Aracılığıyla paylaş

Buffer Sınıf


İlkel tür dizilerini işler.

public ref class Buffer abstract sealed
public ref class Buffer sealed
public static class Buffer
public sealed class Buffer
public static class Buffer
type Buffer = class
type Buffer = class
Public Class Buffer
Public NotInheritable Class Buffer


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, birkaç Buffer sınıf yönteminin kullanımını göstermektedir.

// Example of the Buffer class methods.
using namespace System;

// Display the array elements from right to left in hexadecimal.
void DisplayArray( array<short>^arr )
   Console::Write( "  arr:" );
   for ( int loopX = arr->Length - 1; loopX >= 0; loopX-- )
      Console::Write( " {0:X4}", arr[ loopX ] );

int main()
   // This array is to be modified and displayed.
   array<short>^arr = {258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271};
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Buffer class "
   "methods generates the following output.\n"
   "Note: The array is displayed from right to left.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Initial values of array:\n" );
   // Display the initial array values and ByteLength.
   DisplayArray( arr );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nBuffer::ByteLength( arr ): {0}", Buffer::ByteLength( arr ) );
   // Copy a region of the array; set a byte within the array.
   Console::WriteLine( "\nCall these methods: \n"
   "  Buffer::BlockCopy( arr, 5, arr, 16, 9 ),\n"
   "  Buffer::SetByte( arr, 7, 170 ).\n" );
   Buffer::BlockCopy( arr, 5, arr, 16, 9 );
   Buffer::SetByte( arr, 7, 170 );
   // Display the array and a byte within the array.
   Console::WriteLine( "Final values of array:\n" );
   DisplayArray( arr );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nBuffer::GetByte( arr, 26 ): {0}", Buffer::GetByte( arr, 26 ) );

This example of the Buffer class methods generates the following output.
Note: The array is displayed from right to left.

Initial values of array:

  arr: 010F 010E 010D 010C 010B 010A 0109 0108 0107 0106 0105 0104 0103 0102

Buffer::ByteLength( arr ): 28

Call these methods:
  Buffer::BlockCopy( arr, 5, arr, 16, 9 ),
  Buffer::SetByte( arr, 7, 170 ).

Final values of array:

  arr: 010F 0101 0801 0701 0601 0501 0109 0108 0107 0106 AA05 0104 0103 0102

Buffer::GetByte( arr, 26 ): 15
// Example of the Buffer class methods.
using System;

class BufferClassDemo
    // Display the array elements from right to left in hexadecimal.
    public static void DisplayArray( short[ ] arr )
        Console.Write( "  arr:" );
        for( int loopX = arr.Length - 1; loopX >= 0; loopX-- )
            Console.Write( " {0:X4}", arr[ loopX ] );
        Console.WriteLine( );

    public static void Main( )
        // This array is to be modified and displayed.
        short[ ] arr = { 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264,
                         265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271 };

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the Buffer class " +
            "methods generates the following output.\n" +
            "Note: The array is displayed from right to left.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "Initial values of array:\n" );

        // Display the initial array values and ByteLength.
        DisplayArray( arr );
        Console.WriteLine( "\nBuffer.ByteLength( arr ): {0}",
            Buffer.ByteLength( arr ) );

        // Copy a region of the array; set a byte within the array.
        Console.WriteLine( "\nCall these methods: \n" +
            "  Buffer.BlockCopy( arr, 5, arr, 16, 9 ),\n" +
            "  Buffer.SetByte( arr, 7, 170 ).\n" );

        Buffer.BlockCopy( arr, 5, arr, 16, 9 );
        Buffer.SetByte( arr, 7, 170 );

        // Display the array and a byte within the array.
        Console.WriteLine( "Final values of array:\n" );
        DisplayArray( arr );
        Console.WriteLine( "\nBuffer.GetByte( arr, 26 ): {0}",
            Buffer.GetByte( arr, 26 ) );

This example of the Buffer class methods generates the following output.
Note: The array is displayed from right to left.

Initial values of array:

  arr: 010F 010E 010D 010C 010B 010A 0109 0108 0107 0106 0105 0104 0103 0102

Buffer.ByteLength( arr ): 28

Call these methods:
  Buffer.BlockCopy( arr, 5, arr, 16, 9 ),
  Buffer.SetByte( arr, 7, 170 ).

Final values of array:

  arr: 010F 0101 0801 0701 0601 0501 0109 0108 0107 0106 AA05 0104 0103 0102

Buffer.GetByte( arr, 26 ): 15
open System

// Display the array elements from right to left in hexadecimal.
let displayArray (arr: int16 []) =
    printf "  arr:"
    for i = arr.Length - 1 downto 0 do
        printf $" {arr[i]:X4}"
    printfn ""

// This array is to be modified and displayed.
let arr = 
    [| 258s; 259s; 260s; 261s; 262s; 263s; 264s
       265s; 266s; 267s; 268s; 269s; 270s; 271s |]

printfn "This example of the Buffer class methods generates the following output.\nNote: The array is displayed from right to left.\n"
printfn "Initial values of array:\n"

// Display the initial array values and ByteLength.
displayArray arr
printfn $"\nBuffer.ByteLength(arr): {Buffer.ByteLength arr}"

// Copy a region of the array; set a byte within the array.
printfn "\nCall these methods: \n  Buffer.BlockCopy(arr, 5, arr, 16, 9),\n  Buffer.SetByte(arr, 7, 170).\n"

Buffer.BlockCopy(arr, 5, arr, 16, 9)
Buffer.SetByte(arr, 7, 170uy)

// Display the array and a byte within the array.
printfn "Final values of array:\n"
displayArray arr
printfn $"\nBuffer.GetByte(arr, 26): {Buffer.GetByte(arr, 26)}"

// This example of the Buffer class methods generates the following output.
// Note: The array is displayed from right to left.
// Initial values of array:
//   arr: 010F 010E 010D 010C 010B 010A 0109 0108 0107 0106 0105 0104 0103 0102
// Buffer.ByteLength(arr): 28
// Call these methods:
//   Buffer.BlockCopy(arr, 5, arr, 16, 9),
//   Buffer.SetByte(arr, 7, 170).
// Final values of array:
//   arr: 010F 0101 0801 0701 0601 0501 0109 0108 0107 0106 AA05 0104 0103 0102
// Buffer.GetByte(arr, 26): 15
' Example of the Buffer class methods.
Module BufferClassDemo

    ' Display the array elements from right to left in hexadecimal.
    Sub DisplayArray( arr( ) As Short )

        Console.Write( "  arr:" )
        Dim loopX     As Integer
        For loopX = arr.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
            Console.Write( " {0:X4}", arr( loopX ) )
        Next loopX
        Console.WriteLine( )
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )

        ' This array is to be modified and displayed.
        Dim arr( ) As Short = { 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, _
                                265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271 }
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Buffer class methods generates " & _
            "the following output." & vbCrLf & "Note: The " & _
            "array is displayed from right to left." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "Initial values of array:" & vbCrLf )

        ' Display the initial array values and ByteLength.
        DisplayArray( arr )
        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
            "Buffer.ByteLength( arr ): {0}", _
            Buffer.ByteLength( arr ) )

        ' Copy a region of the array; set a byte within the array.
        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
            "Call these methods: " & vbCrLf & _
            "  Buffer.BlockCopy( arr, 5, arr, 16, 9 )," & vbCrLf & _
            "  Buffer.SetByte( arr, 7, 170 )." & vbCrLf )

        Buffer.BlockCopy( arr, 5, arr, 16, 9 )
        Buffer.SetByte( arr, 7, 170 )

        ' Display the array and a byte within the array.
        Console.WriteLine( "Final values of array:" & vbCrLf )
        DisplayArray( arr )
        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
            "Buffer.GetByte( arr, 26 ): {0}", _
            Buffer.GetByte( arr, 26 ) )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Buffer class methods generates the following output.
' Note: The array is displayed from right to left.
' Initial values of array:
'   arr: 010F 010E 010D 010C 010B 010A 0109 0108 0107 0106 0105 0104 0103 0102
' Buffer.ByteLength( arr ): 28
' Call these methods:
'   Buffer.BlockCopy( arr, 5, arr, 16, 9 ),
'   Buffer.SetByte( arr, 7, 170 ).
' Final values of array:
'   arr: 010F 0101 0801 0701 0601 0501 0109 0108 0107 0106 AA05 0104 0103 0102
' Buffer.GetByte( arr, 26 ): 15


Buffer yalnızca ilkel tür dizilerini etkiler; bu sınıf nesnelere uygulanmaz. Her ilkel tür, ilkel türle ilişkili herhangi bir davranış veya sınırlamaya bakılmaksızın bir bayt serisi olarak değerlendirilir.

Buffer bir ilkel tür dizisindeki baytları başka bir ilkel tür dizisine kopyalama, diziden bayt alma, dizide bayt ayarlama ve dizi uzunluğunu alma yöntemleri sağlar. Bu sınıf, ilkel türleri işlemek için sınıfındaki System.Array benzer yöntemlere göre daha iyi performans sağlar.

Bufferşu temel türler için geçerlidir: , , , , , Int16, , UInt16, , Int32, Int64SingleUIntPtrIntPtrUInt32UInt64ve .DoubleByteSByteCharBoolean


BlockCopy(Array, Int32, Array, Int32, Int32)

Belirli bir uzaklıkta başlayan bir kaynak diziden belirli bir uzaklıktan başlayan hedef diziye belirtilen sayıda bayt kopyalar.


Belirtilen dizideki bayt sayısını döndürür.

GetByte(Array, Int32)

Belirtilen dizide belirtilen konumdaki bayt değerini alır.

MemoryCopy(Void*, Void*, Int64, Int64)

Bellekteki bir adresten diğerine uzun tamsayı değeri olarak belirtilen bayt sayısını kopyalar.

Bu API, CLS uyumlu değildir.

MemoryCopy(Void*, Void*, UInt64, UInt64)

Bellekteki bir adresten diğerine işaretsiz uzun tamsayı değeri olarak belirtilen bayt sayısını kopyalar.

Bu API, CLS uyumlu değildir.

SetByte(Array, Int32, Byte)

Belirtilen dizideki belirli bir konumdaki bayt'a belirtilen değeri atar.

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