9 เม.ย. 15 - 10 เม.ย. 12
JDConf 2025 เขียนโค้ดอนาคตด้วย AI และเชื่อมต่อกับ Java peers และผู้เชี่ยวชาญที่ JDConf 2025
อัปเกรดเป็น Microsoft Edge เพื่อใช้ประโยชน์จากคุณลักษณะล่าสุด เช่น การอัปเดตความปลอดภัยและการสนับสนุนด้านเทคนิค
Token protection (sometimes referred to as token binding in the industry) attempts to reduce attacks using token theft by ensuring a token is usable only from the intended device. When an attacker is able to steal a token, by hijacking or replay, they can impersonate their victim until the token expires or is revoked. Token theft is thought to be a relatively rare event, but the damage from it can be significant.
Token protection creates a cryptographically secure tie between the token and the device (client secret) it's issued to. Without the client secret, the bound token is useless. When a user registers a Windows 10 or newer device in Microsoft Entra ID, their primary identity is bound to the device. What this means: A policy can ensure that only bound sign-in session (or refresh) tokens, otherwise known as Primary Refresh Tokens (PRTs) are used by applications when requesting access to a resource.
Token protection is currently in public preview. For more information about previews, see Universal License Terms For Online Services. With this preview, we're giving you the ability to create a Conditional Access policy to require token protection for sign-in tokens (refresh tokens) for specific services. We support token protection for sign-in tokens in Conditional Access for desktop applications accessing Exchange Online and SharePoint Online on Windows devices.
The following changes have been made to Token Protection since the initial public preview release:
We may interchange sign in tokens and refresh tokens in this content. If you want to provide protection for Microsoft 365 access tokens and application session cookies, consider trying compliant network check enforcement.
This preview supports the following configurations for access to resources with Token Protection Conditional Access policies applied:
Using this feature requires Microsoft Entra ID P2 licenses. To find the right license for your requirements, see Compare generally available features of Microsoft Entra ID.
Token Protection enforcement is part of Microsoft Entra ID Protection and will be part of the P2 license at general availability.
For users, the deployment of a Conditional Access policy to enforce token protection should be invisible when using compatible client platforms on registered devices and compatible applications.
To minimize the likelihood of user disruption due to app or device incompatibility, we highly recommend:
This process helps to assess your users’ client and app compatibility for token protection enforcement.
Users who perform specialized roles like those described in Privileged access security levels are possible targets for this functionality. We recommend piloting with a small subset to begin.
The steps that follow help create a Conditional Access policy to require token protection for Exchange Online and SharePoint Online on Windows devices.
Under Select, select the following applications supported by the preview:
Your Conditional Access policy should only be configured for these applications. Selecting the Office 365 application group may result in unintended failures. This is an exception to the general rule that the Office 365 application group should be selected in a Conditional Access policy.
Choose Select.
Not configuring the Client Apps condition, or leaving Browser selected may cause applications that use MSAL.js, such as Teams Web to be blocked.
After administrators confirm the settings using report-only mode, they can move the Enable policy toggle from Report-only to On.
Monitoring Conditional Access enforcement of token protection before and after enforcement.
Use Microsoft Entra sign-in log to verify the outcome of a token protection enforcement policy in report only mode or in enabled mode.
You can also use Log Analytics to query the sign-in logs (interactive and non-interactive) for blocked requests due to token protection enforcement failure.
Here's a sample Log Analytics query searching the non-interactive sign-in logs for the last seven days, highlighting Blocked versus Allowed requests by Application. These queries are only samples and are subject to change.
Sign In logs output: The value of the string used in "enforcedSessionControls" and "sessionControlsNotSatisfied" changed from "Binding" to "SignInTokenProtection" in late June 2023. Queries on Sign In Log data should be updated to reflect this change. The examples cover both values to include historical data.
//Per Apps query
// Select the log you want to query (SigninLogs or AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs )
// Adjust the time range below
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| project Id,ConditionalAccessPolicies, Status,UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName, ResourceDisplayName
| where ConditionalAccessPolicies != "[]"
| where ResourceDisplayName == "Office 365 Exchange Online" or ResourceDisplayName =="Office 365 SharePoint Online"
//Add userPrinicpalName if you want to filter
// | where UserPrincipalName =="<user_principal_Name>"
| mv-expand todynamic(ConditionalAccessPolicies)
| where ConditionalAccessPolicies ["enforcedSessionControls"] contains '["Binding"]' or ConditionalAccessPolicies ["enforcedSessionControls"] contains '["SignInTokenProtection"]'
| where ConditionalAccessPolicies.result !="reportOnlyNotApplied" and ConditionalAccessPolicies.result !="notApplied"
| extend SessionNotSatisfyResult = ConditionalAccessPolicies["sessionControlsNotSatisfied"]
| extend Result = case (SessionNotSatisfyResult contains 'SignInTokenProtection' or SessionNotSatisfyResult contains 'SignInTokenProtection', 'Block','Allow')
| summarize by Id,UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName, Result
| summarize Requests = count(), Users = dcount(UserPrincipalName), Block = countif(Result == "Block"), Allow = countif(Result == "Allow"), BlockedUsers = dcountif(UserPrincipalName, Result == "Block") by AppDisplayName
| extend PctAllowed = round(100.0 * Allow/(Allow+Block), 2)
| sort by Requests desc
The result of the previous query should be similar to the following screenshot:
The following query example looks at the non-interactive sign-in log for the last seven days, highlighting Blocked versus Allowed requests by User.
//Per users query
// Select the log you want to query (SigninLogs or AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs )
// Adjust the time range below
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| project Id,ConditionalAccessPolicies, UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName, ResourceDisplayName
| where ConditionalAccessPolicies != "[]"
| where ResourceDisplayName == "Office 365 Exchange Online" or ResourceDisplayName =="Office 365 SharePoint Online"
//Add userPrincipalName if you want to filter
// | where UserPrincipalName =="<user_principal_Name>"
| mv-expand todynamic(ConditionalAccessPolicies)
| where ConditionalAccessPolicies ["enforcedSessionControls"] contains '["Binding"]' or ConditionalAccessPolicies ["enforcedSessionControls"] contains '["SignInTokenProtection"]'
| where ConditionalAccessPolicies.result !="reportOnlyNotApplied" and ConditionalAccessPolicies.result !="notApplied"
| extend SessionNotSatisfyResult = ConditionalAccessPolicies.sessionControlsNotSatisfied
| extend Result = case (SessionNotSatisfyResult contains 'SignInTokenProtection' or SessionNotSatisfyResult contains 'SignInTokenProtection', 'Block','Allow')
| summarize by Id, UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName, ResourceDisplayName,Result
| summarize Requests = count(),Block = countif(Result == "Block"), Allow = countif(Result == "Allow") by UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName,ResourceDisplayName
| extend PctAllowed = round(100.0 * Allow/(Allow+Block), 2)
| sort by UserPrincipalName asc
9 เม.ย. 15 - 10 เม.ย. 12
JDConf 2025 เขียนโค้ดอนาคตด้วย AI และเชื่อมต่อกับ Java peers และผู้เชี่ยวชาญที่ JDConf 2025
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