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本文介绍如何使用 Azure Quantum 资源估算器。 资源估算器在 VS Code 中可用,在 Azure 门户 中联机提供。


用户方案 平台 教程
估计 Q# 计划的资源 Visual Studio Code 在页面顶部的 VS Code 中选择 Q#
估算 Q# 计划的资源 (高级) Visual Studio Code 中的Jupyter Notebook 在页面顶部的“Jupyter Notebook”中选择“Q#
估计 Qiskit 计划的资源 Azure Quantum 门户 在页面顶部的“Azure 门户”中选择“Qiskit
估计 QIR 计划的资源 Azure Quantum 门户 提交 QIR
将 FCIDUMP 文件用作高级) (参数 Visual Studio Code 提交量子化学问题


Microsoft Quantum 开发工具包 (经典 QDK) 在 2024 年 6 月 30 日之后将不再受支持。 如果你是现有的 QDK 开发人员,建议过渡到新 式 QDK) (新的 Azure Quantum 开发工具包, 以继续开发量子解决方案。 有关详细信息,请参阅 将 Q# 代码迁移到新式 QDK

VS Code 的先决条件


无需拥有 Azure 帐户即可运行本地资源估算器。

Create新的 Q# 文件

  1. 打开Visual Studio Code并选择“文件>”“新建文本文件”以创建新文件。
  2. 将文件另存为 ShorRE.qs。 此文件将包含程序的 Q# 代码。


将以下代码复制到 ShorRE.qs 文件中:

namespace Shors {
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Math;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Unstable.Arithmetic;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.ResourceEstimation;

    operation RunProgram() : Unit {
        let bitsize = 31;

        // When chooseing parameters for `EstimateFrequency`, make sure that
        // generator and modules are not co-prime
        let _ = EstimateFrequency(11, 2^bitsize - 1, bitsize);

    // In this sample we concentrate on costing the `EstimateFrequency`
    // operation, which is the core quantum operation in Shors algorithm, and
    // we omit the classical pre- and post-processing.

    /// # Summary
    /// Estimates the frequency of a generator
    /// in the residue ring Z mod `modulus`.
    /// # Input
    /// ## generator
    /// The unsigned integer multiplicative order (period)
    /// of which is being estimated. Must be co-prime to `modulus`.
    /// ## modulus
    /// The modulus which defines the residue ring Z mod `modulus`
    /// in which the multiplicative order of `generator` is being estimated.
    /// ## bitsize
    /// Number of bits needed to represent the modulus.
    /// # Output
    /// The numerator k of dyadic fraction k/2^bitsPrecision
    /// approximating s/r.
    operation EstimateFrequency(
        generator : Int,
        modulus : Int,
        bitsize : Int
    : Int {
        mutable frequencyEstimate = 0;
        let bitsPrecision =  2 * bitsize + 1;

        // Allocate qubits for the superposition of eigenstates of
        // the oracle that is used in period finding.
        use eigenstateRegister = Qubit[bitsize];

        // Initialize eigenstateRegister to 1, which is a superposition of
        // the eigenstates we are estimating the phases of.
        // We first interpret the register as encoding an unsigned integer
        // in little endian encoding.
        ApplyXorInPlace(1, eigenstateRegister);
        let oracle = ApplyOrderFindingOracle(generator, modulus, _, _);

        // Use phase estimation with a semiclassical Fourier transform to
        // estimate the frequency.
        use c = Qubit();
        for idx in bitsPrecision - 1..-1..0 {
            within {
            } apply {
                // `BeginEstimateCaching` and `EndEstimateCaching` are the operations
                // exposed by Azure Quantum Resource Estimator. These will instruct
                // resource counting such that the if-block will be executed
                // only once, its resources will be cached, and appended in
                // every other iteration.
                if BeginEstimateCaching("ControlledOracle", SingleVariant()) {
                    Controlled oracle([c], (1 <<< idx, eigenstateRegister));
                R1Frac(frequencyEstimate, bitsPrecision - 1 - idx, c);
            if MResetZ(c) == One {
                set frequencyEstimate += 1 <<< (bitsPrecision - 1 - idx);

        // Return all the qubits used for oracles eigenstate back to 0 state
        // using Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic.ResetAll.

        return frequencyEstimate;

    /// # Summary
    /// Interprets `target` as encoding unsigned little-endian integer k
    /// and performs transformation |k⟩ ↦ |gᵖ⋅k mod N ⟩ where
    /// p is `power`, g is `generator` and N is `modulus`.
    /// # Input
    /// ## generator
    /// The unsigned integer multiplicative order ( period )
    /// of which is being estimated. Must be co-prime to `modulus`.
    /// ## modulus
    /// The modulus which defines the residue ring Z mod `modulus`
    /// in which the multiplicative order of `generator` is being estimated.
    /// ## power
    /// Power of `generator` by which `target` is multiplied.
    /// ## target
    /// Register interpreted as little endian encoded which is multiplied by
    /// given power of the generator. The multiplication is performed modulo
    /// `modulus`.
    internal operation ApplyOrderFindingOracle(
        generator : Int, modulus : Int, power : Int, target : Qubit[]
    : Unit
    is Adj + Ctl {
        // The oracle we use for order finding implements |x⟩ ↦ |x⋅a mod N⟩. We
        // also use `ExpModI` to compute a by which x must be multiplied. Also
        // note that we interpret target as unsigned integer in little-endian
        // encoding.
                                    ExpModI(generator, power, modulus),

    /// # Summary
    /// Performs modular in-place multiplication by a classical constant.
    /// # Description
    /// Given the classical constants `c` and `modulus`, and an input
    /// quantum register  |𝑦⟩, this operation
    /// computes `(c*x) % modulus` into |𝑦⟩.
    /// # Input
    /// ## modulus
    /// Modulus to use for modular multiplication
    /// ## c
    /// Constant by which to multiply |𝑦⟩
    /// ## y
    /// Quantum register of target
    internal operation ModularMultiplyByConstant(modulus : Int, c : Int, y : Qubit[])
    : Unit is Adj + Ctl {
        use qs = Qubit[Length(y)];
        for (idx, yq) in Enumerated(y) {
            let shiftedC = (c <<< idx) % modulus;
            Controlled ModularAddConstant([yq], (modulus, shiftedC, qs));
        ApplyToEachCA(SWAP, Zipped(y, qs));
        let invC = InverseModI(c, modulus);
        for (idx, yq) in Enumerated(y) {
            let shiftedC = (invC <<< idx) % modulus;
            Controlled ModularAddConstant([yq], (modulus, modulus - shiftedC, qs));

    /// # Summary
    /// Performs modular in-place addition of a classical constant into a
    /// quantum register.
    /// # Description
    /// Given the classical constants `c` and `modulus`, and an input
    /// quantum register  |𝑦⟩, this operation
    /// computes `(x+c) % modulus` into |𝑦⟩.
    /// # Input
    /// ## modulus
    /// Modulus to use for modular addition
    /// ## c
    /// Constant to add to |𝑦⟩
    /// ## y
    /// Quantum register of target
    internal operation ModularAddConstant(modulus : Int, c : Int, y : Qubit[])
    : Unit is Adj + Ctl {
        body (...) {
            Controlled ModularAddConstant([], (modulus, c, y));
        controlled (ctrls, ...) {
            // We apply a custom strategy to control this operation instead of
            // letting the compiler create the controlled variant for us in which
            // the `Controlled` functor would be distributed over each operation
            // in the body.
            // Here we can use some scratch memory to save ensure that at most one
            // control qubit is used for costly operations such as `AddConstant`
            // and `CompareGreaterThenOrEqualConstant`.
            if Length(ctrls) >= 2 {
                use control = Qubit();
                within {
                    Controlled X(ctrls, control);
                } apply {
                    Controlled ModularAddConstant([control], (modulus, c, y));
            } else {
                use carry = Qubit();
                Controlled AddConstant(ctrls, (c, y + [carry]));
                Controlled Adjoint AddConstant(ctrls, (modulus, y + [carry]));
                Controlled AddConstant([carry], (modulus, y));
                Controlled CompareGreaterThanOrEqualConstant(ctrls, (c, y, carry));

    /// # Summary
    /// Performs in-place addition of a constant into a quantum register.
    /// # Description
    /// Given a non-empty quantum register |𝑦⟩ of length 𝑛+1 and a positive
    /// constant 𝑐 < 2ⁿ, computes |𝑦 + c⟩ into |𝑦⟩.
    /// # Input
    /// ## c
    /// Constant number to add to |𝑦⟩.
    /// ## y
    /// Quantum register of second summand and target; must not be empty.
    internal operation AddConstant(c : Int, y : Qubit[]) : Unit is Adj + Ctl {
        // We are using this version instead of the library version that is based
        // on Fourier angles to show an advantage of sparse simulation in this sample.

        let n = Length(y);
        Fact(n > 0, "Bit width must be at least 1");

        Fact(c >= 0, "constant must not be negative");
        Fact(c < 2 ^ n, $"constant must be smaller than {2L ^ n}");

        if c != 0 {
            // If c has j trailing zeroes than the j least significant bits
            // of y won't be affected by the addition and can therefore be
            // ignored by applying the addition only to the other qubits and
            // shifting c accordingly.
            let j = NTrailingZeroes(c);
            use x = Qubit[n - j];
            within {
                ApplyXorInPlace(c >>> j, x);
            } apply {
                IncByLE(x, y[j...]);

    /// # Summary
    /// Performs greater-than-or-equals comparison to a constant.
    /// # Description
    /// Toggles output qubit `target` if and only if input register `x`
    /// is greater than or equal to `c`.
    /// # Input
    /// ## c
    /// Constant value for comparison.
    /// ## x
    /// Quantum register to compare against.
    /// ## target
    /// Target qubit for comparison result.
    /// # Reference
    /// This construction is described in [Lemma 3, arXiv:2201.10200]
    internal operation CompareGreaterThanOrEqualConstant(c : Int, x : Qubit[], target : Qubit)
    : Unit is Adj+Ctl {
        let bitWidth = Length(x);

        if c == 0 {
        } elif c >= 2 ^ bitWidth {
            // do nothing
        } elif c == 2 ^ (bitWidth - 1) {
            ApplyLowTCNOT(Tail(x), target);
        } else {
            // normalize constant
            let l = NTrailingZeroes(c);

            let cNormalized = c >>> l;
            let xNormalized = x[l...];
            let bitWidthNormalized = Length(xNormalized);
            let gates = Rest(IntAsBoolArray(cNormalized, bitWidthNormalized));

            use qs = Qubit[bitWidthNormalized - 1];
            let cs1 = [Head(xNormalized)] + Most(qs);
            let cs2 = Rest(xNormalized);

            within {
                for i in IndexRange(gates) {
                    (gates[i] ? ApplyAnd | ApplyOr)(cs1[i], cs2[i], qs[i]);
            } apply {
                ApplyLowTCNOT(Tail(qs), target);

    /// # Summary
    /// Internal operation used in the implementation of GreaterThanOrEqualConstant.
    internal operation ApplyOr(control1 : Qubit, control2 : Qubit, target : Qubit) : Unit is Adj {
        within {
            ApplyToEachA(X, [control1, control2]);
        } apply {
            ApplyAnd(control1, control2, target);

    internal operation ApplyAnd(control1 : Qubit, control2 : Qubit, target : Qubit)
    : Unit is Adj {
        body (...) {
            CCNOT(control1, control2, target);
        adjoint (...) {
            if (M(target) == One) {
                CZ(control1, control2);

    /// # Summary
    /// Returns the number of trailing zeroes of a number
    /// ## Example
    /// ```qsharp
    /// let zeroes = NTrailingZeroes(21); // = NTrailingZeroes(0b1101) = 0
    /// let zeroes = NTrailingZeroes(20); // = NTrailingZeroes(0b1100) = 2
    /// ```
    internal function NTrailingZeroes(number : Int) : Int {
        mutable nZeroes = 0;
        mutable copy = number;
        while (copy % 2 == 0) {
            set nZeroes += 1;
            set copy /= 2;
        return nZeroes;

    /// # Summary
    /// An implementation for `CNOT` that when controlled using a single control uses
    /// a helper qubit and uses `ApplyAnd` to reduce the T-count to 4 instead of 7.
    internal operation ApplyLowTCNOT(a : Qubit, b : Qubit) : Unit is Adj+Ctl {
        body (...) {
            CNOT(a, b);

        adjoint self;

        controlled (ctls, ...) {
            // In this application this operation is used in a way that
            // it is controlled by at most one qubit.
            Fact(Length(ctls) <= 1, "At most one control line allowed");

            if IsEmpty(ctls) {
                CNOT(a, b);
            } else {
                use q = Qubit();
                within {
                    ApplyAnd(Head(ctls), a, q);
                } apply {
                    CNOT(q, b);

        controlled adjoint self;


资源估算器提供六个 预定义的量子比特参数,其中四个参数具有基于门的指令集,两个具有 Majorana 指令集。 它还提供两个 量子纠错代码surface_codefloquet_code

在此示例中,使用 qubit_gate_us_e3 量子比特参数和 surface_code 量子纠错代码运行资源估算器。

  1. 选择“ 视图 -> 命令面板”,然后键入“资源”,此时会显示 “Q#:计算资源估算 ”选项。 还可以从下面的@EntryPoint()命令列表中单击“估计”。 选择此选项可打开“资源估算器”窗口。

    显示如何从代码镜头列表中选择 estimate 命令的屏幕截图。

  2. 可以选择一个或多个 量子比特参数 + 错误更正代码 类型来估计其资源。 对于此示例,请选择“ qubit_gate_us_e3 ”,然后单击“ 确定”。


  3. 指定 错误预算 或接受默认值 0.001。 对于此示例,请保留默认值,然后按 Enter

  4. Enter 接受基于文件名的默认结果名称,在本例中为 ShorRE


资源估算器为同一算法提供多个估计值,每个估算值显示量子比特数与运行时之间的权衡。 了解运行时和系统规模之间的权衡是资源估算中更重要的方面之一。

资源估算的结果显示在 “Q# 估算 ”窗口中。

  1. 结果 ”选项卡显示资源估算的摘要。 单击 第一行旁边的图标以选择要显示的列。 可以从运行名称、估计类型、量子比特类型、qec 方案、错误预算、逻辑量子比特、逻辑深度、代码距离、T 状态、T 工厂、T 工厂分数、运行时、rQOPS 和物理量子比特中进行选择。


    在结果表的 “估计类型 ”列中,可以看到算法的 {number of qubits, runtime} 的最佳组合数。 可以在时空图中看到这些组合。

  2. 时空图显示了物理量子比特数与算法运行时之间的权衡。 在这种情况下,资源估算器会从数千个可能的最佳组合中查找 13 个不同的最佳组合。 可以将鼠标悬停在每个 {number of qubits, runtime} 点上以查看该点的资源估算的详细信息。


    有关详细信息,请参阅 时空图


    需要单击时空关系图的 一个点 (即 {number of qubits, runtime} 对),以查看空间图和对应于该点的资源估算的详细信息。

  3. 空间图显示了用于算法的物理量子比特和 T 工厂的分布,对应于 {number of qubits, runtime} 对。 例如,如果选择时空图中最左侧的点,则运行算法所需的物理量子比特数427726,其中196686是算法量子比特,其中 231040 个是 T 工厂量子比特。


  4. 最后,“ 资源估计 ”选项卡显示对应于 {number of qubits, runtime} 对的资源 估算器输出数据的完整列表。 可以通过折叠包含更多信息的组来检查成本详细信息。 例如,选择时空图中最左侧的点,并折叠 逻辑量子比特参数 组。

    QEC 方案 surface_code
    码距 21
    物理量子比特 882
    逻辑周期时间 13 错误
    逻辑量子比特错误率 3.00E-13
    交叉预制 0.03
    错误更正阈值 0.01
    逻辑周期时间公式 (4 * twoQubitGateTime + 2 * oneQubitMeasurementTime) * codeDistance
    物理量子比特公式 2 * codeDistance * codeDistance


    单击“ 显示详细行 ”以显示报表数据的每个输出的说明。

    有关详细信息,请参阅 资源估算器的完整报表数据

更改 target 参数

可以使用其他量子比特类型、纠错代码和错误预算来估算同一 Q# 程序的成本。 通过选择“ 视图 -> 命令面板”打开“资源估算器”窗口,然后键入 Q#: Calculate Resource Estimates

选择任何其他配置,例如基于 Majorana 的量子比特参数 qubit_maj_ns_e6。 接受默认错误预算值或输入新预算值,然后按 Enter。 资源估算器使用新 target 参数重新运行估算。

有关详细信息,请参阅资源估算器 的目标参数


Azure Quantum 资源估算器可以运行多个参数配置 target 并比较资源估算结果。

  1. 选择“ 视图 -> 命令面板”,或按 Ctrl+Shift+P,然后键入 Q#: Calculate Resource Estimates

  2. 依次选择 “qubit_gate_us_e3”、“ qubit_gate_us_e4”、“ qubit_maj_ns_e4 + floquet_code”、“ qubit_maj_ns_e6 + floquet_code”,然后单击“ 确定”。

  3. 接受默认错误预算值 0.001,然后按 Enter

  4. Enter 接受输入文件,在本例中为 ShorRE.qs

  5. 对于参数的多个配置,结果将显示在“ 结果 ”选项卡中的不同行中。

  6. 时空图显示参数的所有配置的结果。 结果表的第一列显示每个参数配置的图例。 可以将鼠标悬停在每个点上以查看该点的资源估算的详细信息。


  7. 单击时空图 的 {数量量子比特, 运行时} 点 ,以显示相应的空间图并报告数据。

VS Code 中Jupyter Notebook的先决条件


无需 Azure 帐户即可运行本地资源估算器。


  1. 在 VS Code 中,选择“查看>命令”面板,然后选择“Create:新建Jupyter Notebook”。

  2. 在右上角,VS Code 将检测并显示为笔记本选择的 Python 版本和虚拟 Python 环境。 如果有多个 Python 环境,则可能需要使用右上角的内核选取器选择内核。 如果未检测到任何环境,请参阅 VS Code 中的 Jupyter Notebook 了解 设置信息。

  3. 在笔记本的第一个单元格中,导入 qsharp 包。

    import qsharp
  4. 添加新单元格并复制以下代码。

    open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Math;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Unstable.Arithmetic;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.ResourceEstimation;
    operation RunProgram() : Unit {
        let bitsize = 31;
        // When choosing parameters for `EstimateFrequency`, make sure that
        // generator and modules are not co-prime
        let _ = EstimateFrequency(11, 2^bitsize - 1, bitsize);
    // In this sample we concentrate on costing the `EstimateFrequency`
    // operation, which is the core quantum operation in Shors algorithm, and
    // we omit the classical pre- and post-processing.
    /// # Summary
    /// Estimates the frequency of a generator
    /// in the residue ring Z mod `modulus`.
    /// # Input
    /// ## generator
    /// The unsigned integer multiplicative order (period)
    /// of which is being estimated. Must be co-prime to `modulus`.
    /// ## modulus
    /// The modulus which defines the residue ring Z mod `modulus`
    /// in which the multiplicative order of `generator` is being estimated.
    /// ## bitsize
    /// Number of bits needed to represent the modulus.
    /// # Output
    /// The numerator k of dyadic fraction k/2^bitsPrecision
    /// approximating s/r.
    operation EstimateFrequency(
        generator : Int,
        modulus : Int,
        bitsize : Int
    : Int {
        mutable frequencyEstimate = 0;
        let bitsPrecision =  2 * bitsize + 1;
        // Allocate qubits for the superposition of eigenstates of
        // the oracle that is used in period finding.
        use eigenstateRegister = Qubit[bitsize];
        // Initialize eigenstateRegister to 1, which is a superposition of
        // the eigenstates we are estimating the phases of.
        // We first interpret the register as encoding an unsigned integer
        // in little endian encoding.
        ApplyXorInPlace(1, eigenstateRegister);
        let oracle = ApplyOrderFindingOracle(generator, modulus, _, _);
        // Use phase estimation with a semiclassical Fourier transform to
        // estimate the frequency.
        use c = Qubit();
        for idx in bitsPrecision - 1..-1..0 {
            within {
            } apply {
                // `BeginEstimateCaching` and `EndEstimateCaching` are the operations
                // exposed by Azure Quantum Resource Estimator. These will instruct
                // resource counting such that the if-block will be executed
                // only once, its resources will be cached, and appended in
                // every other iteration.
                if BeginEstimateCaching("ControlledOracle", SingleVariant()) {
                    Controlled oracle([c], (1 <<< idx, eigenstateRegister));
                R1Frac(frequencyEstimate, bitsPrecision - 1 - idx, c);
            if MResetZ(c) == One {
                set frequencyEstimate += 1 <<< (bitsPrecision - 1 - idx);
        // Return all the qubits used for oracle eigenstate back to 0 state
        // using Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic.ResetAll.
        return frequencyEstimate;
    /// # Summary
    /// Interprets `target` as encoding unsigned little-endian integer k
    /// and performs transformation |k⟩ ↦ |gᵖ⋅k mod N ⟩ where
    /// p is `power`, g is `generator` and N is `modulus`.
    /// # Input
    /// ## generator
    /// The unsigned integer multiplicative order ( period )
    /// of which is being estimated. Must be co-prime to `modulus`.
    /// ## modulus
    /// The modulus which defines the residue ring Z mod `modulus`
    /// in which the multiplicative order of `generator` is being estimated.
    /// ## power
    /// Power of `generator` by which `target` is multiplied.
    /// ## target
    /// Register interpreted as little endian encoded which is multiplied by
    /// given power of the generator. The multiplication is performed modulo
    /// `modulus`.
    internal operation ApplyOrderFindingOracle(
        generator : Int, modulus : Int, power : Int, target : Qubit[]
    : Unit
    is Adj + Ctl {
        // The oracle we use for order finding implements |x⟩ ↦ |x⋅a mod N⟩. We
        // also use `ExpModI` to compute a by which x must be multiplied. Also
        // note that we interpret target as unsigned integer in little-endian
        // encoding.
                                    ExpModI(generator, power, modulus),
    /// # Summary
    /// Performs modular in-place multiplication by a classical constant.
    /// # Description
    /// Given the classical constants `c` and `modulus`, and an input
    /// quantum register |𝑦⟩, this operation
    /// computes `(c*x) % modulus` into |𝑦⟩.
    /// # Input
    /// ## modulus
    /// Modulus to use for modular multiplication
    /// ## c
    /// Constant by which to multiply |𝑦⟩
    /// ## y
    /// Quantum register of target
    internal operation ModularMultiplyByConstant(modulus : Int, c : Int, y : Qubit[])
    : Unit is Adj + Ctl {
        use qs = Qubit[Length(y)];
        for (idx, yq) in Enumerated(y) {
            let shiftedC = (c <<< idx) % modulus;
            Controlled ModularAddConstant([yq], (modulus, shiftedC, qs));
        ApplyToEachCA(SWAP, Zipped(y, qs));
        let invC = InverseModI(c, modulus);
        for (idx, yq) in Enumerated(y) {
            let shiftedC = (invC <<< idx) % modulus;
            Controlled ModularAddConstant([yq], (modulus, modulus - shiftedC, qs));
    /// # Summary
    /// Performs modular in-place addition of a classical constant into a
    /// quantum register.
    /// # Description
    /// Given the classical constants `c` and `modulus`, and an input
    /// quantum register  |𝑦⟩, this operation
    /// computes `(x+c) % modulus` into |𝑦⟩.
    /// # Input
    /// ## modulus
    /// Modulus to use for modular addition
    /// ## c
    /// Constant to add to |𝑦⟩
    /// ## y
    /// Quantum register of target
    internal operation ModularAddConstant(modulus : Int, c : Int, y : Qubit[])
    : Unit is Adj + Ctl {
        body (...) {
            Controlled ModularAddConstant([], (modulus, c, y));
        controlled (ctrls, ...) {
            // We apply a custom strategy to control this operation instead of
            // letting the compiler create the controlled variant for us in which
            // the `Controlled` functor would be distributed over each operation
            // in the body.
            // Here we can use some scratch memory to save ensure that at most one
            // control qubit is used for costly operations such as `AddConstant`
            // and `CompareGreaterThenOrEqualConstant`.
            if Length(ctrls) >= 2 {
                use control = Qubit();
                within {
                    Controlled X(ctrls, control);
                } apply {
                    Controlled ModularAddConstant([control], (modulus, c, y));
            } else {
                use carry = Qubit();
                Controlled AddConstant(ctrls, (c, y + [carry]));
                Controlled Adjoint AddConstant(ctrls, (modulus, y + [carry]));
                Controlled AddConstant([carry], (modulus, y));
                Controlled CompareGreaterThanOrEqualConstant(ctrls, (c, y, carry));
    /// # Summary
    /// Performs in-place addition of a constant into a quantum register.
    /// # Description
    /// Given a non-empty quantum register |𝑦⟩ of length 𝑛+1 and a positive
    /// constant 𝑐 < 2ⁿ, computes |𝑦 + c⟩ into |𝑦⟩.
    /// # Input
    /// ## c
    /// Constant number to add to |𝑦⟩.
    /// ## y
    /// Quantum register of second summand and target; must not be empty.
    internal operation AddConstant(c : Int, y : Qubit[]) : Unit is Adj + Ctl {
        // We are using this version instead of the library version that is based
        // on Fourier angles to show an advantage of sparse simulation in this sample.
        let n = Length(y);
        Fact(n > 0, "Bit width must be at least 1");
        Fact(c >= 0, "constant must not be negative");
        Fact(c < 2 ^ n, $"constant must be smaller than {2L ^ n}");
        if c != 0 {
            // If c has j trailing zeroes than the j least significant bits
            // of y will not be affected by the addition and can therefore be
            // ignored by applying the addition only to the other qubits and
            // shifting c accordingly.
            let j = NTrailingZeroes(c);
            use x = Qubit[n - j];
            within {
                ApplyXorInPlace(c >>> j, x);
            } apply {
                IncByLE(x, y[j...]);
    /// # Summary
    /// Performs greater-than-or-equals comparison to a constant.
    /// # Description
    /// Toggles output qubit `target` if and only if input register `x`
    /// is greater than or equal to `c`.
    /// # Input
    /// ## c
    /// Constant value for comparison.
    /// ## x
    /// Quantum register to compare against.
    /// ## target
    /// Target qubit for comparison result.
    /// # Reference
    /// This construction is described in [Lemma 3, arXiv:2201.10200]
    internal operation CompareGreaterThanOrEqualConstant(c : Int, x : Qubit[], target : Qubit)
    : Unit is Adj+Ctl {
        let bitWidth = Length(x);
        if c == 0 {
        } elif c >= 2 ^ bitWidth {
            // do nothing
        } elif c == 2 ^ (bitWidth - 1) {
            ApplyLowTCNOT(Tail(x), target);
        } else {
            // normalize constant
            let l = NTrailingZeroes(c);
            let cNormalized = c >>> l;
            let xNormalized = x[l...];
            let bitWidthNormalized = Length(xNormalized);
            let gates = Rest(IntAsBoolArray(cNormalized, bitWidthNormalized));
            use qs = Qubit[bitWidthNormalized - 1];
            let cs1 = [Head(xNormalized)] + Most(qs);
            let cs2 = Rest(xNormalized);
            within {
                for i in IndexRange(gates) {
                    (gates[i] ? ApplyAnd | ApplyOr)(cs1[i], cs2[i], qs[i]);
            } apply {
                ApplyLowTCNOT(Tail(qs), target);
    /// # Summary
    /// Internal operation used in the implementation of GreaterThanOrEqualConstant.
    internal operation ApplyOr(control1 : Qubit, control2 : Qubit, target : Qubit) : Unit is Adj {
        within {
            ApplyToEachA(X, [control1, control2]);
        } apply {
            ApplyAnd(control1, control2, target);
    internal operation ApplyAnd(control1 : Qubit, control2 : Qubit, target : Qubit)
    : Unit is Adj {
        body (...) {
            CCNOT(control1, control2, target);
        adjoint (...) {
            if (M(target) == One) {
                CZ(control1, control2);
    /// # Summary
    /// Returns the number of trailing zeroes of a number
    /// ## Example
    /// ```qsharp
    /// let zeroes = NTrailingZeroes(21); // = NTrailingZeroes(0b1101) = 0
    /// let zeroes = NTrailingZeroes(20); // = NTrailingZeroes(0b1100) = 2
    /// ```
    internal function NTrailingZeroes(number : Int) : Int {
        mutable nZeroes = 0;
        mutable copy = number;
        while (copy % 2 == 0) {
            set nZeroes += 1;
            set copy /= 2;
        return nZeroes;
    /// # Summary
    /// An implementation for `CNOT` that when controlled using a single control uses
    /// a helper qubit and uses `ApplyAnd` to reduce the T-count to 4 instead of 7.
    internal operation ApplyLowTCNOT(a : Qubit, b : Qubit) : Unit is Adj+Ctl {
        body (...) {
            CNOT(a, b);
        adjoint self;
        controlled (ctls, ...) {
            // In this application this operation is used in a way that
            // it is controlled by at most one qubit.
            Fact(Length(ctls) <= 1, "At most one control line allowed");
            if IsEmpty(ctls) {
                CNOT(a, b);
            } else {
                use q = Qubit();
                within {
                    ApplyAnd(Head(ctls), a, q);
                } apply {
                    CNOT(q, b);
        controlled adjoint self;


现在,使用默认假设估算操作的物理资源 RunProgram 。 添加新单元格并复制以下代码。

result = qsharp.estimate("RunProgram()")

函数 qsharp.estimate 创建一个结果对象,该对象可用于显示具有整体物理资源计数的表。 可以通过折叠包含更多信息的组来检查成本详细信息。 有关详细信息,请参阅 资源估算器的完整报表数据

例如,折叠 逻辑量子比特参数 组,以查看代码距离为 21,物理量子比特数为 882。

QEC 方案 surface_code
码距 21
物理量子比特 882
逻辑周期时间 8 个错误
逻辑量子比特错误率 3.00E-13
交叉预制 0.03
错误更正阈值 0.01
逻辑周期时间公式 (4 * twoQubitGateTime + 2 * oneQubitMeasurementTime) * codeDistance
物理量子比特公式 2 * codeDistance * codeDistance


对于输出表的更紧凑版本,可以使用 result.summary


用于算法和 T 工厂的物理量子比特的分布是可能影响算法设计的一个因素。 可以使用 qsharp-widgets 包来可视化此分布,以便更好地了解算法的估计空间要求。

from qsharp-widgets import SpaceChart, EstimateDetails

在此示例中,运行算法所需的物理量子比特数829766,其中196686是算法量子比特,其中 633080 是 T 工厂量子比特。



提交计划的资源估算请求时,可以指定一些可选参数。 jobParams使用 字段访问可传递给作业执行的所有target参数,并查看假定的默认值:

{'errorBudget': 0.001,
 'qecScheme': {'crossingPrefactor': 0.03,
  'errorCorrectionThreshold': 0.01,
  'logicalCycleTime': '(4 * twoQubitGateTime + 2 * oneQubitMeasurementTime) * codeDistance',
  'name': 'surface_code',
  'physicalQubitsPerLogicalQubit': '2 * codeDistance * codeDistance'},
 'qubitParams': {'instructionSet': 'GateBased',
  'name': 'qubit_gate_ns_e3',
  'oneQubitGateErrorRate': 0.001,
  'oneQubitGateTime': '50 ns',
  'oneQubitMeasurementErrorRate': 0.001,
  'oneQubitMeasurementTime': '100 ns',
  'tGateErrorRate': 0.001,
  'tGateTime': '50 ns',
  'twoQubitGateErrorRate': 0.001,
  'twoQubitGateTime': '50 ns'}}

可以看到,资源估算器采用 qubit_gate_ns_e3 量子比特模型、 surface_code 纠错代码和 0.001 错误预算作为估计的默认值。

以下是 target 可自定义的参数:

  • errorBudget - 算法的总体允许误差预算
  • qecScheme - 量子纠错 (QEC) 方案
  • qubitParams - 物理量子比特参数
  • constraints - 组件级约束
  • distillationUnitSpecifications - T 工厂蒸馏算法的规范
  • estimateType - 单一或边界

有关详细信息,请参阅资源估算器 的目标参数


可以使用基于 Majorana 的量子比特参数 qubitParams、“qubit_maj_ns_e6”来估算相同算法的成本。

result_maj = qsharp.estimate("RunProgram()", params={
                "qubitParams": {
                    "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e6"


可以针对基于 Majorana 的量子比特参数的同一示例,使用浮点 QEC 方案 qecScheme重新运行资源估算作业。

result_maj = qsharp.estimate("RunProgram()", params={
                "qubitParams": {
                    "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e6"
                "qecScheme": {
                    "name": "floquet_code"


接下来,以 10% 的值重新运行同一 errorBudget 量子线路。

result_maj = qsharp.estimate("RunProgram()", params={
                "qubitParams": {
                    "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e6"
                "qecScheme": {
                    "name": "floquet_code"
                "errorBudget": 0.1})


使用 Azure Quantum 资源估算器可以运行多个参数配置 target ,并比较结果。 如果要比较不同量子比特模型、QEC 方案或错误预算的成本,这非常有用。

  1. 可以通过将参数列表 target 传递给 params 函数的参数 qsharp.estimate 来执行批量估计。 例如,使用默认参数和基于 Majorana 的量子比特参数运行同一算法,并使用浮点 QEC 方案。

    result_batch = qsharp.estimate("RunProgram()", params=
                    [{}, # Default parameters
                        "qubitParams": {
                            "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e6"
                        "qecScheme": {
                            "name": "floquet_code"
    result_batch.summary_data_frame(labels=["Gate-based ns, 10⁻³", "Majorana ns, 10⁻⁶"])
    型号 逻辑量子比特 逻辑深度 T 状态 码距 T 工厂 T 工厂分数 物理量子比特 rQOPS 物理运行时
    基于门的 ns,10⁻³ 223 3.64M 4.70M 21 19 76.30 % 829.77k 26.55M 31 秒
    Majorana ns,10⁻⁶ 223 3.64M 4.70M 5 19 63.02 % 79.60k 148.67M 5 秒
  2. 还可以使用 EstimatorParams构造估计参数列表。

    from qsharp.estimator import EstimatorParams, QubitParams, QECScheme, LogicalCounts
    labels = ["Gate-based µs, 10⁻³", "Gate-based µs, 10⁻⁴", "Gate-based ns, 10⁻³", "Gate-based ns, 10⁻⁴", "Majorana ns, 10⁻⁴", "Majorana ns, 10⁻⁶"]
    params = EstimatorParams(num_items=6)
    params.error_budget = 0.333
    params.items[0].qubit_params.name = QubitParams.GATE_US_E3
    params.items[1].qubit_params.name = QubitParams.GATE_US_E4
    params.items[2].qubit_params.name = QubitParams.GATE_NS_E3
    params.items[3].qubit_params.name = QubitParams.GATE_NS_E4
    params.items[4].qubit_params.name = QubitParams.MAJ_NS_E4
    params.items[4].qec_scheme.name = QECScheme.FLOQUET_CODE
    params.items[5].qubit_params.name = QubitParams.MAJ_NS_E6
    params.items[5].qec_scheme.name = QECScheme.FLOQUET_CODE
    qsharp.estimate("RunProgram()", params=params).summary_data_frame(labels=labels)
    型号 逻辑量子比特 逻辑深度 T 状态 码距 T 工厂 T 工厂分数 物理量子比特 rQOPS 物理运行时
    基于门的 µs,10⁻³ 223 3.64M 4.70M 17 13 40.54 % 216.77k 21.86k 10 小时
    基于门的 µs,10⁻⁴ 223 3.64M 4.70M 9 14 43.17 % 63.57k 41.30k 5 小时
    基于门的 ns,10⁻³ 223 3.64M 4.70M 17 16 69.08 % 416.89k 32.79M 25 秒
    基于门的 ns,10⁻⁴ 223 3.64M 4.70M 9 14 43.17 % 63.57k 61.94M 13 秒
    Majorana ns,10⁻⁴ 223 3.64M 4.70M 9 19 82.75 % 501.48k 82.59M 10 秒
    Majorana ns,10⁻⁶ 223 3.64M 4.70M 5 13 31.47 % 42.96k 148.67M 5 秒


在估算算法的资源时,请务必考虑物理量子比特数与算法运行时之间的权衡。 可以考虑分配尽可能多的物理量子比特,以减少算法的运行时。 但是,物理量子比特的数量受量子硬件中可用的物理量子比特数的限制。

Pareto 边界估计为同一算法提供了多个估计值,每个估计值在量子比特数和运行时之间都有一个权衡。

  1. 若要使用 Pareto 边界估计运行资源估算器,需要将 "estimateType"target 参数指定为 "frontier"。 例如,使用 Pareto 边界估计通过表面代码使用基于 Majorana 的量子比特参数运行相同的算法。

    result = qsharp.estimate("RunProgram()", params=
                                {"qubitParams": { "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e4" },
                                "qecScheme": { "name": "surface_code" },
                                "estimateType": "frontier", # frontier estimation
  2. 可以使用 EstimatesOverview 函数显示包含整体物理资源计数的表。 单击第一行旁边的图标以选择要显示的列。 可以从运行名称、估计类型、量子比特类型、qec 方案、错误预算、逻辑量子比特、逻辑深度、代码距离、T 状态、T 工厂、T 工厂、T 工厂分数、运行时、rQOPS 和物理量子比特中进行选择。

    from qsharp_widgets import EstimatesOverview

在结果表的 “估计类型 ”列中,可以看到算法的不同组合数{量子比特数,运行时}。 在这种情况下,资源估算器在数千个可能的最佳组合中查找 22 种不同的最佳组合。


函数 EstimatesOverview 还显示资源估算器的 时空关系图

时空图显示每个 {number of qubits, runtime} 对的物理量子比特数和算法的运行时。 可以将鼠标悬停在每个点上以查看该点的资源估算的详细信息。


使用 Pareto 边界估计进行批处理

  1. 若要通过边界估计估计估计和比较参数的 target 多个配置,请将 添加到 "estimateType": "frontier", 参数。

    result = qsharp.estimate(
            "qubitParams": { "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e4" },
            "qecScheme": { "name": "surface_code" },
            "estimateType": "frontier", # Pareto frontier estimation
            "qubitParams": { "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e6" },
            "qecScheme": { "name": "floquet_code" },
            "estimateType": "frontier", # Pareto frontier estimation
    EstimatesOverview(result, colors=["#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e"], runNames=["e4 Surface Code", "e6 Floquet Code"])

    显示使用 Pareto 边界估计和多个参数配置的资源估算器的时空图的屏幕截图。


    可以使用 函数为量子比特时间图 EstimatesOverview 定义颜色和运行名称。

  2. 使用 Pareto 边界估计运行多个参数配置 target 时,可以查看时空图中特定点的资源估计值,即每个 {数量的量子比特,运行时} 对。 例如,以下代码显示第二个 (估计索引=0) 运行以及第四个 (点 index=3) 最短运行时的估计详细信息使用情况。

    EstimateDetails(result[1], 4)
  3. 还可以查看时空图中特定点的空间图。 例如,以下代码显示了第一次运行组合的空间图 (估计 index=0) 和第三个最短运行时 (点 index=2) 。

    SpaceChart(result[0], 2)

Qiskit 的先决条件

在工作区中启用 Azure Quantum 资源估算器target

资源估算器是 Microsoft Quantum Computing 提供程序的一个 target 。 如果自资源估算器发布以来已创建工作区,则会自动将 Microsoft Quantum Computing 提供程序添加到工作区。

如果使用 现有的 Azure Quantum 工作区:

  1. Azure 门户中打开你的工作区。
  2. 在左侧面板的“操作”下,选择“提供程序”。
  3. 选择“+ 添加提供程序”。
  4. 为“Microsoft 量子计算”选择“+ 添加”。
  5. 选择“ 学习 & 开发 ”,然后选择“ 添加”。


  1. 登录到 Azure 门户并选择你的 Azure Quantum 工作区。
  2. “操作”下,选择“笔记本
  3. 单击“我的笔记本”,然后单击“添加新
  4. 在“内核类型”中选择“IPython”。
  5. 键入文件的名称,然后单击“Create文件”。


from azure.quantum import Workspace
workspace = Workspace ( 
    resource_id = "", # Your resource_id 
    location = ""  # Your workspace location (for example, "westus") 





首先,需要从 azure-quantumqiskit导入其他模块。

单击“+ 代码”添加一个新的单元,然后添加并运行以下代码:

from azure.quantum.qiskit import AzureQuantumProvider
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
from qiskit.circuit.library import RGQFTMultiplier

连接到 Azure Quantum 服务

接下来,使用上一个单元格中的 workspace 对象创建一个 AzureQuantumProvider 对象,以连接到 Azure Quantum 工作区。 创建后端实例并将资源估算器设置为 target。

provider = AzureQuantumProvider(workspace)
backend = provider.get_backend('microsoft.estimator')


在此示例中,我们基于 Ruiz-Perez 和 Garcia-Escartin (arXiv:1411.5949) 使用量子傅立叶变换实现算术的构造为乘数创建量子线路。

可以通过更改 bitwidth 变量来调整乘数的大小。 线路生成包装在可以使用乘数值调用的 bitwidth 函数中。 该操作将具有两个输入寄存器,每个寄存器的大小为指定 bitwidth的大小,以及一个输出寄存器,其大小是指定 bitwidth的大小的两倍。 函数还将打印直接从量子线路中提取的乘数的一些逻辑资源计数。

def create_algorithm(bitwidth):
    print(f"[INFO] Create a QFT-based multiplier with bitwidth {bitwidth}")
    # Print a warning for large bitwidths that will require some time to generate and
    # transpile the circuit.
    if bitwidth > 18:
        print(f"[WARN] It will take more than one minute generate a quantum circuit with a bitwidth larger than 18")

    circ = RGQFTMultiplier(num_state_qubits=bitwidth, num_result_qubits=2 * bitwidth)

    # One could further reduce the resource estimates by increasing the optimization_level,
    # however, this will also increase the runtime to construct the algorithm.  Note, that
    # it does not affect the runtime for resource estimation.
    print(f"[INFO] Decompose circuit into intrinsic quantum operations")

    circ = transpile(circ, basis_gates=SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS, optimization_level=0)

    # print some statistics
    print(f"[INFO]   qubit count: {circ.num_qubits}")
    print("[INFO]   gate counts")
    for gate, count in circ.count_ops().items():
        print(f"[INFO]   - {gate}: {count}")

    return circ


可以为没有 T 状态但至少具有一个度量值的算法提交物理资源估算作业。


使用 create_algorithm 函数Create算法的实例。 可以通过更改 bitwidth 变量来调整乘数的大小。

bitwidth = 4

circ = create_algorithm(bitwidth)

使用默认假设估计此操作的物理资源。 可以使用 方法将线路提交到资源估算器后端 run ,然后运行 job.result() 以等待作业完成并返回结果。

job = backend.run(circ)
result = job.result()

这会创建一个显示整体物理资源计数的表。 可以通过折叠包含更多信息的组来检查成本详细信息。


对于输出表的更紧凑版本,可以使用 result.summary

例如,如果折叠 逻辑量子比特参数 组,则可以更轻松地看到错误更正代码距离为 15。

QEC 方案 surface_code
码距 15
物理量子比特 450
逻辑周期时间 6us
逻辑量子比特错误率 3.00E-10
交叉预制 0.03
错误更正阈值 0.01
逻辑周期时间公式 (4 * twoQubitGateTime + 2 * oneQubitMeasurementTime) * codeDistance
物理量子比特公式 2 * codeDistance * codeDistance

物理量子比特参数 组中,可以看到为此估计假定的物理量子比特属性。 例如,执行单量子比特测量和单量子比特门的时间分别假设为 100 ns 和 50 ns。


还可以使用 result.data () 方法以 Python 字典的形式访问资源估算器的输出。

有关详细信息,请参阅资源估算器 输出数据的完整列表


用于算法和 T 工厂的物理量子比特的分布是可能影响算法设计的一个因素。 可以可视化此分布,以更好地了解算法的估计空间要求。


显示算法量子比特和 T 工厂量子比特之间总物理量子比特分布的饼图。有一个表,其中包含 T 工厂副本数和每个 T 工厂的物理量子比特数的明细。

空间图显示算法量子比特和 T 工厂量子比特的比例。 请注意,T 工厂副本数(28)有助于 T 工厂的物理量子比特数,因为 $\text{T factories} \cdot \text{physical qubit per T factory}= 28 \cdot 18,000 = 504,000$。

有关详细信息,请参阅 T 工厂物理估计


提交计划的资源估算请求时,可以指定一些可选参数。 jobParams使用 字段访问可传递给作业执行的所有值,并查看假定的默认值:

{'errorBudget': 0.001,
 'qecScheme': {'crossingPrefactor': 0.03,
  'errorCorrectionThreshold': 0.01,
  'logicalCycleTime': '(4 * twoQubitGateTime + 2 * oneQubitMeasurementTime) * codeDistance',
  'name': 'surface_code',
  'physicalQubitsPerLogicalQubit': '2 * codeDistance * codeDistance'},
 'qubitParams': {'instructionSet': 'GateBased',
  'name': 'qubit_gate_ns_e3',
  'oneQubitGateErrorRate': 0.001,
  'oneQubitGateTime': '50 ns',
  'oneQubitMeasurementErrorRate': 0.001,
  'oneQubitMeasurementTime': '100 ns',
  'tGateErrorRate': 0.001,
  'tGateTime': '50 ns',
  'twoQubitGateErrorRate': 0.001,
  'twoQubitGateTime': '50 ns'}}

以下是 target 可自定义的参数:

有关详细信息,请参阅资源估算器 的目标参数


接下来,使用基于 Majorana 的量子比特参数估算相同算法的成本 qubit_maj_ns_e6

job = backend.run(circ,
        "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e6"
result = job.result()

可以通过编程方式检查物理计数。 例如,可以浏览有关为执行算法而创建的 T 工厂的详细信息。

{'eccDistancePerRound': [1, 1, 5],
 'logicalErrorRate': 1.6833177305222897e-10,
 'moduleNamePerRound': ['15-to-1 space efficient physical',
  '15-to-1 RM prep physical',
  '15-to-1 RM prep logical'],
 'numInputTstates': 20520,
 'numModulesPerRound': [1368, 20, 1],
 'numRounds': 3,
 'numTstates': 1,
 'physicalQubits': 16416,
 'physicalQubitsPerRound': [12, 31, 1550],
 'runtime': 116900.0,
 'runtimePerRound': [4500.0, 2400.0, 110000.0]}



可以使用此数据生成一些说明,说明 T 工厂如何生成所需的 T 状态。

data = result.data()
tfactory = data["tfactory"]
breakdown = data["physicalCounts"]["breakdown"]
producedTstates = breakdown["numTfactories"] * breakdown["numTfactoryRuns"] * tfactory["numTstates"]

print(f"""A single T factory produces {tfactory["logicalErrorRate"]:.2e} T states with an error rate of (required T state error rate is {breakdown["requiredLogicalTstateErrorRate"]:.2e}).""")
print(f"""{breakdown["numTfactories"]} copie(s) of a T factory are executed {breakdown["numTfactoryRuns"]} time(s) to produce {producedTstates} T states ({breakdown["numTstates"]} are required by the algorithm).""")
print(f"""A single T factory is composed of {tfactory["numRounds"]} rounds of distillation:""")
for round in range(tfactory["numRounds"]):
    print(f"""- {tfactory["numModulesPerRound"][round]} {tfactory["moduleNamePerRound"][round]} unit(s)""")
A single T factory produces 1.68e-10 T states with an error rate of (required T state error rate is 2.77e-08).
23 copies of a T factory are executed 523 time(s) to produce 12029 T states (12017 are required by the algorithm).
A single T factory is composed of 3 rounds of distillation:
- 1368 15-to-1 space efficient physical unit(s)
- 20 15-to-1 RM prep physical unit(s)
- 1 15-to-1 RM prep logical unit(s)


现在,针对基于 Majorana 的量子比特参数的同一示例,使用一个浮点 QEC 方案 qecScheme重新运行资源估计作业。

job = backend.run(circ,
        "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e6"
        "name": "floquet_code"
result_maj_floquet = job.result()


让我们重新运行为 10% 的同一 errorBudget 量子线路。

job = backend.run(circ,
        "name": "qubit_maj_ns_e6"
        "name": "floquet_code"
result_maj_floquet_e1 = job.result()


如果在使用资源估算器时遇到任何问题,检查故障排除页,或联系 AzureQuantumInfo@microsoft.com
