

PropertyInfo.SetValue Method


Sets the property value for a specified object.


SetValue(Object, Object)

Sets the property value of a specified object.

SetValue(Object, Object, Object[])

Sets the property value of a specified object with optional index values for index properties.

SetValue(Object, Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo)

When overridden in a derived class, sets the property value for a specified object that has the specified binding, index, and culture-specific information.

SetValue(Object, Object)


Sets the property value of a specified object.

 void SetValue(System::Object ^ obj, System::Object ^ value);
public void SetValue (object obj, object value);
public void SetValue (object? obj, object? value);
member this.SetValue : obj * obj -> unit
Public Sub SetValue (obj As Object, value As Object)



The object whose property value will be set.


The new property value.


The property's set accessor is not found.


value cannot be converted to the type of PropertyType.

The type of obj does not match the target type, or a property is an instance property but obj is null.

Note: In .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch Exception instead.

There was an illegal attempt to access a private or protected method inside a class.

Note: In .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, MemberAccessException, instead.

An error occurred while setting the property value. The InnerException property indicates the reason for the error.


The following example declares a class named Example with one static (Shared in Visual Basic) and one instance property. The example uses the SetValue(Object, Object) method to change the original property values and displays the original and final values.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

ref class Example
    int static _sharedProperty = 41;
    int _instanceProperty;

        _instanceProperty = 42;

    static property int SharedProperty
        int get() { return _sharedProperty; }
        void set(int value) { _sharedProperty = value; }

    property int InstanceProperty 
        int get() { return _instanceProperty; }
        void set(int value) { _instanceProperty = value; }


void main()
    Console::WriteLine("Initial value of static property: {0}",

    PropertyInfo^ piShared = 
    piShared->SetValue(nullptr, 76, nullptr);
    Console::WriteLine("New value of static property: {0}",

    Example^ exam = gcnew Example();

    Console::WriteLine("\nInitial value of instance property: {0}", 

    PropertyInfo^ piInstance = 
    piInstance->SetValue(exam, 37, nullptr);
    Console::WriteLine("New value of instance property: {0}",

/* The example displays the following output:
      Initial value of static property: 41
      New value of static property: 76

      Initial value of instance property: 42
      New value of instance property: 37
using System;
using System.Reflection;

class Example
    private static int _staticProperty = 41;
    private int _instanceProperty = 42;

    // Declare a public static property.
    public static int StaticProperty
        get { return _staticProperty; }
        set { _staticProperty = value; }

    // Declare a public instance property.
    public int InstanceProperty
        get { return _instanceProperty; }
        set { _instanceProperty = value; }

    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Initial value of static property: {0}",

        // Get a type object that represents the Example type.
        Type examType = typeof(Example);

        // Change the static property value.
        PropertyInfo piShared = examType.GetProperty("StaticProperty");
        piShared.SetValue(null, 76);

        Console.WriteLine("New value of static property: {0}",

        // Create an instance of the Example class.
        Example exam = new Example();

        Console.WriteLine("\nInitial value of instance property: {0}",

        // Change the instance property value.
        PropertyInfo piInstance = examType.GetProperty("InstanceProperty");
        piInstance.SetValue(exam, 37);

        Console.WriteLine("New value of instance property: {0}",
// The example displays the following output:
//       Initial value of static property: 41
//       New value of static property: 76
//       Initial value of instance property: 42
//       New value of instance property: 37
Imports System.Reflection

Class Example
    Private Shared _sharedProperty As Integer = 41
    Private _instanceProperty As Integer = 42

    ' Declare a public static (shared) property.
    Public Shared Property SharedProperty As Integer
            Return _sharedProperty
        End Get
            _sharedProperty = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Declare a public instance property.
    Public Property InstanceProperty As Integer
            Return _instanceProperty
        End Get
            _instanceProperty = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Initial value of shared property: {0}",

        ' Get a type object that represents the Example type.
        Dim examType As Type = GetType(Example)
        ' Change the static (shared) property value.
        Dim piShared As PropertyInfo = examType.GetProperty("SharedProperty")
        piShared.SetValue(Nothing, 76)
        Console.WriteLine("New value of shared property: {0}",

        ' Create an instance of the Example class.
        Dim exam As New Example

        Console.WriteLine("Initial value of instance property: {0}",

        ' Change the instance property value.
        Dim piInstance As PropertyInfo = examType.GetProperty("InstanceProperty")
        piInstance.SetValue(exam, 37)
        Console.WriteLine("New value of instance property: {0}", _
    End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
'       Initial value of shared property: 41
'       New value of shared property: 76
'       Initial value of instance property: 42
'       New value of instance property: 37


The SetValue(Object, Object) overload sets the value of a non-indexed property. To determine whether a property is indexed, call the GetIndexParameters method. If the resulting array has 0 (zero) elements, the property is not indexed. To set the value of an indexed property, call the SetValue(Object, Object, Object[]) overload.

If the property type of this PropertyInfo object is a value type and value is null, the property will be set to the default value for that type.

This is a convenience method that calls the runtime implementation of the abstract SetValue(Object, Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo) method, specifying BindingFlags.Default for the BindingFlags parameter, null for Binder, null for Object[], and null for CultureInfo.

To use the SetValue method, first get a Type object that represents the class. From the Type, get the PropertyInfo object. From the PropertyInfo object, call the SetValue method.


Starting with .NET Framework 2.0, this method can be used to access non-public members if the caller has been granted ReflectionPermission with the ReflectionPermissionFlag.RestrictedMemberAccess flag and if the grant set of the non-public members is restricted to the caller's grant set, or a subset thereof. (See Security Considerations for Reflection.) To use this functionality, your application should target .NET Framework 3.5 or later.

Applies to

SetValue(Object, Object, Object[])


Sets the property value of a specified object with optional index values for index properties.

 virtual void SetValue(System::Object ^ obj, System::Object ^ value, cli::array <System::Object ^> ^ index);
public virtual void SetValue (object obj, object value, object[] index);
public virtual void SetValue (object? obj, object? value, object?[]? index);
abstract member SetValue : obj * obj * obj[] -> unit
override this.SetValue : obj * obj * obj[] -> unit
Public Overridable Sub SetValue (obj As Object, value As Object, index As Object())



The object whose property value will be set.


The new property value.


Optional index values for indexed properties. This value should be null for non-indexed properties.



The index array does not contain the type of arguments needed.


The property's set accessor is not found.


value cannot be converted to the type of PropertyType.

The object does not match the target type, or a property is an instance property but obj is null.

Note: In .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch Exception instead.

The number of parameters in index does not match the number of parameters the indexed property takes.

There was an illegal attempt to access a private or protected method inside a class.

Note: In .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, MemberAccessException, instead.

An error occurred while setting the property value. For example, an index value specified for an indexed property is out of range. The InnerException property indicates the reason for the error.


The following example defines a class named TestClass that has a read-write property named Caption. It displays the default value of the Caption property, calls the SetValue method to change the property value, and displays the result.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

// Define a property.
public ref class TestClass
   String^ caption;

      caption = "A Default caption";

   property String^ Caption 
      String^ get()
         return caption;

      void set( String^ value )
         if ( caption != value )
            caption = value;



int main()
   TestClass^ t = gcnew TestClass;
   // Get the type and PropertyInfo.
   Type^ myType = t->GetType();
   PropertyInfo^ pinfo = myType->GetProperty( "Caption" );
   // Display the property value, using the GetValue method.
   Console::WriteLine( "\nGetValue: {0}", pinfo->GetValue( t, nullptr ) );
   // Use the SetValue method to change the caption.
   pinfo->SetValue( t, "This caption has been changed.", nullptr );
   // Display the caption again.
   Console::WriteLine( "GetValue: {0}", pinfo->GetValue( t, nullptr ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nPress the Enter key to continue." );
   return 0;

This example produces the following output:
GetValue: A Default caption
GetValue: This caption has been changed

Press the Enter key to continue.
using System;
using System.Reflection;

// Define a class with a property.
public class TestClass
    private string caption = "A Default caption";
    public string Caption
        get { return caption; }
            if (caption != value)
                caption = value;

class TestPropertyInfo
    public static void Main()
        TestClass t = new TestClass();

        // Get the type and PropertyInfo.
        Type myType = t.GetType();
        PropertyInfo pinfo = myType.GetProperty("Caption");

        // Display the property value, using the GetValue method.
        Console.WriteLine("\nGetValue: " + pinfo.GetValue(t, null));

        // Use the SetValue method to change the caption.
        pinfo.SetValue(t, "This caption has been changed.", null);

        //  Display the caption again.
        Console.WriteLine("GetValue: " + pinfo.GetValue(t, null));

        Console.WriteLine("\nPress the Enter key to continue.");

This example produces the following output:

GetValue: A Default caption
GetValue: This caption has been changed

Press the Enter key to continue.
Imports System.Reflection

' Define a class with a property.
Public Class TestClass
    Private myCaption As String = "A Default caption"

    Public Property Caption() As String
            Return myCaption
        End Get
            If myCaption <> value Then myCaption = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Public Class TestPropertyInfo
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim t As New TestClass()

        ' Get the type and PropertyInfo.
        Dim myType As Type = t.GetType()
        Dim pinfo As PropertyInfo = myType.GetProperty("Caption")

        ' Display the property value, using the GetValue method.
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "GetValue: " & pinfo.GetValue(t, Nothing))

        ' Use the SetValue method to change the caption.
        pinfo.SetValue(t, "This caption has been changed.", Nothing)

        ' Display the caption again.
        Console.WriteLine("GetValue: " & pinfo.GetValue(t, Nothing))

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Press the Enter key to continue.")
    End Sub
End Class

' This example produces the following output:
'GetValue: A Default caption
'GetValue: This caption has been changed
'Press the Enter key to continue.

Note that, because the Caption property is not a parameter array, the index argument is null.

The following example declares a class named Example with three properties: a static property (Shared in Visual Basic), an instance property, and an indexed instance property. The example uses the SetValue method to change the default values of the properties and displays the original and final values.

The name that is used to search for an indexed instance property with reflection is different depending on the language and on attributes applied to the property.

  • In Visual Basic, the property name is always used to search for the property with reflection. You can use the Default keyword to make the property a default indexed property, in which case you can omit the name when accessing the property, as in this example. You can also use the property name.

  • In C#, the indexed instance property is a default property called an indexer, and the name is never used when accessing the property in code. By default, the name of the property is Item, and you must use that name when you search for the property with reflection. You can use the IndexerNameAttribute attribute to give the indexer a different name. In this example, the name is IndexedInstanceProperty.

  • In C++, the default specifier can be used to make an indexed property a default indexed property (class indexer). In that case, the name of the property by default is Item, and you must use that name when you search for the property with reflection, as in this example. You can use the IndexerNameAttribute attribute to give the class indexer a different name in reflection, but you cannot use that name to access the property in code. An indexed property that is not a class indexer is accessed using its name, both in code and in reflection.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;

ref class Example
    int static _sharedProperty = 41;
    int _instanceProperty;
    Dictionary<int, String^>^ _indexedInstanceProperty;

        _instanceProperty = 42;
        _indexedInstanceProperty = gcnew Dictionary<int, String^>();

    static property int SharedProperty
        int get() { return _sharedProperty; }
        void set(int value) { _sharedProperty = value; }

    property int InstanceProperty 
        int get() { return _instanceProperty; }
        void set(int value) { _instanceProperty = value; }

    // By default, the name of the default indexed property (class 
    // indexer) is Item, and that name must be used to search for the 
    // property with reflection. The property can be given a different
    // name by using the IndexerNameAttribute attribute.
    property String^ default[int]
        String^ get(int key) 
            String^ returnValue;
            if (_indexedInstanceProperty->TryGetValue(key, returnValue))
                return returnValue;
                return nullptr;
        void set(int key, String^ value)
            if (value == nullptr)
                throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( 
                    "IndexedInstanceProperty value can be an empty string, but it cannot be null.");
                if (_indexedInstanceProperty->ContainsKey(key))
                    _indexedInstanceProperty[key] = value;
                    _indexedInstanceProperty->Add(key, value);

void main()
    Console::WriteLine("Initial value of class-level property: {0}", 

    PropertyInfo^ piShared = 
    piShared->SetValue(nullptr, 76, nullptr);
    Console::WriteLine("Final value of class-level property: {0}", 

    Example^ exam = gcnew Example();

    Console::WriteLine("\nInitial value of instance property: {0}", 

    PropertyInfo^ piInstance = 
    piInstance->SetValue(exam, 37, nullptr);
    Console::WriteLine("Final value of instance property: {0}", 

    exam[17] = "String number 17";
    exam[46] = "String number 46";
    exam[9] = "String number 9";

        "\nInitial value of indexed instance property(17): '{0}'", 

    // By default, the name of the default indexed property (class 
    // indexer) is Item, and that name must be used to search for the 
    // property with reflection. The property can be given a different
    // name by using the IndexerNameAttribute attribute.
    PropertyInfo^ piIndexedInstance =
            "New value for string number 17", 
            gcnew array<Object^> { 17 });
    Console::WriteLine("Final value of indexed instance property(17): '{0}'", 

/* This example produces the following output:

Initial value of class-level property: 41
Final value of class-level property: 76

Initial value of instance property: 42
Final value of instance property: 37

Initial value of indexed instance property(17): 'String number 17'
Final value of indexed instance property(17): 'New value for string number 17'
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

class Example
    private static int _staticProperty = 41;
    public static int StaticProperty
            return _staticProperty;
            _staticProperty = value;

    private int _instanceProperty = 42;
    public int InstanceProperty
            return _instanceProperty;
            _instanceProperty = value;

    private Dictionary<int, string> _indexedInstanceProperty =
        new Dictionary<int, string>();
    // By default, the indexer is named Item, and that name must be used
    // to search for the property. In this example, the indexer is given
    // a different name by using the IndexerNameAttribute attribute.
    public string this[int key]
            string returnValue = null;
            if (_indexedInstanceProperty.TryGetValue(key, out returnValue))
                return returnValue;
                return null;
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("IndexedInstanceProperty value can be an empty string, but it cannot be null.");
                if (_indexedInstanceProperty.ContainsKey(key))
                    _indexedInstanceProperty[key] = value;
                    _indexedInstanceProperty.Add(key, value);

    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Initial value of class-level property: {0}",

        PropertyInfo piShared = typeof(Example).GetProperty("StaticProperty");
        piShared.SetValue(null, 76, null);

        Console.WriteLine("Final value of class-level property: {0}",

        Example exam = new Example();

        Console.WriteLine("\nInitial value of instance property: {0}",

        PropertyInfo piInstance =
        piInstance.SetValue(exam, 37, null);

        Console.WriteLine("Final value of instance property: {0}",

        exam[17] = "String number 17";
        exam[46] = "String number 46";
        exam[9] = "String number 9";

            "\nInitial value of indexed instance property(17): '{0}'",

        // By default, the indexer is named Item, and that name must be used
        // to search for the property. In this example, the indexer is given
        // a different name by using the IndexerNameAttribute attribute.
        PropertyInfo piIndexedInstance =
            "New value for string number 17",
            new object[] { (int) 17 });

            "Final value of indexed instance property(17): '{0}'",

/* This example produces the following output:

Initial value of class-level property: 41
Final value of class-level property: 76

Initial value of instance property: 42
Final value of instance property: 37

Initial value of indexed instance property(17): 'String number 17'
Final value of indexed instance property(17): 'New value for string number 17'
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Class Example

    Private Shared _sharedProperty As Integer = 41
    Public Shared Property SharedProperty As Integer
            Return _sharedProperty
        End Get
            _sharedProperty = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private _instanceProperty As Integer = 42
    Public Property InstanceProperty As Integer
            Return _instanceProperty
        End Get
            _instanceProperty = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private _indexedInstanceProperty As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
    Default Public Property IndexedInstanceProperty(ByVal key As Integer) As String
            Dim returnValue As String = Nothing
            If _indexedInstanceProperty.TryGetValue(key, returnValue) Then
                Return returnValue
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Get
            If Value Is Nothing Then
                Throw New ArgumentNullException( _
                    "IndexedInstanceProperty value can be an empty string, but it cannot be Nothing.")
                If _indexedInstanceProperty.ContainsKey(key) Then
                    _indexedInstanceProperty(key) = Value
                    _indexedInstanceProperty.Add(key, Value)
                End If
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    Shared Sub Main()

        Console.WriteLine("Initial value of class-level property: {0}", _

        Dim piShared As PropertyInfo = _
        piShared.SetValue( _
            Nothing, _
            76, _
        Console.WriteLine("Final value of class-level property: {0}", _

        Dim exam As New Example

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
            "Initial value of instance property: {0}", _

        Dim piInstance As PropertyInfo = _
        piInstance.SetValue( _
            exam, _
            37, _
        Console.WriteLine("Final value of instance property: {0}", _

        exam(17) = "String number 17"
        exam(46) = "String number 46"
        ' In Visual Basic, a default indexed property can also be referred
        ' to by name.
        exam.IndexedInstanceProperty(9) = "String number 9"

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
            "Initial value of indexed instance property(17): '{0}'", _

        Dim piIndexedInstance As PropertyInfo = _
        piIndexedInstance.SetValue( _
            exam, _
            "New value for string number 17", _
            New Object() { CType(17, Integer) })
        Console.WriteLine("Final value of indexed instance property(17): '{0}'", _
    End Sub
End Class

' This example produces the following output:
'Initial value of class-level property: 41
'Final value of class-level property: 76
'Initial value of instance property: 42
'Final value of instance property: 37
'Initial value of indexed instance property(17): 'String number 17'
'Final value of indexed instance property(17): 'New value for string number 17'


If this PropertyInfo object is a value type and value is null, then the property will be set to the default value for that type.

To determine whether a property is indexed, use the GetIndexParameters method. If the resulting array has 0 (zero) elements, the property is not indexed.

This is a convenience method that calls the runtime implementation of the abstract SetValue(Object, Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo) method, specifying BindingFlags.Default for the BindingFlags parameter, null for Binder, and null for CultureInfo.

To use the SetValue method, first get a Type object that represents the class. From the Type, get the PropertyInfo. From the PropertyInfo, use the SetValue method.


Starting with .NET Framework 2.0, this method can be used to access non-public members if the caller has been granted ReflectionPermission with the ReflectionPermissionFlag.RestrictedMemberAccess flag and if the grant set of the non-public members is restricted to the caller's grant set, or a subset thereof. (See Security Considerations for Reflection.) To use this functionality, your application should target .NET Framework 3.5 or later.

Applies to

SetValue(Object, Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo)


When overridden in a derived class, sets the property value for a specified object that has the specified binding, index, and culture-specific information.

 abstract void SetValue(System::Object ^ obj, System::Object ^ value, System::Reflection::BindingFlags invokeAttr, System::Reflection::Binder ^ binder, cli::array <System::Object ^> ^ index, System::Globalization::CultureInfo ^ culture);
public abstract void SetValue (object? obj, object? value, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder? binder, object?[]? index, System.Globalization.CultureInfo? culture);
public abstract void SetValue (object obj, object value, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, object[] index, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture);
abstract member SetValue : obj * obj * System.Reflection.BindingFlags * System.Reflection.Binder * obj[] * System.Globalization.CultureInfo -> unit
Public MustOverride Sub SetValue (obj As Object, value As Object, invokeAttr As BindingFlags, binder As Binder, index As Object(), culture As CultureInfo)



The object whose property value will be set.


The new property value.


A bitwise combination of the following enumeration members that specify the invocation attribute: InvokeMethod, CreateInstance, Static, GetField, SetField, GetProperty, or SetProperty. You must specify a suitable invocation attribute. For example, to invoke a static member, set the Static flag.


An object that enables the binding, coercion of argument types, invocation of members, and retrieval of MemberInfo objects through reflection. If binder is null, the default binder is used.


Optional index values for indexed properties. This value should be null for non-indexed properties.


The culture for which the resource is to be localized. If the resource is not localized for this culture, the Parent property will be called successively in search of a match. If this value is null, the culture-specific information is obtained from the CurrentUICulture property.



The index array does not contain the type of arguments needed.


The property's set accessor is not found.


value cannot be converted to the type of PropertyType.

The object does not match the target type, or a property is an instance property but obj is null.

The number of parameters in index does not match the number of parameters the indexed property takes.

There was an illegal attempt to access a private or protected method inside a class.

An error occurred while setting the property value. For example, an index value specified for an indexed property is out of range. The InnerException property indicates the reason for the error.


If this PropertyInfo object is a value type and value is null, then the property will be set to the default value for that type.

To determine whether a property is indexed, use the GetIndexParameters method. If the resulting array has 0 (zero) elements, the property is not indexed.

Access restrictions are ignored for fully trusted code. That is, private constructors, methods, fields, and properties can be accessed and invoked via Reflection whenever the code is fully trusted.

To use the SetValue method, first get the class Type. From the Type, get the PropertyInfo. From the PropertyInfo, use the SetValue method.


Starting with .NET Framework 2.0, this method can be used to access non-public members if the caller has been granted ReflectionPermission with the ReflectionPermissionFlag.RestrictedMemberAccess flag and if the grant set of the non-public members is restricted to the caller's grant set, or a subset thereof. (See Security Considerations for Reflection.) To use this functionality, your application should target .NET Framework 3.5 or later.

Applies to