

DragDrop.QueryContinueDrag Attached Event


Occurs continuously while a drag-and-drop operation is in progress, and enables the drop source to end the drag-and-drop operation depending on the key/button states.

see AddQueryContinueDragHandler, and RemoveQueryContinueDragHandler
see AddQueryContinueDragHandler, and RemoveQueryContinueDragHandler
see AddQueryContinueDragHandler, and RemoveQueryContinueDragHandler


The QueryContinueDrag event is raised continuously while the drag source is being dragged. You can handle this event to determine what action ends the drag-and-drop operation based on the state of the ESC, SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys, as well as the state of the mouse buttons. The default handler for this event cancels the drag-and-drop operation if the ESC key is pressed, and drops the data if the mouse button is released. If you handle this event to change the default behavior, be sure to provide an equivalent mechanism in your handler to end the drag-and-drop operation. Otherwise, the DoDragDrop method will not return and your application will stop responding. If you handle this event, you must mark it as handled to prevent the default behavior from overriding your handler.

Routed Event Information

Identifier Field QueryContinueDragEvent
Routing Strategy Bubbling
Delegate QueryContinueDragEventHandler

The corresponding tunneling event is PreviewQueryContinueDrag.

Applies to

See also