GitConflictType enum
The type of a merge conflict.
None = 0 | No conflict |
AddAdd = 1 | Added on source and target; content differs |
AddRename = 2 | Added on source and rename destination on target |
DeleteEdit = 3 | Deleted on source and edited on target |
DeleteRename = 4 | Deleted on source and renamed on target |
DirectoryFile = 5 | Path is a directory on source and a file on target |
DirectoryChild = 6 | Children of directory which has DirectoryFile or FileDirectory conflict |
EditDelete = 7 | Edited on source and deleted on target |
EditEdit = 8 | Edited on source and target; content differs |
FileDirectory = 9 | Path is a file on source and a directory on target |
Rename1to2 = 10 | Same file renamed on both source and target; destination paths differ |
Rename2to1 = 11 | Different files renamed to same destination path on both source and target |
RenameAdd = 12 | Rename destination on source and new file on target |
RenameDelete = 13 | Renamed on source and deleted on target |
RenameRename = 14 | Rename destination on both source and target; content differs |