

accessPackage resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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In Microsoft Entra Entitlement Management, an access package defines the collections of resource roles and the policies for how one or more users can get access to those resources.

Each access package is referenced by a single access package catalog, and has links to the resources from that catalog via the resource-specific role scopes that define the access the package provides. An access package also links to the access package assignment policies, each of which define who can request or be assigned an access package assignment.

To assign a user to an access package, create an accessPackageAssignmentRequest that references the access package and access package assignment policy.


Method Return Type Description
List accessPackages accessPackage collection Retrieve a list of accesspackage objects.
Create accessPackage accessPackage Create a new accesspackage object.
Get accessPackage accessPackage Read properties and relationships of an accesspackage object.
Update accessPackage None Update the properties of an accesspackage object.
Delete accessPackage None Delete an accesspackage.
List accessPackageResourceRoleScopes accessPackageResourceRoleScope collection Retrieve a list of accessPackageResourceRoleScope objects for this access package.
Create accessPackageResourceRoleScope None Create a new accessPackageResourceRoleScope object for this access package.
List incompatibleAccessPackages accessPackage collection Retrieve a list of the incompatible accesspackage objects for this access package.
Add accessPackage to incompatibleAccessPackages None Add a link to indicate another accesspackage is incompatible with a specified access package.
Remove accessPackage from incompatibleAccessPackages None Remove a link that indicated an accesspackage was incompatible.
List incompatibleGroups group collection Retrieve a list of the incompatible group objects for this access package.
Add group to incompatibleGroups None Add a link to indicate membership of a group is incompatible with a specified access package.
Remove group from incompatibleGroups None Remove a link that indicated a group membership was incompatible.
List accessPackagesIncompatibleWith accessPackage collection Retrieve a list of the accesspackage objects that list this access package as incompatible.
filterByCurrentUser accessPackage collection Retrieve the list of accessPackage objects filtered on the signed-in user.
getApplicablePolicyRequirements accessPackageAssignmentRequestRequirements collection Retrieve a list of accessPackageAssignmentRequestRequirement objects with request requirements.
moveToCatalog None Move an access package to a different catalog.


Property Type Description
catalogId String Identifier of the access package catalog referencing this access package. Read-only.
createdBy String The userPrincipalName of the user or identity of the subject who created this resource. Read-only.
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Read-only.
description String The description of the access package.
displayName String The display name of the access package. Supports $filter (eq, contains).
id String Read-only.
isHidden Boolean Whether the access package is hidden from the requestor.
isRoleScopesVisible Boolean Indicates whether role scopes are visible.
modifiedBy String The userPrincipalName of the user who last modified this resource. Read-only.
modifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Read-only.


Relationship Type Description
accessPackageAssignmentPolicies accessPackageAssignmentPolicy collection Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand.
accessPackageCatalog accessPackageCatalog Read-only. Nullable.
accessPackageResourceRoleScopes accessPackageResourceRoleScope collection Nullable.
incompatibleAccessPackages accessPackage collection The access packages whose assigned users are ineligible to be assigned this access package.
accessPackagesIncompatibleWith accessPackage collection The access packages that are incompatible with this package. Read-only.
incompatibleGroups group collection The groups whose members are ineligible to be assigned this access package.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

    "description":"Sample access package",
    "displayName":"Access package for testing",