Aracılığıyla paylaş

CipherReference Oluşturucular


CipherReference sınıfının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

Aşırı Yüklemeler


CipherReference sınıfının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.


Belirtilen Tekdüzen Kaynak Tanımlayıcısı'nı CipherReference (URI) kullanarak sınıfının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

CipherReference(String, TransformChain)

Belirtilen Tekdüzen Kaynak Tanımlayıcısı (URI) ve dönüştürme zinciri bilgilerini kullanarak sınıfının yeni bir örneğini CipherReference başlatır.


Bu oluşturucu, bir CipherReference nesne için başvuru bilgileri sağlayan bir CipherData nesne oluşturur. Başvuru bilgileri, şifrelenmiş verilerin konumunu sağlar.



CipherReference sınıfının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

public CipherReference ();
Public Sub New ()


Aşağıdaki kod örneği yeni bir örneği CipherReferenceoluşturur.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::IO;

/// This sample used the EncryptedData class to create an encrypted data element
/// and write it to an XML file. It demonstrates the use of CipherReference.

int main()
   //Create a URI string.
   String^ uri = "";
   // Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
   // URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
   Transform^ base64 = gcnew XmlDsigBase64Transform;
   //Create a transform chain and add the transform to it.
   TransformChain^ tc = gcnew TransformChain;
   tc->Add( base64 );
   //Create <CipherReference> information.
   CipherReference ^ reference = gcnew CipherReference( uri,tc );
   // Create a new CipherData object using the CipherReference information.
   // Note that you cannot assign both a CipherReference and a CipherValue
   // to a CipherData object.
   CipherData ^ cd = gcnew CipherData( reference );
   // Create a new EncryptedData object.
   EncryptedData^ ed = gcnew EncryptedData;
   //Add an encryption method to the object.
   ed->Id = "ED";
   ed->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( "" );
   ed->CipherData = cd;
   //Add key information to the object.
   KeyInfo^ ki = gcnew KeyInfo;
   ki->AddClause( gcnew KeyInfoRetrievalMethod( "#EK","" ) );
   ed->KeyInfo = ki;
   // Create new XML document and put encrypted data into it.
   XmlDocument^ doc = gcnew XmlDocument;
   XmlElement^ encryptionPropertyElement = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(doc->CreateElement( "EncryptionProperty", EncryptedXml::XmlEncNamespaceUrl ));
   EncryptionProperty ^ ep = gcnew EncryptionProperty( encryptionPropertyElement );
   ed->AddProperty( ep );
   // Output the resulting XML information into a file.
      String^ path = "c:\\test\\MyTest.xml";
      File::WriteAllText( path, ed->GetXml()->OuterXml );
   catch ( IOException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "File IO error. {0}", e );

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;

/// This sample used the EncryptedData class to create an encrypted data element
/// and write it to an XML file. It demonstrates the use of CipherReference.
namespace EncryptedDataSample
    class Example
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create a URI string.
            String uri = "";
            // Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
            // URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
            Transform base64 = new XmlDsigBase64Transform();
            //Create a transform chain and add the transform to it.
            TransformChain tc = new TransformChain();
            //Create <CipherReference> information.
            CipherReference reference = new CipherReference(uri, tc);

            // Create a new CipherData object using the CipherReference information.
            // Note that you cannot assign both a CipherReference and a CipherValue
            // to a CipherData object.
            CipherData cd = new CipherData(reference);

            // Create a new EncryptedData object.
            EncryptedData ed = new EncryptedData();

            //Add an encryption method to the object.
            ed.Id = "ED";
            ed.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod("");
            ed.CipherData = cd;

            //Add key information to the object.
            KeyInfo ki = new KeyInfo();
            ki.AddClause(new KeyInfoRetrievalMethod("#EK", ""));
            ed.KeyInfo = ki;

            // Create new XML document and put encrypted data into it.
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement encryptionPropertyElement = (XmlElement)doc.CreateElement("EncryptionProperty", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl);
            EncryptionProperty ep = new EncryptionProperty(encryptionPropertyElement);

            // Output the resulting XML information into a file.
                string path = @"c:\test\MyTest.xml";

                File.WriteAllText(path, ed.GetXml().OuterXml);
            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine("File IO error. {0}", e);
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO

'/ This sample used the EncryptedData class to create a EncryptedData element
'/ and write it to an XML file. It demonstrates the use of CipherReference.
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        ' Create a URI string.
        Dim uri As String = ""
        ' Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
        ' URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
        Dim base64 As Transform = New XmlDsigBase64Transform
        Dim tc As New TransformChain
        ' Create <CipherReference> information.
        Dim reference As CipherReference = New CipherReference(uri, tc)

        ' Create a new CipherData object.
        ' Note that you cannot assign both a CipherReference and a CipherValue
        ' to a CipherData object.
        Dim cd As CipherData = New CipherData(Reference)

        ' Create a new EncryptedData object.
        Dim ed As New EncryptedData

        'Add an encryption method to the object.
        ed.Id = "ED"
        ed.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod("")
        ed.CipherData = cd

        'Add key information to the object.
        Dim ki As New KeyInfo
        ki.AddClause(New KeyInfoRetrievalMethod("#EK", ""))
        ed.KeyInfo = ki

        ' Create new XML document and put encrypted data into it.
        Dim doc As New XmlDocument
        Dim encryptionPropertyElement As XmlElement = CType(doc.CreateElement("EncryptionProperty", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl), XmlElement)
        Dim ep As New EncryptionProperty(encryptionPropertyElement)

        ' Output the resulting XML information into a file.
        Dim path As String = "c:\test\MyTest.xml"
        File.WriteAllText(path, ed.GetXml().OuterXml)
    End Sub

End Module


Bu oluşturucu, bir CipherReference nesne için başvuru bilgileri sağlayan bir CipherData nesne oluşturur.

Şunlara uygulanır



Belirtilen Tekdüzen Kaynak Tanımlayıcısı'nı CipherReference (URI) kullanarak sınıfının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

 CipherReference(System::String ^ uri);
public CipherReference (string uri);
new System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.CipherReference : string -> System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.CipherReference
Public Sub New (uri As String)



Şifrelenmiş verilere işaret eden Tekdüzen Kaynak Tanımlayıcısı (URI).


Aşağıdaki kod örneği yeni bir örneği CipherReferenceoluşturur.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::IO;

/// This sample used the EncryptedData class to create an encrypted data element
/// and write it to an XML file. It demonstrates the use of CipherReference.

int main()
   //Create a URI string.
   String^ uri = "";
   // Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
   // URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
   Transform^ base64 = gcnew XmlDsigBase64Transform;
   //Create a transform chain and add the transform to it.
   TransformChain^ tc = gcnew TransformChain;
   tc->Add( base64 );
   //Create <CipherReference> information.
   CipherReference ^ reference = gcnew CipherReference( uri,tc );
   // Create a new CipherData object using the CipherReference information.
   // Note that you cannot assign both a CipherReference and a CipherValue
   // to a CipherData object.
   CipherData ^ cd = gcnew CipherData( reference );
   // Create a new EncryptedData object.
   EncryptedData^ ed = gcnew EncryptedData;
   //Add an encryption method to the object.
   ed->Id = "ED";
   ed->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( "" );
   ed->CipherData = cd;
   //Add key information to the object.
   KeyInfo^ ki = gcnew KeyInfo;
   ki->AddClause( gcnew KeyInfoRetrievalMethod( "#EK","" ) );
   ed->KeyInfo = ki;
   // Create new XML document and put encrypted data into it.
   XmlDocument^ doc = gcnew XmlDocument;
   XmlElement^ encryptionPropertyElement = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(doc->CreateElement( "EncryptionProperty", EncryptedXml::XmlEncNamespaceUrl ));
   EncryptionProperty ^ ep = gcnew EncryptionProperty( encryptionPropertyElement );
   ed->AddProperty( ep );
   // Output the resulting XML information into a file.
      String^ path = "c:\\test\\MyTest.xml";
      File::WriteAllText( path, ed->GetXml()->OuterXml );
   catch ( IOException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "File IO error. {0}", e );

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;

/// This sample used the EncryptedData class to create an encrypted data element
/// and write it to an XML file. It demonstrates the use of CipherReference.
namespace EncryptedDataSample
    class Example
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create a URI string.
            String uri = "";
            // Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
            // URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
            Transform base64 = new XmlDsigBase64Transform();
            //Create a transform chain and add the transform to it.
            TransformChain tc = new TransformChain();
            //Create <CipherReference> information.
            CipherReference reference = new CipherReference(uri, tc);

            // Create a new CipherData object using the CipherReference information.
            // Note that you cannot assign both a CipherReference and a CipherValue
            // to a CipherData object.
            CipherData cd = new CipherData(reference);

            // Create a new EncryptedData object.
            EncryptedData ed = new EncryptedData();

            //Add an encryption method to the object.
            ed.Id = "ED";
            ed.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod("");
            ed.CipherData = cd;

            //Add key information to the object.
            KeyInfo ki = new KeyInfo();
            ki.AddClause(new KeyInfoRetrievalMethod("#EK", ""));
            ed.KeyInfo = ki;

            // Create new XML document and put encrypted data into it.
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement encryptionPropertyElement = (XmlElement)doc.CreateElement("EncryptionProperty", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl);
            EncryptionProperty ep = new EncryptionProperty(encryptionPropertyElement);

            // Output the resulting XML information into a file.
                string path = @"c:\test\MyTest.xml";

                File.WriteAllText(path, ed.GetXml().OuterXml);
            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine("File IO error. {0}", e);
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO

'/ This sample used the EncryptedData class to create a EncryptedData element
'/ and write it to an XML file. It demonstrates the use of CipherReference.
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        ' Create a URI string.
        Dim uri As String = ""
        ' Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
        ' URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
        Dim base64 As Transform = New XmlDsigBase64Transform
        Dim tc As New TransformChain
        ' Create <CipherReference> information.
        Dim reference As CipherReference = New CipherReference(uri, tc)

        ' Create a new CipherData object.
        ' Note that you cannot assign both a CipherReference and a CipherValue
        ' to a CipherData object.
        Dim cd As CipherData = New CipherData(Reference)

        ' Create a new EncryptedData object.
        Dim ed As New EncryptedData

        'Add an encryption method to the object.
        ed.Id = "ED"
        ed.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod("")
        ed.CipherData = cd

        'Add key information to the object.
        Dim ki As New KeyInfo
        ki.AddClause(New KeyInfoRetrievalMethod("#EK", ""))
        ed.KeyInfo = ki

        ' Create new XML document and put encrypted data into it.
        Dim doc As New XmlDocument
        Dim encryptionPropertyElement As XmlElement = CType(doc.CreateElement("EncryptionProperty", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl), XmlElement)
        Dim ep As New EncryptionProperty(encryptionPropertyElement)

        ' Output the resulting XML information into a file.
        Dim path As String = "c:\test\MyTest.xml"
        File.WriteAllText(path, ed.GetXml().OuterXml)
    End Sub

End Module


Bu oluşturucu, şifrelenmiş verilere işaret eden tekdüzen Kaynak Tanımlayıcısı (URI) kullanarak bir CipherReference nesne oluşturur. Nesne daha sonra bir CipherData nesne için başvuru bilgileri sağlamak için kullanılır.

Şifrelenmiş veriler içeren bir XML dosyası ayarlamak için URI kullanabilirsiniz. Örnek:

String uri = "";

Xml belgesinin yalnızca bir bölümünün şifrelenmesini sağlamak için kısmi bir URI de kullanabilirsiniz. Örneğin, document.xml adlı bir XML belgesinin aşağıdaki XML kodu örneğinde gösterildiği gibi iki MyForm öğe içerdiğini varsayalım:

<MyForm Id='Form1'>

<! -- Form data here -->


<MyForm Id='Form2'>

<! -- Form data here -->


Aşağıdaki gibi bir URI kullanarak yalnızca içindeki Form2 içeriği şifreleyebilirsiniz:

String uri = "";

Şunlara uygulanır

CipherReference(String, TransformChain)


Belirtilen Tekdüzen Kaynak Tanımlayıcısı (URI) ve dönüştürme zinciri bilgilerini kullanarak sınıfının yeni bir örneğini CipherReference başlatır.

 CipherReference(System::String ^ uri, System::Security::Cryptography::Xml::TransformChain ^ transformChain);
public CipherReference (string uri, System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.TransformChain transformChain);
new System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.CipherReference : string * System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.TransformChain -> System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.CipherReference
Public Sub New (uri As String, transformChain As TransformChain)



Şifrelenmiş verilere işaret eden Tekdüzen Kaynak Tanımlayıcısı (URI).


TransformChain Şifrelenmiş veriler üzerinde yapılacak dönüştürmeleri açıklayan bir nesne.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği yeni bir örneği CipherReferenceoluşturur.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::IO;

/// This sample used the EncryptedData class to create an encrypted data element
/// and write it to an XML file. It demonstrates the use of CipherReference.

int main()
   //Create a URI string.
   String^ uri = "";
   // Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
   // URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
   Transform^ base64 = gcnew XmlDsigBase64Transform;
   //Create a transform chain and add the transform to it.
   TransformChain^ tc = gcnew TransformChain;
   tc->Add( base64 );
   //Create <CipherReference> information.
   CipherReference ^ reference = gcnew CipherReference( uri,tc );
   // Create a new CipherData object using the CipherReference information.
   // Note that you cannot assign both a CipherReference and a CipherValue
   // to a CipherData object.
   CipherData ^ cd = gcnew CipherData( reference );
   // Create a new EncryptedData object.
   EncryptedData^ ed = gcnew EncryptedData;
   //Add an encryption method to the object.
   ed->Id = "ED";
   ed->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( "" );
   ed->CipherData = cd;
   //Add key information to the object.
   KeyInfo^ ki = gcnew KeyInfo;
   ki->AddClause( gcnew KeyInfoRetrievalMethod( "#EK","" ) );
   ed->KeyInfo = ki;
   // Create new XML document and put encrypted data into it.
   XmlDocument^ doc = gcnew XmlDocument;
   XmlElement^ encryptionPropertyElement = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(doc->CreateElement( "EncryptionProperty", EncryptedXml::XmlEncNamespaceUrl ));
   EncryptionProperty ^ ep = gcnew EncryptionProperty( encryptionPropertyElement );
   ed->AddProperty( ep );
   // Output the resulting XML information into a file.
      String^ path = "c:\\test\\MyTest.xml";
      File::WriteAllText( path, ed->GetXml()->OuterXml );
   catch ( IOException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "File IO error. {0}", e );

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;

/// This sample used the EncryptedData class to create an encrypted data element
/// and write it to an XML file. It demonstrates the use of CipherReference.
namespace EncryptedDataSample
    class Example
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create a URI string.
            String uri = "";
            // Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
            // URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
            Transform base64 = new XmlDsigBase64Transform();
            //Create a transform chain and add the transform to it.
            TransformChain tc = new TransformChain();
            //Create <CipherReference> information.
            CipherReference reference = new CipherReference(uri, tc);

            // Create a new CipherData object using the CipherReference information.
            // Note that you cannot assign both a CipherReference and a CipherValue
            // to a CipherData object.
            CipherData cd = new CipherData(reference);

            // Create a new EncryptedData object.
            EncryptedData ed = new EncryptedData();

            //Add an encryption method to the object.
            ed.Id = "ED";
            ed.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod("");
            ed.CipherData = cd;

            //Add key information to the object.
            KeyInfo ki = new KeyInfo();
            ki.AddClause(new KeyInfoRetrievalMethod("#EK", ""));
            ed.KeyInfo = ki;

            // Create new XML document and put encrypted data into it.
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement encryptionPropertyElement = (XmlElement)doc.CreateElement("EncryptionProperty", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl);
            EncryptionProperty ep = new EncryptionProperty(encryptionPropertyElement);

            // Output the resulting XML information into a file.
                string path = @"c:\test\MyTest.xml";

                File.WriteAllText(path, ed.GetXml().OuterXml);
            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine("File IO error. {0}", e);
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO

'/ This sample used the EncryptedData class to create a EncryptedData element
'/ and write it to an XML file. It demonstrates the use of CipherReference.
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        ' Create a URI string.
        Dim uri As String = ""
        ' Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
        ' URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
        Dim base64 As Transform = New XmlDsigBase64Transform
        Dim tc As New TransformChain
        ' Create <CipherReference> information.
        Dim reference As CipherReference = New CipherReference(uri, tc)

        ' Create a new CipherData object.
        ' Note that you cannot assign both a CipherReference and a CipherValue
        ' to a CipherData object.
        Dim cd As CipherData = New CipherData(Reference)

        ' Create a new EncryptedData object.
        Dim ed As New EncryptedData

        'Add an encryption method to the object.
        ed.Id = "ED"
        ed.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod("")
        ed.CipherData = cd

        'Add key information to the object.
        Dim ki As New KeyInfo
        ki.AddClause(New KeyInfoRetrievalMethod("#EK", ""))
        ed.KeyInfo = ki

        ' Create new XML document and put encrypted data into it.
        Dim doc As New XmlDocument
        Dim encryptionPropertyElement As XmlElement = CType(doc.CreateElement("EncryptionProperty", EncryptedXml.XmlEncNamespaceUrl), XmlElement)
        Dim ep As New EncryptionProperty(encryptionPropertyElement)

        ' Output the resulting XML information into a file.
        Dim path As String = "c:\test\MyTest.xml"
        File.WriteAllText(path, ed.GetXml().OuterXml)
    End Sub

End Module


Bu oluşturucu, şifrelenmiş verileri göstermek için Tekdüzen Kaynak Tanımlayıcısı (URI) ve dönüştürme zinciri kullanarak bir CipherReference nesne oluşturur. Nesne daha sonra bir CipherData nesne için başvuru bilgileri sağlamak için kullanılır.

Şunlara uygulanır