

ToolStripItem.AutoToolTip Property


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the Text property or the ToolTipText property for the ToolStripItem ToolTip.

 property bool AutoToolTip { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public bool AutoToolTip { get; set; }
member this.AutoToolTip : bool with get, set
Public Property AutoToolTip As Boolean

Property Value

true to use the Text property for the ToolTip; otherwise, false. The default is true.


The following code example demonstrates how to set the Image, ImageScaling, and ImageTransparentColor for a ToolStripItem. In addition, it demonstrates how to set and show a custom ToolTip for the item.

ToolStripButton^ imageButton;

void InitializeImageButtonWithToolTip()

    // Construct the button and set the image-related properties.
    imageButton = gcnew ToolStripButton;
    imageButton->Image = 
        gcnew Bitmap(Timer::typeid,"Timer.bmp");
    imageButton->ImageScaling = 

    // Set the background color of the image to be transparent.
    imageButton->ImageTransparentColor = 
        Color::FromArgb(0, 255, 0);

    // Show ToolTip text, set custom ToolTip text, and turn
    // off the automatic ToolTips.
    toolStrip1->ShowItemToolTips = true;
    imageButton->ToolTipText = "Click for the current time";
    imageButton->AutoToolTip = false;

    // Add the button to the ToolStrip.

//   internal:
internal ToolStripButton imageButton;

private void InitializeImageButtonWithToolTip()

    // Construct the button and set the image-related properties.
    imageButton = new ToolStripButton();
    imageButton.Image = new Bitmap(typeof(Timer), "Timer.bmp");
    imageButton.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit;

    // Set the background color of the image to be transparent.
    imageButton.ImageTransparentColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0);

    // Show ToolTip text, set custom ToolTip text, and turn
    // off the automatic ToolTips.
    toolStrip1.ShowItemToolTips = true;
    imageButton.ToolTipText = "Click for the current time";
    imageButton.AutoToolTip = false;

    // Add the button to the ToolStrip.
Friend WithEvents imageButton As ToolStripButton

Private Sub InitializeImageButtonWithToolTip()

    ' Construct the button and set the image-related properties.
    imageButton = New ToolStripButton()
    imageButton.Image = New Bitmap(GetType(Timer), "Timer.bmp")
    imageButton.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit

    ' Set the background color of the image to be transparent.
    imageButton.ImageTransparentColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0)

    ' Show ToolTip text, set custom ToolTip text, and turn
    ' off the automatic ToolTips.
    toolStrip1.ShowItemToolTips = True
    imageButton.ToolTipText = "Click for the current time"
    imageButton.AutoToolTip = False

    ' Add the button to the ToolStrip.

End Sub


ToolStripItem uses the Text property as the default source for the ToolTip content. Set AutoToolTip to false to use ToolTipText as the source for ToolTip content.

To use this property, you must also set ShowItemToolTips to true.

Applies to