Get Azure Blob Storage events into Real-Time hub (preview)

This article describes how to get Azure Blob Storage events into Fabric Real-Time hub.


Real-Time hub is currently in preview.

An event is the smallest amount of information that fully describes something has happened in a system. Azure Blob Storage events are triggered when a client creates, replaces, deletes a blob, etc. By using the Real-Time hub, you can convert these events into continuous data streams and transform them before routing them to various destinations in Fabric.

The following Blob Storage event types are supported:

Event name Description
Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated Triggered when a blob is created or replaced.
Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted Triggered when a blob is deleted.
Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed Triggered when a blob is renamed.
Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged Triggered when the blob access tier is changed.
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated Triggered when a directory is created.
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed Triggered when a directory is renamed.
Microsoft.Storage.AsyncOperationInitiated Triggered when an operation involving moving or copying data from the archive to hot or cool tiers is initiated.
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted Triggered when a directory is deleted.
Microsoft.Storage.BlobInventoryPolicyCompleted Triggered when the inventory run completes for a rule that defines an inventory policy.
Microsoft.Storage.LifecyclePolicyCompleted Triggered when the actions defined by a lifecycle management policy are done.

For more information about available event types, see Azure Blob Storage as Event Grid source.


Consuming Fabric events via eventstream or Data Activator is not supported if the capacity region of the eventstream or Data Activator is in the following regions: Germany West Central, South-Central US, West US2, West US3, West India.


  • Get access to the Fabric premium workspace with Contributor or above permissions.
  • An Azure Blob Storage account of kind StorageV2 (general purpose v2), Block Blob Storage, or Blob Storage. General purpose v1 storage accounts aren't supported.

Create streams for Azure Blob Storage events

You can create streams for Azure Blob Storage events in Real-Time hub using one of the ways:

Launch Get events experience

  1. Switch to the Real-Time Intelligence experience in Microsoft Fabric. Select Microsoft Fabric on the left navigation bar, and select Real-Time Intelligence.

    Screenshot that shows how to switch to the Real-Time Intelligence experience.

  2. Select Real-Time hub on the left navigation bar.

    Screenshot that shows how to launch Real-Time hub In Microsoft Fabric.

  3. On the Real-Time hub page, select + Get events in the top-right corner of the page.

    Screenshot that shows the selection of Get events button in Real-Time hub.

Now, use instructions from the Configure and create an eventstream section.

Fabric events tab

  1. In Real-Time hub, switch to the Fabric events tab.

  2. Move the mouse over Azure Blob Storage, and select the Create stream link or select ... (ellipsis) and then select Create stream.

    Screenshot that shows the Fabric events tab of the Real-Time hub.

    Now, use instructions from the Configure and create an eventstream section, but skip the first step of using the Get events page.

Configure and create an eventstream

  1. On the Get events page, select Azure Blob Storage events.

    Screenshot that shows the Get events page with Azure Blob Storage events selected.

  2. On the Connect page, select the Azure subscription that has the storage account

  3. Select the Azure Blob Storage account that you want to receive events for.

  4. In the Stream details section, enter a name for the eventstream that the Wizard is going to create, and select the workspace where you want to save the eventstream.

  5. Then, select Next at the bottom of the page.

    Screenshot that shows the Connect settings for an Azure Blob Storage account.

  6. On the Review and create page, review settings, and select Create source.

    Screenshot that shows the Review and create page.

  7. When the wizard succeeds in creating a stream, you see a link to open the eventstream and close the wizard.

    Screenshot that shows the Review and create page with links to open the eventstream.

View stream on the Data streams tab

  1. In Real-Time hub, switch to the Data streams tab.

  2. Confirm that you see the stream you created.

    Screenshot that shows the Data streams tab with the generated stream.

To learn about consuming data streams, see the following articles: