

Azure Computer Vision Image Analysis 4.0 provides a rich collection of features for extracting information from visual inputs. By incorporating Microsoft's Florence foundation model, Vision Services enables developers to create cutting-edge computer vision applications to seamlessly digitize, analyze, and connect their visual data to natural-language interactions, unlocking powerful insights from their image and video content.

The new Image Analysis service improves content discoverability with automatic captioning, smart cropping, classifying, object detection, background removal, and searching for images.

Now that you have completed this module, you should be able to:

  • Describe the capabilities available in Azure Computer Vision.
  • Understand the benefits provided by Microsoft's Florence large foundation model.
  • Analyze images using Image Analysis 4.0.
  • Use Vision Studio to create a custom object detection model.

Clean up

You must clean up any Azure resources created during the exercises in this module to avoid being charged for unused services and resources. If you didn't delete your resource group in Unit 7 - Exercise - Train a custom object detection model in Vision Studio, follow these instructions:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the Azure portal.
  2. In the left-hand navigation menu, select Resource Groups, and then select the rg-ms-learn-vision resource group you created as part of the exercise in Unit 5.
  3. In the Overview pane, select Delete resource group.
  4. Enter the name of the resource group you created to confirm and then select Delete.


Use these resources to discover more: