你当前正在访问 Microsoft Azure Global Edition 技术文档网站。 如果需要访问由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Azure 中国技术文档网站,请访问 https://docs.azure.cn

快速入门:在 Teams 呼叫队列中加入通话应用

在本快速入门中,你将了解如何发起从 Azure 通信服务用户到 Teams 呼叫队列的呼叫。 可通过以下步骤实现此目标:

  1. 启用 Azure 通信服务资源与 Teams 租户的联合。
  2. 通过 Teams 管理中心选择或创建 Teams 呼叫队列。
  3. 通过 Teams 管理中心获取呼叫队列的电子邮件地址。
  4. 通过图形 API 获取呼叫队列的对象 ID。
  5. 使用 Azure 通信服务呼叫 SDK 发起呼叫。

如果你要向前跳转到末尾,可以从 GitHub 下载此快速入门示例。

在 Teams 租户中实现互操作性

具有 Teams 管理员角色的 Microsoft Entra 用户可以通过 MicrosoftTeams 模块运行 PowerShell cmdlet,以在租户中启用通信服务资源。

1.准备 Microsoft Teams 模块

首先,打开 PowerShell,并使用以下命令验证 Teams 模块是否存在:

Get-module *teams* 

如果未看到 MicrosoftTeams 模块,请先安装它。 要安装该模块,需要以管理员身份运行 PowerShell。 然后,运行以下命令:

	Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams

系统会通知你将要安装的模块,你可以通过回复 YA 进行确认。 如果模块已安装但已过时,可以运行以下命令来更新模块:

	Update-Module MicrosoftTeams

2.连接到 Microsoft Teams 模块

模块安装并就绪后,可以使用以下命令连接到 MicrosftTeams 模块。 你将看到一个提示你进行登录的交互式窗口。 要使用的用户帐户需要具有 Teams 管理员权限。 否则,可能会在后续步骤中收到 access denied 响应。



与通信服务资源的互操作性是通过租户配置和分配的策略来控制的。 Teams 租户具有单个租户配置,Teams 用户则已分配全局策略或自定义策略。 有关详细信息,请参阅在 Teams 中分配策略

成功登录后,可以运行 cmdlet Set-CsTeamsAcsFederationConfiguration 以在租户中启用通信服务资源。 将文本 IMMUTABLE_RESOURCE_ID 替换为通信资源中的不可变资源 ID。 可在此处找到有关如何获取此信息的更多详细信息。

$allowlist = @('IMMUTABLE_RESOURCE_ID')
Set-CsTeamsAcsFederationConfiguration -EnableAcsUsers $True -AllowedAcsResources $allowlist


每个 Teams 用户都分配了一个 External Access Policy,可用于确定通信服务用户是否可以呼叫此 Teams 用户。 使用 cmdlet Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy 确保分配给 Teams 用户的策略已将 EnableAcsFederationAccess 设置为 $true

Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy -Identity Global -EnableAcsFederationAccess $true

创建或选择 Teams 呼叫队列

Teams 呼叫队列是 Microsoft Teams 中的一项功能,可在一组指定的用户或代理之间有效地分配传入呼叫。 它适用于客户支持或呼叫中心场景。 呼叫将置于队列中,并根据预先确定的路由方法分配给下一个可用的代理。 代理接收通知,可使用 Teams 的呼叫控件处理呼叫。 此功能提供报告和分析来进行性能跟踪。 它简化了呼叫处理,确保了一致的客户体验,并优化了代理的工作效率。 可通过 Teams 管理中心选择现有呼叫队列或创建新的呼叫队列。

此处详细了解如何使用 Teams 管理中心创建呼叫队列。

查找呼叫队列的对象 ID

创建呼叫队列后,需要查找相关的对象 ID,以便稍后将其用于呼叫。 对象 ID 关联到呼叫队列上附加的资源帐户 - 在 Teams 管理中心打开“资源帐户”选项卡并查找电子邮件地址。 Teams 管理门户中“资源帐户”的屏幕截图。 可在搜索中使用此电子邮件地址通过 Microsoft Graph 浏览器找到资源帐户所需的所有信息。



    "userPrincipalName": "lab-test2-cq@contoso.com",
    "id": "31a011c2-2672-4dd0-b6f9-9334ef4999db"



创建新的 Node.js 应用程序


mkdir calling-quickstart && cd calling-quickstart


使用 npm install 命令安装适用于 JavaScript 的 Azure 通信服务通话 SDK。


本快速入门使用 Azure 通信服务呼叫 SDK 版本 next

npm install @azure/communication-common@next --save
npm install @azure/communication-calling@next --save


此快速入门使用 webpack 捆绑应用程序资产。 运行以下命令以安装 webpackwebpack-cliwebpack-dev-server npm 包并在 package.json 中将其列作开发依赖项:

npm install copy-webpack-plugin@^11.0.0 webpack@^5.88.2 webpack-cli@^5.1.4 webpack-dev-server@^4.15.1 --save-dev

在项目的根目录中创建一个 index.html 文件。 我们将使用此文件来配置可让用户发起 1:1 视频呼叫的基本布局。


<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Azure Communication Services - Calling Web SDK</title>
        <h4>Azure Communication Services - Calling Web SDK</h4>
        <input id="user-access-token"
            placeholder="User access token"
            style="margin-bottom:1em; width: 500px;"/>
        <button id="initialize-teams-call-agent" type="button">Initialize Call Agent</button>
        <input id="application-object-id"
            placeholder="Enter callee's Teams user identity in format: 'APP_GUID'"
            style="margin-bottom:1em; width: 500px; display: block;"/>
        <button id="start-call-button" type="button" disabled="true">Start Call</button>
        <button id="hangup-call-button" type="button" disabled="true">Hang up Call</button>
        <button id="accept-call-button" type="button" disabled="true">Accept Call</button>
        <button id="start-video-button" type="button" disabled="true">Start Video</button>
        <button id="stop-video-button" type="button" disabled="true">Stop Video</button>
        <div id="connectedLabel" style="color: #13bb13;" hidden>Call is connected!</div>
        <div id="remoteVideoContainer" style="width: 40%;" hidden>Remote participants' video streams:</div>
        <div id="localVideoContainer" style="width: 30%;" hidden>Local video stream:</div>
        <!-- points to the bundle generated from client.js -->
        <script src="./main.js"></script>

Azure 通信服务呼叫 Web SDK 对象模型

以下类和接口用于处理 Azure 通信服务通话 SDK 的某些主要功能:

名称 说明
CallClient 通话 SDK 的主入口点。
CallAgent 用于启动和管理通话。
DeviceManager 用于管理媒体设备。
Call 用于表示呼叫。
LocalVideoStream 用于为本地系统上的相机设备创建本地视频流。
RemoteParticipant 用于表示呼叫中的远程参与者。
RemoteVideoStream 用于表示来自远程参与者的远程视频流。

在名为 client.js 的项目的根目录中创建一个文件,以包含此快速入门的应用程序逻辑。 将下面的代码添加到 client.js:

// Make sure to install the necessary dependencies
const { CallClient, VideoStreamRenderer, LocalVideoStream } = require('@azure/communication-calling');
const { AzureCommunicationTokenCredential } = require('@azure/communication-common');
const { AzureLogger, setLogLevel } = require("@azure/logger");
// Set the log level and output
AzureLogger.log = (...args) => {
// Calling web sdk objects
let callAgent;
let deviceManager;
let call;
let incomingCall;
let localVideoStream;
let localVideoStreamRenderer;
// UI widgets
let userAccessToken = document.getElementById('user-access-token');
let callQueueId = document.getElementById('application-object-id');
let initializeCallAgentButton = document.getElementById('initialize-teams-call-agent');
let startCallButton = document.getElementById('start-call-button');
let hangUpCallButton = document.getElementById('hangup-call-button');
let acceptCallButton = document.getElementById('accept-call-button');
let startVideoButton = document.getElementById('start-video-button');
let stopVideoButton = document.getElementById('stop-video-button');
let connectedLabel = document.getElementById('connectedLabel');
let remoteVideoContainer = document.getElementById('remoteVideoContainer');
let localVideoContainer = document.getElementById('localVideoContainer');
 * Create an instance of CallClient. Initialize a CallAgent instance with a AzureCommunicationTokenCredential via created CallClient. CallAgent enables us to make outgoing calls and receive incoming calls. 
 * You can then use the CallClient.getDeviceManager() API instance to get the DeviceManager.
initializeCallAgentButton.onclick = async () => {
    try {
        const callClient = new CallClient(); 
        tokenCredential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential(userAccessToken.value.trim());
        callAgent = await callClient.createCallAgent(tokenCredential)
        // Set up a camera device to use.
        deviceManager = await callClient.getDeviceManager();
        await deviceManager.askDevicePermission({ video: true });
        await deviceManager.askDevicePermission({ audio: true });
        // Listen for an incoming call to accept.
        callAgent.on('incomingCall', async (args) => {
            try {
                incomingCall = args.incomingCall;
                acceptCallButton.disabled = false;
                startCallButton.disabled = true;
            } catch (error) {
        startCallButton.disabled = false;
        initializeCallAgentButton.disabled = true;
    } catch(error) {
 * Place a 1:1 outgoing video call to a Teams Call Queue
 * Add an event listener to initiate a call when the `startCallButton` is selected.
 * Enumerate local cameras using the deviceManager `getCameraList` API.
 * In this quickstart, we're using the first camera in the collection. Once the desired camera is selected, a
 * LocalVideoStream instance will be constructed and passed within `videoOptions` as an item within the
 * localVideoStream array to the call method. When the call connects, your application will be sending a video stream to the other participant. 
startCallButton.onclick = async () => {
    try {
        const localVideoStream = await createLocalVideoStream();
        const videoOptions = localVideoStream ? { localVideoStreams: [localVideoStream] } : undefined;
        call = callAgent.startCall([{ teamsAppId: callQueueId.value.trim(), cloud:"public" }], { videoOptions: videoOptions });
        // Subscribe to the call's properties and events.
    } catch (error) {
 * Accepting an incoming call with a video
 * Add an event listener to accept a call when the `acceptCallButton` is selected.
 * You can accept incoming calls after subscribing to the `CallAgent.on('incomingCall')` event.
 * You can pass the local video stream to accept the call with the following code.
acceptCallButton.onclick = async () => {
    try {
        const localVideoStream = await createLocalVideoStream();
        const videoOptions = localVideoStream ? { localVideoStreams: [localVideoStream] } : undefined;
        call = await incomingCall.accept({ videoOptions });
        // Subscribe to the call's properties and events.
    } catch (error) {
// Subscribe to a call obj.
// Listen for property changes and collection udpates.
subscribeToCall = (call) => {
    try {
        // Inspect the initial call.id value.
        console.log(`Call Id: ${call.id}`);
        //Subsribe to call's 'idChanged' event for value changes.
        call.on('idChanged', () => {
            console.log(`Call ID changed: ${call.id}`); 
        // Inspect the initial call.state value.
        console.log(`Call state: ${call.state}`);
        // Subscribe to call's 'stateChanged' event for value changes.
        call.on('stateChanged', async () => {
            console.log(`Call state changed: ${call.state}`);
            if(call.state === 'Connected') {
                connectedLabel.hidden = false;
                acceptCallButton.disabled = true;
                startCallButton.disabled = true;
                hangUpCallButton.disabled = false;
                startVideoButton.disabled = false;
                stopVideoButton.disabled = false;
            } else if (call.state === 'Disconnected') {
                connectedLabel.hidden = true;
                startCallButton.disabled = false;
                hangUpCallButton.disabled = true;
                startVideoButton.disabled = true;
                stopVideoButton.disabled = true;
                console.log(`Call ended, call end reason={code=${call.callEndReason.code}, subCode=${call.callEndReason.subCode}}`);
        call.localVideoStreams.forEach(async (lvs) => {
            localVideoStream = lvs;
            await displayLocalVideoStream();
        call.on('localVideoStreamsUpdated', e => {
            e.added.forEach(async (lvs) => {
                localVideoStream = lvs;
                await displayLocalVideoStream();
            e.removed.forEach(lvs => {
        call.on('isLocalVideoStartedChanged', () => {
            console.log(`isLocalVideoStarted changed: ${call.isLocalVideoStarted}`);
        console.log(`isLocalVideoStarted: ${call.isLocalVideoStarted}`);
        // Inspect the call's current remote participants and subscribe to them.
        call.remoteParticipants.forEach(remoteParticipant => {
        // Subscribe to the call's 'remoteParticipantsUpdated' event to be
        // notified when new participants are added to the call or removed from the call.
        call.on('remoteParticipantsUpdated', e => {
            // Subscribe to new remote participants that are added to the call.
            e.added.forEach(remoteParticipant => {
            // Unsubscribe from participants that are removed from the call
            e.removed.forEach(remoteParticipant => {
                console.log('Remote participant removed from the call.');
    } catch (error) {
// Subscribe to a remote participant obj.
// Listen for property changes and collection udpates.
subscribeToRemoteParticipant = (remoteParticipant) => {
    try {
        // Inspect the initial remoteParticipant.state value.
        console.log(`Remote participant state: ${remoteParticipant.state}`);
        // Subscribe to remoteParticipant's 'stateChanged' event for value changes.
        remoteParticipant.on('stateChanged', () => {
            console.log(`Remote participant state changed: ${remoteParticipant.state}`);
        // Inspect the remoteParticipants's current videoStreams and subscribe to them.
        remoteParticipant.videoStreams.forEach(remoteVideoStream => {
        // Subscribe to the remoteParticipant's 'videoStreamsUpdated' event to be
        // notified when the remoteParticiapant adds new videoStreams and removes video streams.
        remoteParticipant.on('videoStreamsUpdated', e => {
            // Subscribe to newly added remote participant's video streams.
            e.added.forEach(remoteVideoStream => {
            // Unsubscribe from newly removed remote participants' video streams.
            e.removed.forEach(remoteVideoStream => {
                console.log('Remote participant video stream was removed.');
    } catch (error) {
 * Subscribe to a remote participant's remote video stream obj.
 * You have to subscribe to the 'isAvailableChanged' event to render the remoteVideoStream. If the 'isAvailable' property
 * changes to 'true' a remote participant is sending a stream. Whenever the availability of a remote stream changes
 * you can choose to destroy the whole 'Renderer' a specific 'RendererView' or keep them. Displaying RendererView without a video stream will result in a blank video frame. 
subscribeToRemoteVideoStream = async (remoteVideoStream) => {
    // Create a video stream renderer for the remote video stream.
    let videoStreamRenderer = new VideoStreamRenderer(remoteVideoStream);
    let view;
    const renderVideo = async () => {
        try {
            // Create a renderer view for the remote video stream.
            view = await videoStreamRenderer.createView();
            // Attach the renderer view to the UI.
            remoteVideoContainer.hidden = false;
        } catch (e) {
            console.warn(`Failed to createView, reason=${e.message}, code=${e.code}`);
    remoteVideoStream.on('isAvailableChanged', async () => {
        // Participant has switched video on.
        if (remoteVideoStream.isAvailable) {
            await renderVideo();
        // Participant has switched video off.
        } else {
            if (view) {
                view = undefined;
    // Participant has video on initially.
    if (remoteVideoStream.isAvailable) {
        await renderVideo();
// Start your local video stream.
// This will send your local video stream to remote participants so they can view it.
startVideoButton.onclick = async () => {
    try {
        const localVideoStream = await createLocalVideoStream();
        await call.startVideo(localVideoStream);
    } catch (error) {
// Stop your local video stream.
// This will stop your local video stream from being sent to remote participants.
stopVideoButton.onclick = async () => {
    try {
        await call.stopVideo(localVideoStream);
    } catch (error) {
 * To render a LocalVideoStream, you need to create a new instance of VideoStreamRenderer, and then
 * create a new VideoStreamRendererView instance using the asynchronous createView() method.
 * You may then attach view.target to any UI element. 
// Create a local video stream for your camera device
createLocalVideoStream = async () => {
    const camera = (await deviceManager.getCameras())[0];
    if (camera) {
        return new LocalVideoStream(camera);
    } else {
        console.error(`No camera device found on the system`);
// Display your local video stream preview in your UI
displayLocalVideoStream = async () => {
    try {
        localVideoStreamRenderer = new VideoStreamRenderer(localVideoStream);
        const view = await localVideoStreamRenderer.createView();
        localVideoContainer.hidden = false;
    } catch (error) {
// Remove your local video stream preview from your UI
removeLocalVideoStream = async() => {
    try {
        localVideoContainer.hidden = true;
    } catch (error) {
// End the current call
hangUpCallButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
    // end the current call
    await call.hangUp();

添加 webpack 本地服务器代码

在项目根目录中创建一个名为 webpack.config.js 的文件,以包含本快速入门使用的本地服务器逻辑。 在 webpack.config.js 中添加以下代码:

const path = require('path');
const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
    mode: 'development',
    entry: './client.js',
    output: {
        filename: 'main.js',
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    devServer: {
        static: {
            directory: path.join(__dirname, './')
    plugins: [
        new CopyPlugin({
            patterns: [


使用 webpack-dev-server 生成并运行应用。 运行以下命令,在本地 Web 服务器中捆绑应用程序主机:

npx webpack serve --config webpack.config.js


  1. 打开浏览器并导航到 http://localhost:8080/.
  2. 输入有效的用户访问令牌。 如果还没有可用的令牌,请参阅用户访问令牌文档
  3. 单击“初始化呼叫代理”按钮。
  4. 输入呼叫队列对象 ID,然后选择“开始呼叫”按钮。 应用程序将使用给定的对象 ID 发起到呼叫队列的传出呼叫。
  5. 呼叫已连接到呼叫队列。
  6. 根据呼叫队列的配置通过呼叫队列路由通信服务用户。


如果想要清理并删除通信服务订阅,可以删除资源或资源组。 删除资源组同时也会删除与之相关联的任何其他资源。 了解有关清理资源的详细信息。

