CacheDependency.DependencyDispose 方法


释放由 CacheDependency 类和从 CacheDependency 派生的所有类使用的资源。

protected virtual void DependencyDispose();


下面的代码示例演示一个从 CacheDependency 类继承并重写 方法的 DependencyDispose 类。 调用此方法时,它会将名为 的 Disposed 自定义布尔属性设置为 true

' Declare the class.
Public Class CustomCacheDependency 
   Inherits CacheDependency

     ' Constructor with no arguments 
     ' provided by CacheDependency class.
     Public Sub New()
     End Sub
     ' Declare a Boolean field named disposedValue.
     ' This will be used by Disposed property.
     Private disposedValue As Boolean                
     ' Create accessors for the Disposed property.
     Public Property Disposed As Boolean
           Return disposedValue
       End Get
       Set (ByVal value As Boolean)
           disposedValue = value
       End Set
     End Property
     ' Create a public method that sets the latest
     ' changed time of the CustomCacheDependency
     ' and notifies the underlying CacheDependency that the 
     ' dependency has changed, even though the HasChanged
     ' property is false.
     Public Sub ResetDependency()
        If Me.HasChanged = False              
           NotifyDependencyChanged(Me, EventArgs.Empty)
        End If
     End Sub
     ' Overrides the DependencyDispose method to set the
     ' Disposed proerty to true. This method automatically
     ' notifies the underlying CacheDependency object to 
     ' release any resources associated with this class. 
     Protected Overrides Sub DependencyDispose()
        Disposed = True
     End Sub
 End Class


任何派生自 CacheDependency 类的类都需要实现此方法,以清理派生类已使用的资源。


产品 版本
.NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1
