Enum.Equals(Object) Yöntem


Bu örneğin, belirtilen bir nesneye eşit olup olmadığını gösteren bir değeri döndürür.

 override bool Equals(System::Object ^ obj);
public override bool Equals (object obj);
public override bool Equals (object? obj);
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function Equals (obj As Object) As Boolean



Bu örnekle karşılaştıracak bir nesne veya null.



true aynı türde ve bu örnekle aynı temel değere sahip bir numaralandırma değeriyse obj ; değilse, false.


Aşağıdaki örnekte yönteminin kullanımı gösterilmektedir Equals .

using namespace System;
public enum class Colors
   Red, Green, Blue, Yellow

public enum class Mammals
   Cat, Dog, Horse, Dolphin

int main()
   Mammals myPet = Mammals::Cat;
   Colors myColor = Colors::Red;
   Mammals yourPet = Mammals::Dog;
   Colors yourColor = Colors::Red;
   Console::WriteLine(  "My favorite animal is a {0}", myPet );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Your favorite animal is a {0}", yourPet );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Do we like the same animal? {0}", myPet.Equals( yourPet ) ? (String^)"Yes" : "No" );
   Console::WriteLine(  "My favorite color is {0}", myColor );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Your favorite color is {0}", yourColor );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Do we like the same color? {0}", myColor.Equals( yourColor ) ? (String^)"Yes" : "No" );
   Console::WriteLine(  "The value of my color ({0}) is {1}", myColor, Enum::Format( Colors::typeid, myColor,  "d" ) );
   Console::WriteLine(  "The value of my pet (a {0}) is {1}", myPet, Enum::Format( Mammals::typeid, myPet,  "d" ) );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Even though they have the same value, are they equal? {0}", myColor.Equals( myPet ) ? (String^)"Yes" : "No" );
// The example displays the following output:
//    My favorite animal is a Cat
//    Your favorite animal is a Dog
//    Do we like the same animal? No
//    My favorite color is Red
//    Your favorite color is Red
//    Do we like the same color? Yes
//    The value of my color (Red) is 0
//    The value of my pet (a Cat) is 0
//    Even though they have the same value, are they equal? No
using System;

public class EqualsTest {
    enum Colors { Red, Green, Blue, Yellow };
    enum Mammals { Cat, Dog, Horse, Dolphin };

    public static void Main() {
        Mammals myPet = Mammals.Cat;
        Colors myColor = Colors.Red;
        Mammals yourPet = Mammals.Dog;
        Colors yourColor = Colors.Red;

        Console.WriteLine("My favorite animal is a {0}", myPet);
        Console.WriteLine("Your favorite animal is a {0}", yourPet);
        Console.WriteLine("Do we like the same animal? {0}", myPet.Equals(yourPet) ? "Yes" : "No");

        Console.WriteLine("My favorite color is {0}", myColor);
        Console.WriteLine("Your favorite color is {0}", yourColor);
        Console.WriteLine("Do we like the same color? {0}", myColor.Equals(yourColor) ? "Yes" : "No");

        Console.WriteLine("The value of my color ({0}) is {1}", myColor, Enum.Format(typeof(Colors), myColor, "d"));
        Console.WriteLine("The value of my pet (a {0}) is {1}", myPet, Enum.Format(typeof(Mammals), myPet, "d"));
        Console.WriteLine("Even though they have the same value, are they equal? {0}",
                    myColor.Equals(myPet) ? "Yes" : "No");
// The example displays the following output:
//    My favorite animal is a Cat
//    Your favorite animal is a Dog
//    Do we like the same animal? No
//    My favorite color is Red
//    Your favorite color is Red
//    Do we like the same color? Yes
//    The value of my color (Red) is 0
//    The value of my pet (a Cat) is 0
//    Even though they have the same value, are they equal? No
open System

type Colors =
    | Red = 0
    | Green = 1
    | Blue = 2
    | Yellow = 3

type Mammals =
    | Cat = 0
    | Dog = 1
    | Horse = 2
    | Dolphin = 3

let myPet = Mammals.Cat
let myColor = Colors.Red
let yourPet = Mammals.Dog
let yourColor = Colors.Red

    $"""My favorite animal is a {myPet}
Your favorite animal is a {yourPet}
Do we like the same animal? {if myPet.Equals yourPet then "Yes" else "No"}

My favorite color is {myColor}
Your favorite color is {yourColor}
Do we like the same color? {if myColor.Equals yourColor then "Yes" else "No"}

The value of my color ({myColor}) is {Enum.Format(typeof<Colors>, myColor, "d")}
The value of my pet (a {myPet}) is {Enum.Format(typeof<Mammals>, myPet, "d")}
Even though they have the same value, are they equal? {if myColor.Equals myPet then "Yes" else "No"}"""

// The example displays the following output:
//    My favorite animal is a Cat
//    Your favorite animal is a Dog
//    Do we like the same animal? No
//    My favorite color is Red
//    Your favorite color is Red
//    Do we like the same color? Yes
//    The value of my color (Red) is 0
//    The value of my pet (a Cat) is 0
//    Even though they have the same value, are they equal? No
Public Class EqualsTest
    Enum Colors
    End Enum 
    Enum Mammals
    End Enum 
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim myPet As Mammals = Mammals.Cat
        Dim myColor As Colors = Colors.Red
        Dim yourPet As Mammals = Mammals.Dog
        Dim yourColor As Colors = Colors.Red
        Dim output as string
        Console.WriteLine("My favorite animal is a {0}", myPet)
        Console.WriteLine("Your favorite animal is a {0}", yourPet)
        If myPet.Equals(yourPet) Then output = "Yes" Else output = "No"
        Console.WriteLine("Do we like the same animal? {0}", output)
        Console.WriteLine("My favorite color is {0}", myColor)
        Console.WriteLine("Your favorite color is {0}", yourColor)
        If myColor.Equals(yourColor) Then output = "Yes" Else output = "No"
        Console.WriteLine("Do we like the same color? {0}", output)
        Console.WriteLine("The value of my color ({0}) is {1}", myColor, [Enum].Format(GetType(Colors), myColor, "d"))
        Console.WriteLine("The value of my pet (a {0}) is {1}", myPet, [Enum].Format(GetType(Mammals), myPet, "d"))
        Console.WriteLine("Even though they have the same value, are they equal? {0}", 
                          If(myColor.Equals(myPet), "Yes", "No"))
    End Sub 
End Class 
' The example displays the following output:
'    My favorite animal is a Cat
'    Your favorite animal is a Dog
'    Do we like the same animal? No
'    My favorite color is Red
'    Your favorite color is Red
'    Do we like the same color? Yes
'    The value of my color (Red) is 0
'    The value of my pet (a Cat) is 0
'    Even though they have the same value, are they equal? No

Aşağıdaki örnek, SledDog ve WorkDogolmak üzere iki numaralandırma türünü tanımlar. Sabit SledDog listesi, SledDog.AlaskanMalamute SledDog.Malamuteaynı temel değere sahip ve olmak üzere iki üyeye sahiptir. yöntemine yapılan Equals çağrı, temel alınan değerlerin aynı olması nedeniyle bu değerlerin eşit olduğunu gösterir. SledDog.Malamute ve WorkDog.Newfoundland üyeleri, farklı numaralandırma türlerini temsil etmelerine rağmen aynı temel değere sahiptir. yöntemine yapılan Equals çağrı, bu değerlerin eşit olmadığını gösterir.

using System;

public enum SledDog { Unknown=0, AlaskanMalamute=1, Malamute=1,
                      Husky=2, SiberianHusky=2 };

public enum WorkDog { Unknown=0, Newfoundland=1, GreatPyrennes=2 };

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      SledDog dog1 = SledDog.Malamute;
      SledDog dog2 = SledDog.AlaskanMalamute;
      WorkDog dog3 = WorkDog.Newfoundland;

      Console.WriteLine("{0:F} ({0:D}) = {1:F} ({1:D}): {2}",
                        dog1, dog2, dog1.Equals(dog2));
      Console.WriteLine("{0:F} ({0:D}) = {1:F} ({1:D}): {2}",
                        dog1, dog3, dog1.Equals(dog3));
// The example displays the following output:
//       Malamute (1) = Malamute (1): True
//       Malamute (1) = Newfoundland (1): False
type SledDog =
    | Unknown = 0
    | AlaskanMalamute = 1
    | Malamute = 1
    | Husky = 2
    | SiberianHusky = 2

type WorkDog =
    | Unknown = 0
    | Newfoundland = 1
    | GreatPyrennes = 2

let dog1 = SledDog.Malamute
let dog2 = SledDog.AlaskanMalamute
let dog3 = WorkDog.Newfoundland

printfn $"{dog1:F} ({dog1:D}) = {dog2:F} ({dog2:D}): {dog1.Equals dog2}"
printfn $"{dog1:F} ({dog1:D}) = {dog3:F} ({dog3:D}): {dog1.Equals dog3}"
// The example displays the following output:
//       Malamute (1) = Malamute (1): True
//       Malamute (1) = Newfoundland (1): False
Public Enum SledDog As Integer
End Enum

Public Enum WorkDog As Integer
End Enum

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim dog1 As SledDog = SledDog.Malamute
      Dim dog2 As SledDog = SledDog.AlaskanMalamute
      Dim dog3 As WorkDog = WorkDog.Newfoundland
      Console.WriteLine("{0:F} ({0:D}) = {1:F} ({1:D}): {2}", 
                        dog1, dog2, dog1.Equals(dog2))
      Console.WriteLine("{0:F} ({0:D}) = {1:F} ({1:D}): {2}",
                        dog1, dog3, dog1.Equals(dog3))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       Malamute (1) = Malamute (1): True
'       Malamute (1) = Newfoundland (1): False


Yöntem Enum.Equals(Object) , numaralandırma üyelerinin eşitlik için nasıl değerlendirileceklerini tanımlamak için geçersiz kılar ValueType.Equals(Object) .

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