


Add Power BI Encryption Key

Adds an encryption key for Power BI workspaces assigned to a capacity.

Apps GetAppsAsAdmin

Returns a list of apps in the organization.

Apps GetAppUsersAsAdmin

Returns a list of users that have access to the specified app.

Capacities AssignWorkspacesToCapacity

Assigns the specified workspaces to the specified Premium capacity.

Capacities GetCapacityUsersAsAdmin

Returns a list of users that have access to the specified workspace.

Capacities UnassignWorkspacesFromCapacity

Unassigns the specified workspaces from capacity.

Dashboards GetDashboardsAsAdmin

Returns a list of dashboards for the organization.

Dashboards GetDashboardsInGroupAsAdmin

Returns a list of dashboards from the specified workspace.

Dashboards GetDashboardSubscriptionsAsAdmin

Returns a list of dashboard subscriptions along with subscriber details. This is a preview API call.

Dashboards GetDashboardUsersAsAdmin

Returns a list of users that have access to the specified dashboard.

Dashboards GetTilesAsAdmin

Returns a list of tiles within the specified dashboard.

Dataflows ExportDataflowAsAdmin

Exports the definition for the specified dataflow to a JSON file.

Dataflows GetDataflowDatasourcesAsAdmin

Returns a list of data sources for the specified dataflow.

Dataflows GetDataflowsAsAdmin

Returns a list of dataflows for the organization.

Dataflows GetDataflowsInGroupAsAdmin

Returns a list of dataflows from the specified workspace.

Dataflows GetDataflowUsersAsAdmin

Returns a list of users that have access to the specified dataflow.

Dataflows GetUpstreamDataflowsInGroupAsAdmin

Returns a list of upstream dataflows for the specified dataflow.

Datasets GetDatasetsAsAdmin

Returns a list of datasets for the organization.

Datasets GetDatasetsInGroupAsAdmin

Returns a list of datasets from the specified workspace.

Datasets GetDatasetToDataflowsLinksInGroupAsAdmin

Returns a list of upstream dataflows for datasets from the specified workspace.

Datasets GetDatasetUsersAsAdmin

Returns a list of users that have access to the specified dataset.

Datasets GetDatasourcesAsAdmin

Returns a list of data sources for the specified dataset.

Get Activity Events

Returns a list of audit activity events for a tenant.

Get Capacities As Admin

Returns a list of capacities for the organization.

Get Power BI Encryption Keys

Returns the encryption keys for the tenant.

Get Refreshable For Capacity

Returns the specified refreshable for the specified capacity that the user has access to.

Get Refreshables

Returns a list of refreshables for the organization within a capacity.

Get Refreshables For Capacity

Returns a list of refreshables for the specified capacity that the user has access to.

Groups AddUserAsAdmin

Grants user permissions to the specified workspace.

Groups DeleteUserAsAdmin

Removes user permissions from the specified workspace.

Groups GetGroupAsAdmin

Returns a workspace for the organization.

Groups GetGroupsAsAdmin

Returns a list of workspaces for the organization.

Groups GetGroupUsersAsAdmin

Returns a list of users that have access to the specified workspace.

Groups GetUnusedArtifactsAsAdmin

Returns a list of datasets, reports, and dashboards that have not been used within 30 days for the specified workspace. This is a preview API call.

Groups RestoreDeletedGroupAsAdmin

Restores a deleted workspace.

Groups UpdateGroupAsAdmin

Updates the properties of the specified workspace.

Imports GetImportsAsAdmin

Returns a list of imports for the organization.

InformationProtection RemoveLabelsAsAdmin

Remove sensitivity labels from Power BI items (such as reports or dashboards) by item ID.

InformationProtection SetLabelsAsAdmin

Set sensitivity labels on Power BI items (such as reports or dashboards) by item ID.

Patch Capacity As Admin

Changes specific capacity information. Currently, this API call only supports changing the capacity's encryption key.

Pipelines DeleteUserAsAdmin

Removes user permissions from a specified deployment pipeline.

Pipelines GetPipelinesAsAdmin

Returns a list of deployment pipelines for the organization.

Pipelines GetPipelineUsersAsAdmin

Returns a list of users that have access to a specified deployment pipeline.

Pipelines UpdateUserAsAdmin

Grants user permissions to a specified deployment pipeline.

Profiles DeleteProfileAsAdmin

Deletes the specified service principal profile.

Profiles GetProfilesAsAdmin

Returns a list of service principal profiles for the organization.

Reports GetReportsAsAdmin

Returns a list of reports for the organization.

Reports GetReportsInGroupAsAdmin

Returns a list of reports from the specified workspace.

Reports GetReportSubscriptionsAsAdmin

Returns a list of report subscriptions along with subscriber details. This is a preview API call.

Reports GetReportUsersAsAdmin

Returns a list of users that have access to the specified report.

Rotate Power BI Encryption Key

Rotate the encryption key for Power BI workspaces assigned to a capacity.

Users GetUserArtifactAccessAsAdmin

Returns a list of Power BI items (such as reports or dashboards) that the specified user has access to.

Users GetUserSubscriptionsAsAdmin

Returns a list of subscriptions for the specified user. This is a preview API call.

WidelySharedArtifacts LinksSharedToWholeOrganization

Returns a list of Power BI reports that are shared with the whole organization through links.

WidelySharedArtifacts PublishedToWeb

Returns a list of Power BI items (such as reports or dashboards) that are published to the web.

WorkspaceInfo GetModifiedWorkspaces

Gets a list of workspace IDs in the organization.

WorkspaceInfo GetScanResult

Gets the scan result for the specified scan.

WorkspaceInfo GetScanStatus

Gets the scan status for the specified scan.

WorkspaceInfo PostWorkspaceInfo

Initiates a call to receive metadata for the requested list of workspaces.