Verify the installed version of Information Barriers


Using Information Barriers (IB) for education tenants requires IB v2. Check for the correct version and upgrade if necessary.

Verify the version

To see the version in your tenant, run the following script:

Get-OrganizationConfig | fl Inform*

Three different responses are possible:

  • Legacy: You must upgrade, but you first need to change this parameter to Single by creating a dummy segment. Navigate to, and under Information Barriers > Segments, create a dummy segment for testing purposes.
  • Single: You must upgrade, and you’re ready to run the script below to do so.
  • MultiAllow: You’re ready to go and can start creating segments in policies.

The required status necessary to upgrade is:

InformationBarriersManagementEnabled     : False
InformationBarriersEnforcementEnabled    : False
InformationBarriersRestrictPeoplesearch  : True
InformationBarrierMode                   : Single


If you get an error saying that the only recognized values are "Single" and "MultiAllow", remember to create a dummy segment as previously described.

Upgrade the version

If you need to upgrade the version of IB, run the following PowerShell script:

Set-PolicyConfig -InformationBarrierMode 'MultiSegment'

Rerun the previous script to verify version. The correct output should be as follows:

InformationBarriersManagementEnabled     : False
InformationBarriersEnforcementEnabled    : False
InformationBarriersRestrictPeoplesearch  : True
InformationBarrierMode                   : MultiAllow