steps.pwsh 定义

此步骤 pwsh 在 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上的 PowerShell Core 中运行脚本。

- pwsh: string # Required as first property. Inline PowerShell script.
  errorActionPreference: string # Unless otherwise specified, the error action preference defaults to the value stop. See the following section for more information.
  failOnStderr: string # Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?
  ignoreLASTEXITCODE: string # Check the final exit code of the script to determine whether the step succeeded?
  workingDirectory: string # Start the script with this working directory.
  condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.
  continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
  displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
  target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
  enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
  env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
    string: string # Name/value pairs
  name: string # ID of the step.
  timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.
  retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.
- pwsh: string # Required as first property. Inline PowerShell script.
  errorActionPreference: string # Unless otherwise specified, the error action preference defaults to the value stop. See the following section for more information.
  failOnStderr: string # Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?
  ignoreLASTEXITCODE: string # Check the final exit code of the script to determine whether the step succeeded?
  workingDirectory: string # Start the script with this working directory.
  condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.
  continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
  displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
  target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
  enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
  env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
    string: string # Name/value pairs
  name: string # ID of the step.
  timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.
- pwsh: string # Required as first property. Inline PowerShell script.
  errorActionPreference: string # Unless otherwise specified, the error action preference defaults to the value stop. See the following section for more information.
  failOnStderr: string # Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?
  ignoreLASTEXITCODE: string # Check the final exit code of the script to determine whether the step succeeded?
  workingDirectory: string # Start the script with this working directory.
  condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.
  continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
  displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
  enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
  env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
    string: string # Name/value pairs
  name: string # ID of the step.
  timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

引用此定义的定义: 步骤


pwsh 字符串。 作为第一个属性是必需的。
内联 PowerShell 脚本。

errorActionPreference 字符串。
除非另行指定,否则错误操作首选项默认为值停止。 有关详细信息,请参阅下一节。

failOnStderr 字符串。
如果输出发送到 Stderr,则任务失败?


workingDirectory 字符串。

condition 字符串。


displayName 字符串。



env 字符串字典。

name 字符串。
步骤的 ID。 可接受的值:[-_A-Za-z0-9]*。

timeoutInMinutes 字符串。


管道可以配置作业级别超时。 如果作业级别超时间隔在步骤完成之前已过,则正在运行的作业 (包括步骤) 也会终止,即使该步骤配置了较长 timeoutInMinutes 的间隔也是如此。 有关详细信息,请参阅 超时

retryCountOnTaskFailure 字符串。


当该任务的 pwsh 值设置为 true 时,pwsh 关键字是 PowerShell 任务的快捷方式。 该任务在 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上的 PowerShell Core 中运行脚本。


每个 PowerShell 会话的持续时间就是其运行时所在的作业的持续时间。 依赖于被启动项的任务必须与启动位于同一作业中。


- pwsh: Write-Host Hello $($env:name)
  displayName: Say hello
  name: firstStep
  workingDirectory: $(build.sourcesDirectory)
  failOnStderr: true
    name: Microsoft
