

Verifiable credentials admin API

The Microsoft Entra Verified ID Admin API enables you to manage all aspects of the Verifiable Credential service. It offers a way to set up a brand new service, manage and create Verifiable Credential contracts, revoke Verifiable Credentials and completely opt out the service as well.

The API is intended for developers comfortable with RESTful APIs and enough permissions on the Microsoft Entra tenant to enable the service

Base URL

The Admin API is server over HTTPS. All URLs referenced in the documentation have the following base: https://verifiedid.did.msidentity.com.


The API is protected through Microsoft Entra ID and uses OAuth2 bearer tokens. The access token can be for a user or for an application.

User bearer tokens

The app registration needs to have the API Permission for Verifiable Credentials Service Admin and then when acquiring the access token the app should use scope 6a8b4b39-c021-437c-b060-5a14a3fd65f3/full_access. The access token must be for a user with the Global Administrator or the authentication policy administrator role. A user with role global reader can perform read-only API calls.

Application bearer tokens

The Verifiable Credentials Service Admin service supports the following application permissions.

Permission Description
VerifiableCredential.Authority.ReadWrite Permission to read/write authority object(s)
VerifiableCredential.Contract.ReadWrite Permission to read/write contract object(s)
VerifiableCredential.Credential.Search Permission to search for a credential to revoke
VerifiableCredential.Credential.Revoke Permission to revoke a previously issued credential
VerifiableCredential.Network.Read Permission to read entries from the Verified ID Network

The app registration needs to have the API Permission for Verifiable Credentials Service Admin and permissions required from the above table. When acquiring the access token, via the client credentials flow, the app should use scope 6a8b4b39-c021-437c-b060-5a14a3fd65f3/.default.

If the app intends to create a new authority, it needs two things. First, the app registration needs the VerifiableCredential.Authority.ReadWrite permission. Second, the app needs have Create Key permission in Key Vaults Access Policies. If the app only read/writes existing authorities, it does not need the Key Vault permission.


This API is to help create a new environment so new authorities can be set up. This can be triggered manually by navigating to the Verifiable Credential page in the Azure portal as well. You only need to call this API once and only if you want to set up a brand new environment just with the API.

HTTP request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/onboard

Use this endpoint to finish provisioning of the Verifiable Credential service in your tenant. The system creates the rest of the service principals if these aren't provisioned yet.

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Return message

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "f5bf2fc6-7135-4d94-a6fe-c26e4543bc5a",
    "verifiableCredentialServicePrincipalId": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-1111-222222222222",
    "verifiableCredentialRequestServicePrincipalId": "bbbbbbbb-cccc-dddd-2222-333333333333",
    "verifiableCredentialAdminServicePrincipalId": "cccccccc-dddd-eeee-3333-444444444444",
    "status": "Enabled"

Repeatedly calling this API results in the exact same return message.


This endpoint can be used to create or update a Verifiable Credential service instance.


Methods Return Type Description
Get Authority Authority Read properties of an authority
List Authority Authority array Get a list of all configured Authorities/verifiable credential services
Create Authority Authority Create a new authority
Update authority Authority Update authority
Delete authority Authority Delete authority
Generate Well known DID Configuration
Generate DID Document
Validate Well-known DID config
Rotate Signing Key Authority Rotate signing key
Synchronize with DID Document Authority Synchronize DID document with new signing key

Get authority

Retrieve the properties of a configured authority or verifiable credential service instance.

HTTP request

GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId

Replace the :authorityId with the value of one of the configured authorities.

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method

Response message

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
    "name": "ExampleAuthorityName",
    "status": "Enabled",
    "didModel": {
        "did": "did:web:verifiedid.contoso.com",
        "signingKeys": [
        "recoveryKeys": [],
        "updateKeys": [],
        "encryptionKeys": [],
        "linkedDomainUrls": [
        "didDocumentStatus": "published"
    "keyVaultMetadata": {
        "subscriptionId": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e",
        "resourceGroup": "verifiablecredentials",
        "resourceName": "vccontosokv",
        "resourceUrl": "https://vccontosokv.vault.azure.net/"

The response contains the following properties.

Authority type

Property Type Description
Id string An autogenerated unique ID, which can be used to retrieve or update the specific instance of the verifiable credential service
name string The friendly name of this instance of the verifiable credential service
status string status of the service, this value will always be enabled
didModel didModel Information about the DID and keys
keyVaultMetadata keyVaultMeta data Information about the used Key Vault

didModel type


Property Type Description
did string The DID for this verifiable credential service instance
signingKeys string array URL to the signing key
linkedDomainUrls string array Domains linked to this DID, expecting one single entry
didModel didModel Information about the DID and keys
didDocumentStatus string status of the DID, value is always published for this method

keyVaultMetadata type

Property Type Description
subscriptionId string The Azure subscription this Key Vault resides
resourceGroup string name of the resource group from this Key Vault
resourceName string Key Vault name
resourceUrl string URL to this Key Vault

List authorities

Get all configured authorities or verifiable credential services for this tenant

HTTP request

GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Response message

Response message is an array of Authorities


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

            "id": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
            "name": "AuthorityName",
            "status": "Enabled",
            "didModel": {
                "did": "did:web:verifiedid.contoso.com",
                "signingKeys": [
                "recoveryKeys": [],
                "updateKeys": [],
                "encryptionKeys": [],
                "linkedDomainUrls": [
                "didDocumentStatus": "published"
            "keyVaultMetadata": {
                "subscriptionId": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e",
                "resourceGroup": "verifiablecredentials",
                "resourceName": "vccontosokv",
                "resourceUrl": "https://vccontosokv.vault.azure.net/"
            "id": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
            "name": "AuthorityName2",
            "keyVaultUrl": "https://vccontosokv.vault.azure.net/",
            "status": "Enabled",
            "didModel": {
                "did": "did:web:verifiedid2.contoso.com",
                "signingKeys": [
                "recoveryKeys": [],
                "updateKeys": [],
                "encryptionKeys": [],
                "linkedDomainUrls": [
                "didDocumentStatus": "published"
            "keyVaultMetadata": {
                "subscriptionId": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e",
                "resourceGroup": "verifiablecredentials",
                "resourceName": "vccontosokv",
                "resourceUrl": "https://vccontosokv.vault.azure.net/"

Create authority

This call creates a new private key, recovery key and update key, stores these keys in the specified Azure Key Vault and sets the permissions to this Key Vault for the verifiable credential service and a create new DID with corresponding DID Document.

HTTP request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

In the request body, supply a JSON representation of the following

Property Type Description
name string The display name of this instance of the service
linkedDomainUrl string The domain linked to this DID
didMethod string Must be web
keyVaultMetadata keyVaultMetadata meta data for specific key vault

Example message:

  "didMethod": "web",
    "resourceUrl": "https://vccontosokv.vault.azure.net/"

Response message

When successful the response message contains the name of the authority

Example message for did:web:

    "id": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
    "name": "APItesta",
    "status": "Enabled",
    "didModel": {
        "did": "did:web:verifiedid.contoso.com",
        "signingKeys": [
        "recoveryKeys": [],
        "updateKeys": [],
        "encryptionKeys": [],
        "linkedDomainUrls": [
        "didDocumentStatus": "published"
    "keyVaultMetadata": {
        "subscriptionId": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e",
        "resourceGroup": "verifiablecredentials",
        "resourceName": "vcwingtipskv",
        "resourceUrl": "https://vcwingtipskv.vault.azure.net/"
    "linkedDomainsVerified": false

Example message for did:ion:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
    "name": "APItest6",
    "status": "Enabled",
    "didModel": {
        "did": "did:web:verifiedid.contoso.com",
        "signingKeys": [
        "recoveryKeys": [],
        "updateKeys": [],
        "encryptionKeys": [],
        "linkedDomainUrls": [
        "didDocumentStatus": "submitted"
    "keyVaultMetadata": {
        "subscriptionId": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e",
        "resourceGroup": "verifiablecredentials",
        "resourceName": "vccontosokv",
        "resourceUrl": "https://vccontosokv.vault.azure.net/"


You can create multiple authorities with their own DID and private keys, these will not be visible in the UI of the Azure portal. Currently we only support having 1 authority. We have not fully tested all scenarios with multiple created authorities. If you are trying this please let us know your experience.

Update authority

This method can be used to update the display name of this specific instance of the verifiable credential service.

HTTP request

PATCH /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId

Replace the value of :authorityId with the value of the authority ID you want to update.

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

In the request body, supply a JSON representation of the following.

Property Type Description
name string The display name of this instance of the service

Example message


Delete authority

This method can be used to delete an authority. Currently only did:ion authorities can be deleted. When you delete an authority, any issued Verified ID credentials becomes invalid and cannot be verified anymore as the issuing authority is gone.

HTTP request

DELETE /beta/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId

Replace the value of :authorityId with the value of the authority ID you want to delete.

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

No request body

Response message

Example response message:

Successful delete authority response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

If delete of authority was successful but cleanup of Azure Key Vault keys had failed, you get the below response.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-type: application/json

"error": {
        "code": "deleteIssuerSuccessfulButKeyDeletionFailed",
        "message": "The organization has been opted out of the Verifiable Credentials, but the following keys could not be deleted. To keep your organization secure, delete keys that are not in use. https://kxxxxxx.vault.azure.net/keys/vcSigningKey-9daeexxxxx-0575-23dc-81be-5f6axxxxx/0dcc532adb9a4fcf9902f90xxxxx"

Well-known DID configuration

The generateWellknownDidConfiguration method generates the signed did-configuration.json file. The file must be uploaded to the .well-known folder in the root of the website hosted for the domain in the linked domain of this verifiable credential instance. Instructions can be found here.

HTTP request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/generateWellknownDidConfiguration

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

You need to specify one of the domains in the linkedDomains of the specified authority.


Response message

Example response message:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "@context": "https://identity.foundation/.well-known/contexts/did-configuration-v0.0.jsonld",
    "linked_dids": [

Save this result with the file name did-configuration.json and upload this file to the correct folder and website. If you specify a domain not linked to this DID/DID Document, you receive an error:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-type: application/json

  "date":"Mon, 07 Feb 2022 18:55:53 GMT",
    "message":"The domain used as an input to generate the well-known document is not registered with your organization. Domain: https://wrongdomain/"


You can point multiple DIDs to the same domain. If you choose this configuration, you need to combine generated tokens and put them in the same did-configuration.json file. The file contains an array of these tokens.

For example:

    "@context": "https://identity.foundation/.well-known/contexts/did-configuration-v0.0.jsonld",
    "linked_dids": [

Generate DID document

This call generates the DID Document used for DID:WEB identifiers. After generating this DID Document, the administrator has to place the file at the https://domain/.well-known/did.json location.

HTTP request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/generateDidDocument

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Response message

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "did:web:verifiedid.contoso.com",
    "@context": [
            "@base": "did:web:verifiedid.contoso.com"
    "service": [
            "id": "#linkeddomains",
            "type": "LinkedDomains",
            "serviceEndpoint": {
                "origins": [
            "id": "#hub",
            "type": "IdentityHub",
            "serviceEndpoint": {
                "instances": [
    "verificationMethod": [
            "id": "#a2518db3b6b44332b3b667928a51b0cavcSigningKey-f0a5b",
            "controller": "did:web:verifiedid.contoso.com",
            "type": "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019",
            "publicKeyJwk": {
                "crv": "secp256k1",
                "kty": "EC",
                "x": "bFkOsjDB_K-hfz-c-ggspVHETMeZm31CtuzOt0PrmZc",
                "y": "sewHrUNpXvJ7k-_4K8Yq78KgKzT1Vb7kmhK8x7_6h0g"
    "authentication": [
    "assertionMethod": [


Requires the caller to have the KEY List permissions on the target key vault.

Validate well-known DID configuration

This call checks your DID setup. It downloads the well known DID configuration and validates if the correct DID is used and the signature is correct.

HTTP request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/validateWellKnownDidConfiguration

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Response message

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-type: application/json

Rotate signing key

The rotate signing key creates a new private key for the did:web authority. The DID document should be re-registered to reflect the update. When this is done, the synchronizeWithDidDocument tells the system to start using the new key for signing.

HTTP request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/didInfo/signingKeys/rotate

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request Body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Response message

The didDocumentStatus will change to outOfSync.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
    "name": "APItesta",
    "status": "Enabled",
    "didModel": {
        "did": "did:web:verifiedid.contoso.com",
        "signingKeys": [
        "recoveryKeys": [],
        "updateKeys": [],
        "encryptionKeys": [],
        "linkedDomainUrls": [
        "didDocumentStatus": "outOfSync"
    "keyVaultMetadata": {
        "subscriptionId": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e",
        "resourceGroup": "verifiablecredentials",
        "resourceName": "vcwingtipskv",
        "resourceUrl": "https://vcwingtipskv.vault.azure.net/"
    "linkedDomainsVerified": false

Synchronize with DID Document

After rotating the signing key, the DID document should be re-registered to reflect the update. When this is done, the synchronizeWithDidDocument tells the system to start using the new key for signing.

HTTP request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/didInfo/synchronizeWithDidDocument

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request Body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Response message

The didDocumentStatus will change from outOfSync to published on a successful call.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
    "name": "APItesta",
    "status": "Enabled",
    "didModel": {
        "did": "did:web:verifiedid.contoso.com",
        "signingKeys": [
        "recoveryKeys": [],
        "updateKeys": [],
        "encryptionKeys": [],
        "linkedDomainUrls": [
        "didDocumentStatus": "published"
    "keyVaultMetadata": {
        "subscriptionId": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e",
        "resourceGroup": "verifiablecredentials",
        "resourceName": "vcwingtipskv",
        "resourceUrl": "https://vcwingtipskv.vault.azure.net/"
    "linkedDomainsVerified": false


This endpoint allows you to create new contracts, and update existing contracts. Contracts consist of two parts represented by two JSON definitions. Information on how to design and create a contract manually can be found here.

  • The display definition is used by administrators to control the appearance of a verifiable credential, for example background color, logo and title of the verifiable credential. This file also contains the claims that need to be stored inside the verifiable credential.
  • The rules definition contains the information on how to gather and collect attestations like self-attested claims, another verifiable credential as input or perhaps an ID Token received after a user has signed in to an OIDC compatible identity provider.


Methods Return Type Description
Get contract Contract Read properties of a Contract
List contracts Contract collection Get a list of all configured contracts
Create contract Contract Create a new contract
Update contract Contract Update contract

Get contract

HTTP request

GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/contracts/:contractId

Replace the :authorityId and :contractId with the correct value of the authority and contract.

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Response message

example message:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "A1bC2dE3fH4iJ5kL6mN7oP8qR9sT0u",
    "name": "contractname",
    "status": "Enabled",
    "issueNotificationEnabled": false,
    "availableInVcDirectory": false,
    "manifestUrl": "...",
    "issueNotificationAllowedToGroupOids" : null,
    "rules": <rulesModel>,
    "displays": <displayModel[]>,
    "allowOverrideValidityIntervalOnIssuance": false

The response contains the following properties

Contract type

Property Type Description
Id string contract ID
name string The friendly name of this contract
status string Always Enabled
manifestUrl string URL to the contract used in the issuance request
issueNotificationEnabled boolean set to true if users will be notified this VC is ready for them to get issued
issueNotificationAllowedToGroupOids array of groupId strings array of group IDs this credential will be offered to
availableInVcDirectory boolean Is this contract published in the Verifiable Credential Network
rules rulesModel rules definition
displays displayModel array display definitions
allowOverrideValidityIntervalOnIssuance boolean If the createIssuanceRequest API call is allowed to override expiry of the credential. This is only valid for idTokenHint flows.

rulesModel type

Property Type Description
attestations attestations describing supported inputs for the rules
validityInterval number this value shows the lifespan of the credential
vc vcType array types for this contract
customStatusEndpoint [customStatusEndpoint] (#customstatusendpoint-type) (optional) status endpoint to include in the verifiable credential for this contract

If the property customStatusEndpoint property isn't specified, then the anonymous status endpoint is used.

attestations type

Property Type Description
idTokens idTokenAttestation (array) (optional) describes ID token inputs
idTokenHints idTokenHintAttestation (array) (optional) describes ID token hint inputs
presentations verifiablePresentationAttestation (array) (optional) describes verifiable presentations inputs
selfIssued selfIssuedAttestation (array) (optional) describes self issued inputs
accessTokens accessTokenAttestation (array) (optional) describes access token inputs

idTokenAttestation type

Property Type Description
mapping claimMapping (optional) rules to map input claims into output claims in the verifiable credential
configuration string (url) location of the identity provider's configuration document
clientId string client ID to use when obtaining the ID token
redirectUri string redirect uri to use when obtaining the ID token MUST BE vcclient://openid/
scope string space delimited list of scopes to use when obtaining the ID token
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this attestation is required or not

idTokenHintAttestation type

Property Type Description
mapping claimMapping (optional) rules to map input claims into output claims in the verifiable credential
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this attestation is required or not
trustedIssuers string (array) a list of DIDs allowed to issue the verifiable credential for this contract

verifiablePresentationAttestation type

Property Type Description
mapping claimMapping (optional) rules to map input claims into output claims in the verifiable credential
credentialType string (optional) required credential type of the input
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this attestation is required or not
trustedIssuers string (array) a list of DIDs allowed to issue the verifiable credential for this contract

selfIssuedAttestation type

Property Type Description
mapping claimMapping (optional) rules to map input claims into output claims in the verifiable credential
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this attestation is required or not

accessTokenAttestation type

Property Type Description
mapping claimMapping (optional) rules to map input claims into output claims in the verifiable credential
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this attestation is required or not

Supported inputClaim values for the mappings property are: givenName, displayName, preferredLanguage, userPrincipalName, surname, mail, jobTitle, photo.

claimMapping type

Property Type Description
inputClaim string the name of the claim to use from the input
outputClaim string the name of the claim in the verifiable credential
indexed boolean (default false) indicating whether the value of this claim is used for searching; only one clientMapping object is allowed to be indexed for a given contract
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this mapping is required or not
type string (optional) type of claim

customStatusEndpoint type

Property Type Description
url string (url) the url of the custom status endpoint
type string the type of the endpoint


"rules": {
    "attestations": {
        "idTokens": [
                "clientId": "00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444",
                "configuration": "https://bankofwoodgrove.b2clogin.com/bankofwoodgrove.onmicrosoft.com/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration?p=B2C_1_si",
                "redirectUri": "vcclient://openid/",
                "scope": "openid",
                "mapping": [
                        "outputClaim": "givenName",
                        "required": false,
                        "inputClaim": "given_name",
                        "indexed": false
                        "outputClaim": "familyName",
                        "required": false,
                        "inputClaim": "family_name",
                        "indexed": true
                "required": false
    "validityInterval": 2592000,
    "vc": {
        "type": [

displayModel type

Property Type Description
locale string the locale of this display
credential displayCredential the display properties of the verifiable credential
consent displayConsent supplemental data when the verifiable credential is issued
claims displayClaims array labels for the claims included in the verifiable credential

displayCredential type

Property Type Description
title string title of the credential
issuedBy string the name of the issuer of the credential
backgroundColor number (hex) background color of the credential in hex, for example, #FFAABB
textColor number (hex) text color of the credential in hex, for example, #FFAABB
description string supplemental text displayed alongside each credential
logo displayCredentialLogo the logo to use for the credential

displayCredentialLogo type

Property Type Description
uri string (uri) uri of the logo. If this is a URL, it must be reachable over the public internet anonymously.
description string the description of the logo

displayConsent type

Property Type Description
title string title of the consent
instructions string supplemental text to use when displaying consent

displayClaims type

Property Type Description
label string the label of the claim in display
claim string the name of the claim to which the label applies
type string the type of the claim
description string (optional) the description of the claim


  "displays": [
            "locale": "en-US",
            "card": {
                "backgroundColor": "#FFA500",
                "description": "ThisisyourBankofWoodgroveIdentity",
                "issuedBy": "BankofWoodgrove",
                "textColor": "#FFFF00",
                "title": "BankofWoodgroveIdentity",
                "logo": {
                    "description": "Defaultbankofwoodgrovelogo",
                    "uri": "https://didcustomerplayground.blob.core.windows.net/public/VerifiedCredentialExpert_icon.png"
            "consent": {
                "instructions": "Please login with your bankofWoodgrove account to receive this credential.",
                "title": "Do you want to accept the verifiedbankofWoodgrove Identity?"
            "claims": [
                    "claim": "vc.credentialSubject.givenName",
                    "label": "Name",
                    "type": "String"
                    "claim": "vc.credentialSubject.familyName",
                    "label": "Surname",
                    "type": "String"

List contracts

This API lists all contracts configured in the current tenant for the specified authority.

HTTP request

GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/contracts

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Response message

example message:

            "id": "A1bC2dE3fH4iJ5kL6mN7oP8qR9sT0u",
            "name": "test1",
            "authorityId": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
            "status": "Enabled",
            "issueNotificationEnabled": false,
            "manifestUrl" : "https://...",
            "rules": "<rules JSON>",
            "displays": [{<display JSON}]
            "id": "C2dE3fH4iJ5kL6mN7oP8qR9sT0uV1w",
            "name": "test2",
            "authorityId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee",
            "status": "Enabled",
            "issueNotificationEnabled": false,
            "manifestUrl" : "https://...",
            "rules": "<rules JSON>",
            "displays": [{<display JSON}]

Create contract

When creating a contract the name has to be unique in the tenant. In case you have created multiple authorities, the contract name has to be unique across all authorities. The name of the contract will be part of the contract URL, which is used in the issuance requests.

HTTP request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/contracts

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Example request

    "name": "ExampleContractName1",
    "rules": "<rules JSON>",
    "displays": [{<display JSON}],

Response message

Example message:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "GUID",
    "name": "ExampleContractName1",
    "issuerId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee",
    "status": "Enabled",
    "issueNotificationEnabled": false,
    "rules": "<rules JSON>",
    "displays": [{<display JSON}],
    "manifestUrl": "https://..."

Update contract

This API Allows you to update the contract.

PATCH /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/contracts/:contractid

Example request:

    "rules": "<rules JSON>",
    "displays": [{<display JSON}],}
    "availableInVcDirectory": true
    "allowOverrideValidityIntervalOnIssuance": true

Response message

Example message:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "A1bC2dE3fH4iJ5kL6mN7oP8qR9sT0u",
    "name": "contractname",
    "status": "Enabled",
    "issueNotificationEnabled": false,
    "availableInVcDirectory": true,
    "manifestUrl": "https://...",
    "issueNotificationAllowedToGroupOids" : null,
    "rules": rulesModel,
    "displays": displayModel[],
    "allowOverrideValidityIntervalOnIssuance": true


This endpoint allows you to search for issued verifiable credentials, check revocation status and revoke credentials.


Methods Return Type Description
Get credential Credential Read properties of a Credential
Search credentials Credential collection Search a list of credentials with a specific claim value
Revoke credential Revoke specific credential

Get credential

This API allows you to retrieve a specific credential and check the status to see if it is revoked or not.

HTTP Request

GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/contracts/:contractId/credentials/:credentialId

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Response message

Example message

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "id": "urn:pic:aea42fb3724b4ef08bd2d2712e79bda2",
    "contractId": "ZjViZjJmYzYtNzEzNS00ZDk0LWE2ZmUtYzI2ZTQ1NDNiYzVhdGVzdDM",
    "status": "valid",
    "issuedAt": "2017-09-13T21:59:23.9868631Z"

Search credentials

You are able to search for verifiable credentials with specific index claims. Since only a hash is stored, you need to search for the specific calculated value. The algorithm you need to use is: Base64Encode(SHA256(contractid + claim value)) An example in C# looks like this:

  string claimvalue = "Bowen";
  string contractid = "<...your-contract-id-value...>";
  string output;

  using (var sha256 = SHA256.Create())
    var input = contractid + claimvalue;
    byte[] inputasbytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input);
    hashedsearchclaimvalue = Convert.ToBase64String(sha256.ComputeHash(inputasbytes));
    output = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode( hashedsearchclaimvalue );

The following request shows how to add the calculated value to the filter parameter of the request. At this moment only the filter=indexclaimhash eq format is supported.

HTTP request

GET /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/contracts/:contractId/credentials?filter=indexclaimhash eq {hashedsearchclaimvalue}

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Response message

Example message

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "value": [
            "id": "urn:pic:aea42fb3724b4ef08bd2d2712e79bda2",
            "status": "valid",
            "issuedAtTimestamp": "Sat, 5 Feb 2022 03:51:29 GMT"

Revoke credential

This API allows you to revoke a specific credential, after you searched for the credential by using the search API the credential can be revoked by specifying the specific credential ID.

HTTP request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/authorities/:authorityId/contracts/:contractId/credentials/:credentialid/revoke

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.

Response message

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-type: application/json


This method will completely remove all instances of the verifiable credential service in this tenant. It removes all configured contracts. Every issued verifiable credential can't be checked for revocation. This action can't be undone.


This action cannot be undone and will invalidate all issued verifiable credentials and created contracts.

HTTP Request

POST /v1.0/verifiableCredentials/optout

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer (token). Required
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method

Response message

Example response message

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json




If you don't have delete permissions on Key Vault we will return an error message and still opt-out

Next steps