

Diagnose and troubleshoot issues when using Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK


This article covers common issues, workarounds, diagnostic steps, and tools when you use the .NET SDK with Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL accounts. The .NET SDK provides client-side logical representation to access the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL. This article describes tools and approaches to help you if you run into any issues.

Checklist for troubleshooting issues

Consider the following checklist before you move your application to production. Using the checklist will prevent several common issues you might see. You can also quickly diagnose when an issue occurs:

  • Use the latest SDK. Preview SDKs shouldn't be used for production. This will prevent hitting known issues that are already fixed.
  • Review the performance tips, and follow the suggested practices. This will help prevent scaling, latency, and other performance issues.
  • Enable the SDK logging to help you troubleshoot an issue. Enabling the logging may affect performance so it's best to enable it only when troubleshooting issues. You can enable the following logs:
    • Log metrics by using the Azure portal. Portal metrics show the Azure Cosmos DB telemetry, which is helpful to determine if the issue corresponds to Azure Cosmos DB or if it's from the client side.
    • Log the diagnostics string from the operations and/or exceptions.

Take a look at the Common issues and workarounds section in this article.

Check the GitHub issues section that's actively monitored. Check to see if any similar issue with a workaround is already filed. If you didn't find a solution, then file a GitHub issue. You can open a support tick for urgent issues.

Capture diagnostics

All the responses in the SDK, including CosmosException, have a Diagnostics property. This property records all the information related to the single request, including if there were retries or any transient failures.

The diagnostics are returned as a string. The string changes with each version, as it's improved for troubleshooting different scenarios. With each version of the SDK, the string will have breaking changes to the formatting. Don't parse the string to avoid breaking changes. The following code sample shows how to read diagnostic logs by using the .NET SDK:

    ItemResponse<Book> response = await this.Container.CreateItemAsync<Book>(item: testItem);
    if (response.Diagnostics.GetClientElapsedTime() > ConfigurableSlowRequestTimeSpan)
        // Log the response.Diagnostics.ToString() and add any additional info necessary to correlate to other logs 
catch (CosmosException cosmosException)
    // Log the full exception including the stack trace with: cosmosException.ToString()
    // The Diagnostics can be logged separately if required with: cosmosException.Diagnostics.ToString()

// When using Stream APIs
ResponseMessage response = await this.Container.CreateItemStreamAsync(partitionKey, stream);
if (response.Diagnostics.GetClientElapsedTime() > ConfigurableSlowRequestTimeSpan || !response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    // Log the diagnostics and add any additional info necessary to correlate to other logs with: response.Diagnostics.ToString()

Common issues and workarounds

General suggestions

  • Follow any aka.ms link included in the exception details.
  • Run your app in the same Azure region as your Azure Cosmos DB account, whenever possible.
  • You may run into connectivity/availability issues due to lack of resources on your client machine. We recommend monitoring your CPU utilization on nodes running the Azure Cosmos DB client, and scaling up/out if they're running at high load.

Check the portal metrics

Checking the portal metrics will help determine if it's a client-side issue or if there's an issue with the service. For example, if the metrics contain a high rate of rate-limited requests (HTTP status code 429) which means the request is getting throttled then check the Request rate too large section.

Retry design

See our guide to designing resilient applications with Azure Cosmos DB SDKs for guidance on how to design resilient applications and learn which are the retry semantics of the SDK.


If your app is deployed on Azure Virtual Machines without a public IP address, by default Azure SNAT ports establish connections to any endpoint outside of your VM. The number of connections allowed from the VM to the Azure Cosmos DB endpoint is limited by the Azure SNAT configuration. This situation can lead to connection throttling, connection closure, or the above mentioned Request timeouts.

Azure SNAT ports are used only when your VM has a private IP address is connecting to a public IP address. There are two workarounds to avoid Azure SNAT limitation (provided you already are using a single client instance across the entire application):

  • Add your Azure Cosmos DB service endpoint to the subnet of your Azure Virtual Machines virtual network. For more information, see Azure Virtual Network service endpoints.

    When the service endpoint is enabled, the requests are no longer sent from a public IP to Azure Cosmos DB. Instead, the virtual network and subnet identity are sent. This change might result in firewall drops if only public IPs are allowed. If you use a firewall, when you enable the service endpoint, add a subnet to the firewall by using Virtual Network ACLs.

  • Assign a public IP to your Azure VM.

High network latency

See our latency troubleshooting guide for details on latency troubleshooting.

Proxy authentication failures

If you see errors that show as HTTP 407:

Response status code does not indicate success: ProxyAuthenticationRequired (407);

This error isn't generated by the SDK nor it's coming from the Azure Cosmos DB Service. This is an error related to networking configuration. A proxy in your network configuration is most likely missing the required proxy authentication. If you're not expecting to be using a proxy, reach out to your network team. If you are using a proxy, make sure you're setting the right WebProxy configuration on CosmosClientOptions.WebProxy when creating the client instance.

Common query issues

The query metrics will help determine where the query is spending most of the time. From the query metrics, you can see how much of it's being spent on the back-end vs the client. Learn more on the query performance guide.

If you encounter the following error: Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.ServiceInterop.dll' or one of its dependencies: and are using Windows, you should upgrade to the latest Windows version.

Next steps

  • Learn about Performance guidelines for the .NET SDK
  • Learn about the best practices for the .NET SDK