

Use PowerShell to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management


Use the Microsoft Teams Shifts connector for Blue Yonder to integrate the Shifts app in Microsoft Teams with Blue Yonder Workforce Management (Blue Yonder WFM). Your frontline workers can seamlessly view and manage their schedules in Blue Yonder WFM from within Shifts.

In this article, we walk you through how to use PowerShell to set up and configure the connector to integrate Shifts with Blue Yonder WFM.

To set up the connection, you run a PowerShell script. The script configures the connector, applies sync settings, creates the connection, and maps Blue Yonder WFM instances to teams. Sync settings determine the features enabled in Shifts and the schedule information that's synced between Blue Yonder WFM and Shifts. Mappings define the sync relationship between your Blue Yonder WFM instances and teams in Teams. You can map to existing teams and new teams.

We provide two scripts. You can use either script, depending on whether you want to map to existing teams or create new teams to map to.

You can set up multiple connections, each with different sync settings. For example, if your organization has multiple locations with different schedule requirements, create a connection with unique sync settings for each location. Keep in mind that a Blue Yonder WFM instance can only be mapped to one team at any given time. If an instance is already mapped to a team, it can't be mapped to another team.

With Blue Yonder WFM as the system of record, your frontline workers can efficiently manage their schedules and availability in Shifts on their devices. Frontline managers can continue to use Blue Yonder WFM to set up schedules.


You can also use the Shifts connector wizard in the Microsoft 365 admin center to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder WFM.

Before you begin


Before you get started, make sure you meet all the following prerequisites:

  • You have Blue Yonder WFM version 2020.3, 2021.1, or 2021.2.


    If you have Blue Yonder WFM 2020.3 or 2021.1, apply the 2020.3.0.4 or 2021.1.0.3 patch. This patch fixes an issue where users get a persistent error message in Shifts. It also fixes an issue that prevents users from updating their availability in Shifts.

  • You know your Blue Yonder WFM service account name, password and service URLs:

    • Federated authentication URL
    • Cookie authentication URL
    • Employee self-service URL
    • Retail web API URL
    • Site manager API URL
    • Administration API URL

    If you don't have all this information, contact Blue Yonder support. A Blue Yonder account is created at the root enterprise level by a Blue Yonder enterprise administrator. It must have API Access, Client Admin, Store Manager, and Worker access. The account and password are required to create a connection.

  • Federated SSO authentication is enabled in your Blue Yonder WFM environment. Contact Blue Yonder support to make sure federated SSO is enabled. They'll need the following information:

    • federatedSSOValidationService: https://wfmconnector.teams.microsoft.com/api/v1/fedauth/{tenantId}/6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74/authorize where {tenantId} is your tenantId
    • proxyHeader: X-MS-AuthToken
  • You have at least one team set up in Teams.

  • You added a general account, what we call the Microsoft 365 system account, as team owner to all teams you want to map.

    Create this account in the Microsoft 365 admin center and assign it a Microsoft 365 license. Then, add the account as a team owner to all teams that you want to map. The Shifts connector uses this account when syncing Shifts changes from Blue Yonder WFM. We recommend you create an account specifically for this purpose and not use your personal user account.

Admin role to manage the connector using PowerShell

You must be a Microsoft 365 Global Administrator or a Shifts connector admin to complete the steps in this article.

The Shifts connector admin role is a custom role that you create in Microsoft Entra ID and assign to a user. The name of the role must be "Shifts connector admin". The role doesn't need to have any specific permissions, although, at least one permission must be set when you create it. The service relies on the presence of the role on the user, and not its permissions.

To learn more, see Create and assign a custom role in Microsoft Entra ID and Assign Microsoft Entra roles to users. Keep in mind that it can take up to 24 hours for the role to be created and applied to a user.


Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. This helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use a less-privileged role.

Set up your environment

  1. Install PowerShell version 7 or later. For step-by-step guidance, see Installing PowerShell on Windows.

  2. Run PowerShell in administrator mode.

  3. Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module.

    Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
    Import-Module Microsoft.Graph

    Verify that it's version 1.6.1 or later.

    Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph 
  4. Install the Teams Preview PowerShell module.

    Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease -Force
    Import-Module MicrosoftTeams 

    Verify that it's at least version 4.7.0 and contains the Shifts connector cmdlets.

    Get-Command -Module MicrosoftTeams -Name *teamsshiftsconnection* 
  5. Set PowerShell to exit if an error occurs when running the script.

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" 
  6. Enable scripts to run in Windows.

    Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass 

Connect to Teams

Run the following to connect to Teams.


When you're prompted, sign in using your admin credentials. You're now set up to run the scripts in this article and Shifts connector cmdlets.

Identify the teams you want to map


Complete this step if you're mapping Blue Yonder WFM instances to existing teams. If you're creating new teams to map to, you can skip this step.

In the Azure portal, go to the All groups page to get a list of the TeamIds of teams in your organization.

Take note of the TeamIds of the teams you want to map. The script will prompt you to enter this information.


If one or more teams have an existing schedule, the script will remove the schedules from those teams. Otherwise, you'll see duplicate shifts.

Run the script

Run one of the following scripts, depending on whether you're creating a new team or mapping to an existing team:

  • To set up a connection, create a new team in Teams, and map a Blue Yonder WFM instance to the new team, run the new teams script.
  • To set up a connection and map Blue Yonder WFM instances to existing teams in Teams, run the existing teams script.

Follow the on-screen instructions when you run the script. The script completes the following actions:

  1. Test and verify the connection to Blue Yonder WFM using the Blue Yonder WFM service account credentials and service URLs that you enter.

  2. Apply sync settings. These settings include the sync frequency (in minutes) and the schedule data synced between Blue Yonder WFM and Shifts. You can enable schedule data defined by these scenarios: Shift, SwapRequest, UserShiftPreferences, OpenShift, OpenShiftRequest, TimeOff, TimeOffRequest.

    To learn more, see New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance. To see the list of supported sync options for each parameter, run Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector.


    The script enables sync for each supported sync option. If you want to change sync settings, you can do so after the connection is set up. To learn more, see Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management.

  3. Map Blue Yonder WFM instances to your teams in Teams.

    • If you chose to run the new teams script to create new teams, mappings are based on the new teams you create.
    • If you chose to run the existing teams script to map existing teams, mappings are based on Blue Yonder instance IDs and TeamIds that you enter. If a team has an existing schedule, the script removes all schedule data.

After you run the script, a Success message confirms if your connection is successfully set up.

Manage your connection

After a connection is set up, you can manage and make changes to it in the Microsoft 365 admin center or by using PowerShell.

Use the Microsoft 365 admin center

The Connector Management page lists each connection that you've set up, along with information such as health status and sync interval details. You can also access the wizard to make changes to any of your connections. For example, you can update sync settings and team mappings.

To learn more, see Use the Microsoft 365 admin center to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management.

Use PowerShell

You can use PowerShell to view an error report, change connection settings, disable sync, and more. For step-by-step guidance, see Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management.


Set up a connection and create a new team

#Map WFM sites to teams script
Write-Output "Map WFM sites to teams"
Start-Sleep 1

#Ensure Teams module is at least version x
Write-Output "Checking Teams module version"
try {
	Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -MinimumVersion 5.2.0
} catch {

#Connect to MS Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"

#List connector types available (comment out if not implemented for preview)
Write-Output "Listing connector types available"
$BlueYonderId = "6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74"
$connectors = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector
Write-Output $connectors

#Prompt for entering of WFM username and password
$WfmUserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your Blue Yonder account username'
$WfmPwd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your Blue Yonder account password' -AsSecureString
$plainPwd =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($WfmPwd))

#Test connection settings
Write-Output "Testing connection settings"
$ConnectionName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connection name'
$adminApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input admin api url'
$cookieAuthUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input cookie authorization url'
$essApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input ess api url'
$federatedAuthUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input federated authorization url'
$retailWebApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input retail web api url'
$siteManagerUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input site manager url'

$testResult = Test-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionValidate `
	-Name $ConnectionName `
	-ConnectorId $BlueYonderId `
    -ConnectorSpecificSettings (New-Object Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.Generated.Models.ConnectorSpecificBlueYonderSettingsRequest `
        -Property @{
            AdminApiUrl = $adminApiUrl
            SiteManagerUrl = $siteManagerUrl
            EssApiUrl = $essApiUrl
            RetailWebApiUrl = $retailWebApiUrl
            CookieAuthUrl = $cookieAuthUrl
            FederatedAuthUrl = $federatedAuthUrl
            LoginUserName = $WfmUserName
            LoginPwd = $plainPwd
if ($NULL -ne $testResult.Code) {
	Write-Output $testResult
	throw "Validation failed, conflict found"
Write-Output "Test complete, no conflicts found"

#Create a connection
Write-Output "Creating a connection"
$ConnectionResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnection `
    -Name $ConnectionName `
    -ConnectorId $BlueYonderId `
    -ConnectorSpecificSettings (New-Object Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.Generated.Models.ConnectorSpecificBlueYonderSettingsRequest `
		-Property @{
			AdminApiUrl = $adminApiUrl
			SiteManagerUrl = $siteManagerUrl
			EssApiUrl = $essApiUrl
			RetailWebApiUrl = $retailWebApiUrl
			CookieAuthUrl = $cookieAuthUrl
			FederatedAuthUrl = $federatedAuthUrl
			LoginUserName = $WfmUserName
			LoginPwd = $plainPwd

$ConnectionId = $ConnectionResponse.Id
if ($null -ne $ConnectionId){
	Write-Output "Successfully created connection"
} else {
	throw "Connection creation failed"

#Create a connection instance
Write-Output "Creating a connection instance"
$designatedActorName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Microsoft 365 System Account (person@contoso.com)"
$designator = Get-MgUser -UserId $designatedActorName
$teamsUserId = $designator.Id
$syncFreq = Read-Host -Prompt "Input sync frequency in minutes"
$InstanceName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input connection instance name"

#Read sync scenarios for connection instance
function GetSyncScenarioSetting {
	param (
	$TwoWay = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&TwoWay', 'TwoWay'
	$Disabled = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Disabled', 'Disabled'
	$FromWfmToShifts = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&FromWfmToShifts', 'FromWfmToShifts'
	$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($TwoWay, $Disabled, $FromWfmToShifts)
	$result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice("Set sync scenario for $SettingName", "", $options, 0)

	switch ($result)
		0 { return "TwoWay" }
		1 { return "Disabled" }
		2 { return "FromWfmToShifts" }
$SyncScenarioOpenShift = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Open Shift"
$SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Open Shift Request"
$SyncScenarioShift = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Shift"
$SyncScenarioSwapRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Swap Request"
$SyncScenarioTimeCard = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Card"
$SyncScenarioTimeOff = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Off"
$SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Off Request"
$SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference = GetSyncScenarioSetting "User Shift Preferences"

#Read admin email list
[psobject[]]$AdminEmailList = @()
while ($true){
	$AdminEmail = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter admin's email to receive error report"
	$AdminEmailList += $AdminEmail
	$title    = 'Adding another email'
	$question = 'Would you like to add another admin email?'
	$choices  = '&Yes', '&No'
	$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
	if ($decision -eq 1) {
$InstanceResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance `
	-ConnectionId $ConnectionId `
    -ConnectorAdminEmail $AdminEmailList `
    -DesignatedActorId $teamsUserId `
    -Name $InstanceName `
    -SyncFrequencyInMin $syncFreq `
	-SyncScenarioOpenShift $SyncScenarioOpenShift `
	-SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest $SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest `
	-SyncScenarioShift $SyncScenarioShift `
	-SyncScenarioSwapRequest $SyncScenarioSwapRequest `
	-SyncScenarioTimeCard $SyncScenarioTimeCard `
	-SyncScenarioTimeOff $SyncScenarioTimeOff `
	-SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest $SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest `
	-SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference $SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference

$InstanceId = $InstanceResponse.id
if ($null -ne $InstanceId){
    Write-Output "Success"
} else {
    throw "Connector instance creation failed"

#Keep mapping teams until user stops it
while ($true)
	#Create a new Teams team with owner set to system account and name set to the site name
	Write-Output "Creating a Teams team"
	$teamsTeamName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the Teams team name"
	$Team = New-Team -DisplayName $teamsTeamName -Visibility "Public" -Owner $teamsUserId
	Write-Output "Successfully created a team"

	#Retrieve the list of wfm locations
	Write-Output "Listing the WFM team sites"
	$WfmTeamIds = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmTeam -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
	Write-Output $WfmTeamIds
	if (($NULL -ne $WfmTeamIds) -and ($WfmTeamIds.Count -gt 0)){
		[System.String]$WfmTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the ID of WFM team you want to map"
	else {
		throw "The WfmTeamId list is null or empty"

	#Retrieve the list of WFM users and their roles
	Write-Output "Listing WFM users and roles"
	$WFMUsers = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmUser -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId
	Write-Output $WFMUsers

	#Add users to the Team for Shifts
	Write-Output "Adding users to Teams team"
	$currentUser = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the current user's user name or AAD ID"
	Add-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamsTeamId -User $currentUser -Role Owner
	foreach ($user in $WFMUsers) {
		try {
		$userEmail = $user.Name + "@" +$domain
		Add-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamsTeamId -User $userEmail
		} catch {
	if($failedWfmUsers.Count -gt 0){
		Write-Output "There are WFM users not existed in Teams tenant:"
		Write-Output $failedWfmUsers

	#Enable scheduling in the group
	$RequestBody = @{
		Enabled = $true
		TimeZone = "America/Los_Angeles"
	Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $teamUpdateUrl -Method PUT -Body $RequestBody

	#Create a mapping of the new team to the instance
	Write-Output "Create a mapping of the new team to the site"
	$TimeZone = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the time zone of team mapping"
	$mapping = @{
		teamId = $TeamsTeamId
		wfmTeamId = $WfmTeamId
		timeZone = $TimeZone
	$mappings += , $mapping

	$title    = 'Connecting another team'
	$question = 'Would you like to connect another team?'
	$choices  = '&Yes', '&No'

	$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
	if ($decision -eq 1) {
$batchMappingResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionBatchTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -TeamMapping @($mappings)
if ($null -ne $batchMappingResponse.OperationId){
	"The mapping has begun asynchronously. To query mapping results run Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionOperation with the operation Id."
else {
	throw "The mapping has failed due to validation errors."
Write-Output $batchMappingResponse

Remove-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamsTeamId -User $currentUser -Role Owner

Set up a connection and map an existing team

#Map WFM sites to existing teams script
Write-Output "Map WFM sites to existing teams"
Start-Sleep 1

#Ensure Teams module is at least version x
Write-Output "Checking Teams module version"
try {
	Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -MinimumVersion 5.2.0
} catch {

#Connect to MS Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"

#List connector types available (comment out if not implemented for preview)
Write-Output "Listing connector types available"
$BlueYonderId = "6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74"
$connectors = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector
Write-Output $connectors

#Prompt for entering of WFM username and password
$WfmUserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your Blue Yonder account username'
$WfmPwd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your Blue Yonder account password' -AsSecureString
$plainPwd =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($WfmPwd))

#Test connection settings
Write-Output "Testing connection settings"
$ConnectionName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connection name'
$adminApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input admin api url'
$cookieAuthUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input cookie authorization url'
$essApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input ess api url'
$federatedAuthUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input federated authorization url'
$retailWebApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input retail web api url'
$siteManagerUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input site manager url'

$testResult = Test-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionValidate `
	-Name $ConnectionName `
	-ConnectorId $BlueYonderId `
	-ConnectorSpecificSettings (New-Object Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.Generated.Models.ConnectorSpecificBlueYonderSettingsRequest `
		-Property @{
			AdminApiUrl = $adminApiUrl
			SiteManagerUrl = $siteManagerUrl
			EssApiUrl = $essApiUrl
			RetailWebApiUrl = $retailWebApiUrl
			CookieAuthUrl = $cookieAuthUrl
			FederatedAuthUrl = $federatedAuthUrl
			LoginUserName = $WfmUserName
			LoginPwd = $plainPwd
if ($NULL -ne $testResult.Code) {
	Write-Output $testResult
	throw "Validation failed, conflict found"
Write-Host "Test complete, no conflicts found"

#Create a connection
Write-Output "Creating a connection"
$ConnectionResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnection `
    -Name $ConnectionName `
    -ConnectorId $BlueYonderId `
    -ConnectorSpecificSettings (New-Object Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.Generated.Models.ConnectorSpecificBlueYonderSettingsRequest `
		-Property @{
			AdminApiUrl = $adminApiUrl
			SiteManagerUrl = $siteManagerUrl
			EssApiUrl = $essApiUrl
			RetailWebApiUrl = $retailWebApiUrl
			CookieAuthUrl = $cookieAuthUrl
			FederatedAuthUrl = $federatedAuthUrl
			LoginUserName = $WfmUserName
			LoginPwd = $plainPwd

$ConnectionId = $ConnectionResponse.Id
if ($null -ne $ConnectionId){
	Write-Output "Successfully created connection"
} else {
	throw "Connection creation failed"

#Create a connection instance
Write-Output "Creating a connection instance"
$designatedActorName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Microsoft 365 System Account (person@contoso.com)"
$designator = Get-MgUser -UserId $designatedActorName
$teamsUserId = $designator.Id
$syncFreq = Read-Host -Prompt "Input sync frequency in minutes"
$InstanceName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input connection instance name"

#Read sync scenarios for connection instance
function GetSyncScenarioSetting {
	param (
	$TwoWay = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&TwoWay', 'TwoWay'
	$Disabled = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Disabled', 'Disabled'
	$FromWfmToShifts = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&FromWfmToShifts', 'FromWfmToShifts'
	$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($TwoWay, $Disabled, $FromWfmToShifts)
	$result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice("Set sync scenario for $SettingName", "", $options, 0)

	switch ($result)
		0 { return "TwoWay" }
		1 { return "Disabled" }
		2 { return "FromWfmToShifts" }
$SyncScenarioOpenShift = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Open Shift"
$SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Open Shift Request"
$SyncScenarioShift = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Shift"
$SyncScenarioSwapRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Swap Request"
$SyncScenarioTimeCard = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Card"
$SyncScenarioTimeOff = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Off"
$SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Off Request"
$SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference = GetSyncScenarioSetting "User Shift Preferences"

#Read admin email list
[psobject[]]$AdminEmailList = @()
while ($true){
	$AdminEmail = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter admin's email to receive error report"
	$AdminEmailList += $AdminEmail
	$title    = 'Adding another email'
	$question = 'Would you like to add another admin email?'
	$choices  = '&Yes', '&No'
	$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
	if ($decision -eq 1) {
$InstanceResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance `
	-ConnectionId $ConnectionId `
    -ConnectorAdminEmail $AdminEmailList `
    -DesignatedActorId $teamsUserId `
    -Name $InstanceName `
    -SyncFrequencyInMin $syncFreq `
	-SyncScenarioOpenShift $SyncScenarioOpenShift `
	-SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest $SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest `
	-SyncScenarioShift $SyncScenarioShift `
	-SyncScenarioSwapRequest $SyncScenarioSwapRequest `
	-SyncScenarioTimeCard $SyncScenarioTimeCard `
	-SyncScenarioTimeOff $SyncScenarioTimeOff `
	-SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest $SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest `
	-SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference $SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference

$InstanceId = $InstanceResponse.id
if ($null -ne $InstanceId){
    Write-Output "Success"
} else {
    throw "Connector instance creation failed"

#Keep mapping teams until user stops it
while ($true)
	$TeamsTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the ID of the Teams team to be mapped"
	#Clear schedule of the Teams team
	Write-Host "Clear schedule of the existing team"

	$entityTypeString = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the entity types of clear schedule'
	$Delimiters = ",", ".", ":", ";", " ", "`t"
	$entityType = $entityTypeString -Split {$Delimiters -contains $_}
	$entityType = $entityType.Trim()
	$entityType = $entityType.Split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
	Remove-CsTeamsShiftsScheduleRecord -TeamId $TeamsTeamId -ClearSchedulingGroup:$True -EntityType $entityType

	#Retrieve the list of wfm locations
	Write-Output "Listing the WFM team sites"
	$WfmTeamIds = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmTeam -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
	Write-Output $WfmTeamIds
	if (($NULL -ne $WfmTeamIds) -and ($WfmTeamIds.Count -gt 0)){
		[System.String]$WfmTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the ID of WFM team you want to map"
	else {
		throw "The WfmTeamId list is null or empty"

	#Retrieve the list of WFM users and their roles
	Write-Output "Listing WFM users and roles"
	$WFMUsers = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmUser -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId
	Write-Output $WFMUsers

	#Create a mapping of the existing team to the instance
	Write-Host "Create a mapping of the existing team to the site"
	$TimeZone = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the time zone of team mapping"
	$mapping = @{
		teamId = $TeamsTeamId
		wfmTeamId = $WfmTeamId
		timeZone = $TimeZone
	$mappings += , $mapping

	$title    = 'Connecting another team'
	$question = 'Would you like to connect another team?'
	$choices  = '&Yes', '&No'

	$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
	if ($decision -eq 1) {
$batchMappingResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionBatchTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -TeamMapping @($mappings)
if ($null -ne $batchMappingResponse.OperationId){
	"The mapping has begun asynchronously. To query mapping results run Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionOperation with the operation Id."
else {
	throw "The mapping has failed due to validation errors."
Write-Output $batchMappingResponse


Shifts connector cmdlets

For help with Shifts connector cmdlets, including the cmdlets used in the scripts, search for CsTeamsShiftsConnection in the Teams PowerShell cmdlet reference. Here are links to some commonly used cmdlets, grouped by category:


WFM systems credentials

Sync options for supported scenarios

Remove schedule data

Connection instances

User mapping and successful syncing

Team mapping

Operation ID

Error reports