语言集成查询 (LINQ) 为 C# 和 Visual Basic 提供语言级查询功能和高阶函数 API,让你能够编写具有很高表达力度的声明性代码。
var linqExperts = from p in programmers
where p.IsNewToLINQ
select new LINQExpert(p);
Dim linqExperts = From p in programmers
Where p.IsNewToLINQ
Select New LINQExpert(p)
同一个示例使用 IEnumerable<T>
API 的情况如下:
var linqExperts = programmers.Where(p => p.IsNewToLINQ)
.Select(p => new LINQExpert(p));
Dim linqExperts = programmers.Where(Function(p) p.IsNewToLINQ).
Select(Function(p) New LINQExpert(p))
假设你有一份宠物列表,但想要将它转换为字典,以便可以使用宠物的 RFID
var petLookup = new Dictionary<int, Pet>();
foreach (var pet in pets)
petLookup.Add(pet.RFID, pet);
Dim petLookup = New Dictionary(Of Integer, Pet)()
For Each pet in pets
petLookup.Add(pet.RFID, pet)
代码的意图不是创建新的 Dictionary<int, Pet>
并通过循环在其中添加条目,而是将现有列表转换为字典! LINQ 维持这种意图,而命令性代码则不会。
等效的 LINQ 表达式如下:
var petLookup = pets.ToDictionary(pet => pet.RFID);
Dim petLookup = pets.ToDictionary(Function(pet) pet.RFID)
使用 LINQ 的代码非常有效,因为在程序员的推理过程中,LINQ 能够在意图与代码之间找到合理的平衡。 另一个好处就是精简代码。 想像一下,如果能够像上面一样将大部分的基本代码减掉 1/3,情况会怎样? 真好,对吧?
对于生产环境中的软件,其重要功能块的任务不外乎就是来自某些源(数据库、JSON、XML 等)的数据。 通常,这就需要用户学习每个数据源的新 API,而这是一个枯燥的过程。 LINQ 可将用于数据访问的常用元素抽象化成查询语法,不过你选择哪种数据源,这种语法看上去都是相同的,因而简化了此任务。
这将查找具有特定属性值的所有 XML 元素:
public static IEnumerable<XElement> FindAllElementsWithAttribute(XElement documentRoot, string elementName,
string attributeName, string value)
return from el in documentRoot.Elements(elementName)
where (string)el.Element(attributeName) == value
select el;
Public Shared Function FindAllElementsWithAttribute(documentRoot As XElement, elementName As String,
attributeName As String, value As String) As IEnumerable(Of XElement)
Return From el In documentRoot.Elements(elementName)
Where el.Element(attributeName).ToString() = value
Select el
End Function
为了执行此任务而编写代码来手动遍历 XML 文档会带来重重困难。
LINQ 提供程序的作用不仅仅是与 XML 交互。 Linq to SQL 是适用于 MSSQL Server 数据库的极其简练的对象关系映射器 (ORM)。 使用 Json.NET 库可以通过 LINQ 有效遍历 JSON 文档。 此外,如果没有哪个库可以解决你的需要,你还可以编写自己的 LINQ 提供程序!
为什么要使用查询语法? 这是用户经常提出的一个问题。 无论如何,对于下面的代码:
var filteredItems = myItems.Where(item => item.Foo);
Dim filteredItems = myItems.Where(Function(item) item.Foo)
var filteredItems = from item in myItems
where item.Foo
select item;
Dim filteredItems = From item In myItems
Where item.Foo
Select item
难道 API 语法不比查询语法更简洁吗?
不是。 查询语法允许使用 let 子句,这样,便可以在表达式的作用域内引入和绑定变量,然后在表达式的后续片段中使用该变量。 只使用 API 语法重现相同的代码也是可行的,不过,这很可能会导致代码难以阅读。
- 现有的基本代码已使用查询语法。
- 由于复杂性的问题,需要在查询中限定变量的作用域。
- 你偏好使用查询语法,并且它不会使基本代码变得混乱。
- 现有的基本代码已使用 API 语法
- 不需要在查询中限定变量的作用域
- 你偏好使用 API 语法,并且它不会使基本代码变得混乱
有关 LINQ 示例的完整列表,请访问 101 个 LINQ 示例。
以下示例简单演示了 LINQ 的一些重要片段。 没有办法演示完整的代码,因为 LINQ 提供的功能比此处演示的要多。
// Filtering a list.
var germanShepherds = dogs.Where(dog => dog.Breed == DogBreed.GermanShepherd);
// Using the query syntax.
var queryGermanShepherds = from dog in dogs
where dog.Breed == DogBreed.GermanShepherd
select dog;
// Mapping a list from type A to type B.
var cats = dogs.Select(dog => dog.TurnIntoACat());
// Using the query syntax.
var queryCats = from dog in dogs
select dog.TurnIntoACat();
// Summing the lengths of a set of strings.
int seed = 0;
int sumOfStrings = strings.Aggregate(seed, (s1, s2) => s1.Length + s2.Length);
' Filtering a list.
Dim germanShepherds = dogs.Where(Function(dog) dog.Breed = DogBreed.GermanShepherd)
' Using the query syntax.
Dim queryGermanShepherds = From dog In dogs
Where dog.Breed = DogBreed.GermanShepherd
Select dog
' Mapping a list from type A to type B.
Dim cats = dogs.Select(Function(dog) dog.TurnIntoACat())
' Using the query syntax.
Dim queryCats = From dog In dogs
Select dog.TurnIntoACat()
' Summing the lengths of a set of strings.
Dim seed As Integer = 0
Dim sumOfStrings As Integer = strings.Aggregate(seed, Function(s1, s2) s1.Length + s2.Length)
// Transforms the list of kennels into a list of all their dogs.
var allDogsFromKennels = kennels.SelectMany(kennel => kennel.Dogs);
' Transforms the list of kennels into a list of all their dogs.
Dim allDogsFromKennels = kennels.SelectMany(Function(kennel) kennel.Dogs)
public class DogHairLengthComparer : IEqualityComparer<Dog>
public bool Equals(Dog a, Dog b)
if (a == null && b == null)
return true;
else if ((a == null && b != null) ||
(a != null && b == null))
return false;
return a.HairLengthType == b.HairLengthType;
public int GetHashCode(Dog d)
// Default hashcode is enough here, as these are simple objects.
return d.GetHashCode();
// Gets all the short-haired dogs between two different kennels.
var allShortHairedDogs = kennel1.Dogs.Union(kennel2.Dogs, new DogHairLengthComparer());
Public Class DogHairLengthComparer
Inherits IEqualityComparer(Of Dog)
Public Function Equals(a As Dog,b As Dog) As Boolean
If a Is Nothing AndAlso b Is Nothing Then
Return True
ElseIf (a Is Nothing AndAlso b IsNot Nothing) OrElse (a IsNot Nothing AndAlso b Is Nothing) Then
Return False
Return a.HairLengthType = b.HairLengthType
End If
End Function
Public Function GetHashCode(d As Dog) As Integer
' Default hashcode is enough here, as these are simple objects.
Return d.GetHashCode()
End Function
End Class
' Gets all the short-haired dogs between two different kennels.
Dim allShortHairedDogs = kennel1.Dogs.Union(kennel2.Dogs, New DogHairLengthComparer())
// Gets the volunteers who spend share time with two humane societies.
var volunteers = humaneSociety1.Volunteers.Intersect(humaneSociety2.Volunteers,
new VolunteerTimeComparer());
' Gets the volunteers who spend share time with two humane societies.
Dim volunteers = humaneSociety1.Volunteers.Intersect(humaneSociety2.Volunteers,
New VolunteerTimeComparer())
// Get driving directions, ordering by if it's toll-free before estimated driving time.
var results = DirectionsProcessor.GetDirections(start, end)
.OrderBy(direction => direction.HasNoTolls)
.ThenBy(direction => direction.EstimatedTime);
' Get driving directions, ordering by if it's toll-free before estimated driving time.
Dim results = DirectionsProcessor.GetDirections(start, end).
OrderBy(Function(direction) direction.HasNoTolls).
ThenBy(Function(direction) direction.EstimatedTime)
最后,我们演示一个更高级的示例:确定相同类型的两个实例的属性值是否相等(该示例摘自此 StackOverflow 文章,不过已做修改):
public static bool PublicInstancePropertiesEqual<T>(this T self, T to, params string[] ignore) where T : class
if (self == null || to == null)
return self == to;
// Selects the properties which have unequal values into a sequence of those properties.
var unequalProperties = from property in typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
where !ignore.Contains(property.Name)
let selfValue = property.GetValue(self, null)
let toValue = property.GetValue(to, null)
where !Equals(selfValue, toValue)
select property;
return !unequalProperties.Any();
Public Function PublicInstancePropertiesEqual(Of T As Class)(self As T, [to] As T, ParamArray ignore As String()) As Boolean
If self Is Nothing OrElse [to] Is Nothing Then
Return self Is [to]
End If
' Selects the properties which have unequal values into a sequence of those properties.
Dim unequalProperties = From [property] In GetType(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance)
Where Not ignore.Contains([property].Name)
Let selfValue = [property].GetValue(self, Nothing)
Let toValue = [property].GetValue([to], Nothing)
Where Not Equals(selfValue, toValue) Select [property]
Return Not unequalProperties.Any()
End Function
PLINQ(又称并行 LINQ)是 LINQ 表达式的并行执行引擎。 换言之,LINQ 正则表达式可能会没有意义地在任意数量的线程之间并行化。 为此,可以调用表达式前面的 AsParallel()
public static string GetAllFacebookUserLikesMessage(IEnumerable<FacebookUser> facebookUsers)
var seed = default(UInt64);
Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64> threadAccumulator = (t1, t2) => t1 + t2;
Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64> threadResultAccumulator = (t1, t2) => t1 + t2;
Func<Uint64, string> resultSelector = total => $"Facebook has {total} likes!";
return facebookUsers.AsParallel()
.Aggregate(seed, threadAccumulator, threadResultAccumulator, resultSelector);
Public Shared GetAllFacebookUserLikesMessage(facebookUsers As IEnumerable(Of FacebookUser)) As String
Dim seed As UInt64 = 0
Dim threadAccumulator As Func(Of UInt64, UInt64, UInt64) = Function(t1, t2) t1 + t2
Dim threadResultAccumulator As Func(Of UInt64, UInt64, UInt64) = Function(t1, t2) t1 + t2
Dim resultSelector As Func(Of Uint64, string) = Function(total) $"Facebook has {total} likes!"
Return facebookUsers.AsParallel().
Aggregate(seed, threadAccumulator, threadResultAccumulator, resultSelector)
此代码将会根据需要在系统线程之间将 facebookUsers
可通过 LINQ 能够轻松表达的可并行化 CPU 密集型作业(即,没有副作用的纯函数)非常适合使用 PLINQ 来处理。 对于确实有副作用的作业,请考虑使用任务并行库。
- 101 LINQ 示例
- Linqpad,适用于 C#/F#/Visual Basic 的演练环境和数据库查询引擎
- EduLinq,帮助用户了解如何实现 LINQ 到对象的电子书