself. The samples issue multiple calls to create a CosmosContainer or CosmosAsyncContainer. Each time this is done, your subscription is billed for 1 hour of usage for the performance tier of the collection created.

Database examples

The Database CRUD Sample files for sync and async show how to perform the following tasks. To learn about the Azure Cosmos DB databases before running the following samples, see Working with databases, containers, and items conceptual article.

Task API reference
Create a database CosmosClient.createDatabaseIfNotExists
Read a database by ID CosmosClient.getDatabase
Read all the databases CosmosClient.readAllDatabases
Delete a database CosmosDatabase.delete

Collection examples

The Collection CRUD Samples files for sync and async show how to perform the following tasks. To learn about the Azure Cosmos DB collections before running the following samples, see Working with databases, containers, and items conceptual article.

Task API reference
Create a collection CosmosDatabase.createContainerIfNotExists
Change configured performance of a collection CosmosContainer.replaceThroughput
Get a collection by ID CosmosDatabase.getContainer
Read all the collections in a database CosmosDatabase.readAllContainers
Delete a collection CosmosContainer.delete

Autoscale collection examples

To learn more about autoscale before running these samples, take a look at these instructions for enabling autoscale in your account and in your databases and containers.

The autoscale database sample files for sync and async show how to perform the following task.

Task API reference
Create a database with specified autoscale max throughput CosmosClient.createDatabase

The autoscale collection samples files for sync and async show how to perform the following tasks.

Task API reference
Create a collection with specified autoscale max throughput CosmosDatabase.createContainerIfNotExists
Change configured autoscale max throughput of a collection CosmosContainer.replaceThroughput
Read autoscale throughput configuration of a collection CosmosContainer.readThroughput

Analytical storage collection examples

The Analytical storage Collection CRUD Samples files for sync and async show how to perform the following tasks. To learn about the Azure Cosmos DB collections before running the following samples, read about Azure Cosmos DB Synapse and Analytical Store.

Task API reference
Create a collection CosmosDatabase.createContainerIfNotExists

Item examples

The Document CRUD Samples files for sync and async show how to perform the following tasks. To learn about the Azure Cosmos DB documents before running the following samples, see Working with databases, containers, and items conceptual article.


You must specify a partition key when performing operations against a specific item.

Task API reference
Create a document CosmosContainer.createItem
Read a document by ID CosmosContainer.readItem
Query for documents CosmosContainer.queryItems
Replace a document CosmosContainer.replaceItem
Upsert a document CosmosContainer.upsertItem
Delete a document CosmosContainer.deleteItem
Replace a document with conditional ETag check CosmosItemRequestOptions.setIfMatchETag (sync)
CosmosItemRequestOptions.setIfMatchETag (async)
Read document only if document has changed CosmosItemRequestOptions.setIfNoneMatchETag (sync)
CosmosItemRequestOptions.setIfNoneMatchETag (async)
Partial document update CosmosContainer.patchItem
Bulk document update Bulk samples
Transactional batch batch samples

Indexing examples

The Collection CRUD Samples file shows how to perform the following tasks. To learn about indexing in Azure Cosmos DB before running the following samples, see indexing policies, indexing types, and indexing paths conceptual articles.

Task API reference
Include specified documents paths in the index IndexingPolicy.IncludedPaths
Exclude specified documents paths from the index IndexingPolicy.ExcludedPaths
Create a composite index IndexingPolicy.setCompositeIndexes
Create a geospatial index IndexingPolicy.setSpatialIndexes

For more information about indexing, see Azure Cosmos DB indexing policies.

Query examples

The Query Samples files for sync and async show how to do the following tasks using the SQL query grammar. To learn about the SQL query reference in Azure Cosmos DB before you run the following samples, see SQL query examples for Azure Cosmos DB.

Task API reference
Query for all documents CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query for equality using == CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query for inequality using != and NOT CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query using range operators like >, <, >=, <= CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query using range operators against strings CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query with ORDER BY CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query with DISTINCT CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query with aggregate functions CosmosContainer.queryItems
Work with subdocuments CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query with intra-document Joins CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query with string, math, and array operators CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query with parameterized SQL using SqlQuerySpec CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query with explicit paging CosmosContainer.queryItems
Query partitioned collections in parallel CosmosContainer.queryItems

Change feed examples

The Change Feed Processor Sample file shows how to do the following tasks. To learn about change feed in Azure Cosmos DB before you run the following samples, see Read Azure Cosmos DB change feed and Change feed processor.

Task API reference
Basic change feed functionality ChangeFeedProcessor.changeFeedProcessorBuilder
Read change feed from the beginning ChangeFeedProcessorOptions.setStartFromBeginning()

Server-side programming examples

The Stored Procedure Sample file shows how to do the following tasks. To learn about server-side programming in Azure Cosmos DB before you run the following samples, see Stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions.

Task API reference
Create a stored procedure CosmosScripts.createStoredProcedure
Execute a stored procedure CosmosStoredProcedure.execute
Delete a stored procedure CosmosStoredProcedure.delete

Next steps

Trying to do capacity planning for a migration to Azure Cosmos DB? You can use information about your existing database cluster for capacity planning.