
使用 PowerShell 將 Shifts 連線到 UKG Pro Workforce Management


使用 適用於 UKG Pro Workforce Management 的 Microsoft Teams Shifts 連接器 ,將 Microsoft Teams 中的 Shifts 應用程式與 UKG Pro Workforce Management (UKG Pro WFM) 整合。 您的第一線員工可以從 Shifts 中順暢地檢視及管理其在 UKG Pro WFM 中的排程。

在本文中,我們將逐步引導您瞭解如何使用PowerShell來設定連接器,以整合Shifts與UKG Pro WFM。

若要設定連線,請執行 PowerShell 指令碼。 腳本會設定連接器、套用同步設定、建立連線,以及將UKG Pro WFM 實例 (也稱為WFM實例) 對應至Teams中的小組。 同步設定會決定Shifts中啟用的功能,以及UKG Pro WFM與Shifts之間同步的排程資訊。 對應會定義 WFM 實例與 Teams 中小組之間的同步關聯性。 可以將現有的團隊與新團隊進行對應。

我們提供兩個指令碼。 您可以使用任一指令碼,視您是否要對應至現有的小組或建立為其對應的新團隊。

您可以設定多個連線,每個連線都具有不同的同步設定。 例如,如果您的組織有多個具有不同排程需求的位置,請為每個位置建立具有唯一同步處理設定的連線。 請記得,WFM 實例只能在任何特定時間內對應至一個團隊。 如果實例已對應至團隊,它即無法對應至另一個團隊。

使用 UKG Pro WFM 作為記錄系統,您的一線員工可以有效率地管理其裝置上 Shifts 中的排程和可用性。 一線經理可以繼續使用 UKG Pro WFM 來設定排程。


您也可以使用 Microsoft 365 系統管理中心的 Shifts 連接器 精靈,將 Shifts 連線到 UKG Pro WFM。



請花時間檢閱資訊,並完成 適用於UKG Pro Workforce Management的Teams Shifts連接器必要條件和需求中的所有必要條件和設定工作。


使用 PowerShell 管理連接器的系統管理員角色

您必須是 Microsoft 365 全域管理員或 Shifts 連接器系統管理員,才能完成本文中的步驟。

Shifts 連接器系統管理員角色是您在 Microsoft Entra ID 中建立並指派給使用者的自定義角色。 此角色的名稱必須是「Shifts 連接器系統管理員」。 此角色不需要具備任何特定權限,不過,當您建立此角色時,必須設定至少一個權限。 此服務依賴使用者身上的角色存在,而不是其權限。

若要深入瞭解,請參閱 在 Microsoft Entra ID 中建立和指派自定義角色將 Microsoft Entra 角色指派給使用者。 請記住,最多可能需要 24 小時的時間才能建立角色並套用至使用者。


Microsoft 建議您使用權限最少的角色。 這有助於改善貴組織的安全性。 全域管理員是高度特殊許可權的角色,當您無法使用較不具特殊許可權的角色時,應該僅限於緊急案例。


  1. 安裝 PowerShell 版本 7 或更新版本。 如需逐步指引,請參閱 安裝 Windows 版 PowerShell

  2. 在系統管理員模式下執行 PowerShell。

  3. 安裝 Microsoft Graph PowerShell 模組。

    Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
    Import-Module Microsoft.Graph

    確認其版本為 1.6.1 或更新版本。

    Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph 
  4. 安裝 Teams 預覽 PowerShell 模組。

    Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease -Force
    Import-Module MicrosoftTeams 

    確認其至少為 4.7.0 版,且包含 Shifts 連接器 Cmdlet。

    Get-Command -Module MicrosoftTeams -Name *teamsshiftsconnection* 
  5. 如果執行指令碼時發生錯誤,請將 PowerShell 設定為結束。

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" 
  6. 啟用指令碼以在 Windows 中執行。

    Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass 

與 Teams 連線

執行下列命令以連線到 Microsoft Teams。


當您看到提示時,使用您的系統管理員認證進行登入。 現在您已完成設定,將可執行此文章中的指令碼和班次連接器 Cmdlets。



如果您要將 WFM 實例對應至現有的小組,請完成此步驟。 如果您要建立為其對應的新團隊,則可以略過此步驟。

在 Azure 入口網站中,請移至 [所有群組] 頁面,以取得組織中團隊的 TeamIds 清單。

記下您想要為其對應之團隊的 TeamIds。 指令碼將提示您輸入訊息。


如果一或多個團隊具有現有的排程,指令碼將會從這些團隊中移除排程。 否則,您將看到重複的班次。



  • 若要設定連線,請在Teams中建立新的小組,並將WFM實例對應至新小組,然後執行 新的小組腳本
  • 若要設定連線並將 WFM 實例對應至 Teams 中的現有小組,請執行 現有的 Teams 腳本

執行腳本時,請遵循畫面上的指示。 文稿會完成下列動作:

  1. 使用您輸入的 UKG Pro WFM 服務帳戶認證和服務 URL,測試並驗證與 UKG Pro WFM 的連線。

  2. 套用同步處理設定。 這些設定包括) 分鐘 (同步處理頻率,以及 UKG Pro WFM 與 Shifts 之間同步處理的排程數據。 您可以開啟這些案例所定義的排程資料:Shift、、SwapRequestOfferShiftRequestUserShiftPreferencesOpenShiftOpenShiftRequest、、。 TimeOffRequestTimeOff

    若要深入了解,請參閱 New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance。 若要查看每個參數支援的同步選項清單,請執行 Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector


    文本會針對每個支援的同步選項啟用同步處理。 如果您想要變更同步設定,您可以在設定好連線後變更同步設定。 若要深入瞭解,請 參閱使用PowerShell來管理與UKG Pro Workforce Management 的 Shifts 連線

  3. 將 WFM 實例對應至 Teams 中的小組。

    • 如果您選擇執行 新的小組腳本來 建立新小組,則對應會以您建立的新團隊為基礎。
    • 如果您選擇執行 現有的Teams腳本 來對應現有的小組,則對應是以您輸入的WFM實例識別碼和TeamId為基礎。 如果小組有現有的排程,腳本會移除所有排程數據。

    執行腳本之後, 成功 訊息會確認您的連線是否已成功設定。


設定連線之後,您可以在 Microsoft 365 系統管理中心或使用 PowerShell 來管理和變更連線。

使用 Microsoft 365 系統管理中心

[連接器管理] 頁面會列出您已設定的每個連線,以及健康情況狀態和同步間隔詳細數據等資訊。 您也可以存取精靈來變更任何連線。 例如,您可以更新同步處理設定和小組對應。

若要深入瞭解,請 參閱使用 Microsoft 365 系統管理中心來管理與 UKG Pro Workforce Management 的 Shifts 連線

使用 PowerShell

您可以使用 PowerShell 來檢視錯誤報告、變更連線設定、停用同步處理等等。 如需逐步指引,請 參閱使用PowerShell管理與UKG Pro Workforce Management 的Shifts連線



#Map WFM instances to teams script
Write-Output "Map WFM sites to teams"
Start-Sleep 1

#Ensure Teams module is at least version x
Write-Output "Checking Teams module version"
try {
    Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -MinimumVersion 5.2.0
} catch {

#Connect to MS Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"

#List connector types available
Write-Output "Listing connector types available"
$UkgId = "95BF2848-2DDA-4425-B0EE-D62AEED4C0A0"
$connectors = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector
Write-Output $connectors
$Ukg = $connectors | Where-Object {$_.Id -match $UkgId}
if ($NULL -eq $Ukg) {
    throw "UKG Dimensions not currently supported"

#Prompt for entering of WFM username and password
$WfmUserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your UKG account username'
$WfmPwd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your UKG account password' -AsSecureString
$plainPwd =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($WfmPwd))

#Test connection settings
Write-Output "Testing connection settings"
$ConnectionName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connection name'
$apiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connector api url'
$ssoUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connector sso url'
$clientId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connector client id'
$AppKey = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your app key' -AsSecureString
$plainKey =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($AppKey))
$ClientSecret = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your client secret' -AsSecureString
$plainSecret =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($ClientSecret))

$testResult = Test-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionValidate `
    -Name $ConnectionName `
    -ConnectorId $UkgId `
    -ConnectorSpecificSettings (New-Object Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.Generated.Models.ConnectorSpecificUkgDimensionsSettingsRequest `
        -Property @{
            apiUrl = $apiUrl
            ssoUrl = $ssoUrl
            appKey = $plainKey
            clientId = $clientId
            clientSecret = $plainSecret
            LoginUserName = $WfmUserName
            LoginPwd = $plainPwd
if ($NULL -ne $testResult.Code) {
    Write-Output $testResult
    throw "Validation failed, conflict found"
Write-Output "Test complete, no conflicts found"

#Create a connection
Write-Output "Creating a connection"
$ConnectionResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnection `
    -Name $ConnectionName `
    -ConnectorId $UkgId `
    -ConnectorSpecificSettings (New-Object Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.Generated.Models.ConnectorSpecificUkgDimensionsSettingsRequest `
        -Property @{
            apiUrl = $apiUrl
            ssoUrl = $ssoUrl
            appKey = $plainKey
            clientId = $clientId
            clientSecret = $plainSecret
            LoginUserName = $WfmUserName
            LoginPwd = $plainPwd

$ConnectionId = $ConnectionResponse.Id
if ($null -ne $ConnectionId){
    Write-Output "Successfully created connection"
} else {
    throw "Connection creation failed"

#Create a connection instance
Write-Output "Creating a connection instance"
$designatedActorName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Microsoft 365 System Account (person@contoso.com)"
$designator = Get-MgUser -UserId $designatedActorName
$teamsUserId = $designator.Id
$syncFreq = Read-Host -Prompt "Input sync frequency in minutes"
$InstanceName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input connection instance name"

#Read sync scenarios for connection instance
function GetSyncScenarioSetting {
    param (
    $TwoWay = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&TwoWay', 'TwoWay'
    $Disabled = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Disabled', 'Disabled'
    $FromWfmToShifts = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&FromWfmToShifts', 'FromWfmToShifts'
    $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($TwoWay, $Disabled, $FromWfmToShifts)
    $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice("Set sync scenario for $SettingName", "", $options, 0)

    switch ($result)
        0 { return "TwoWay" }
        1 { return "Disabled" }
        2 { return "FromWfmToShifts" }
$SyncScenarioOfferShiftRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Offer Shift Request"
$SyncScenarioOpenShift = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Open Shift"
$SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Open Shift Request"
$SyncScenarioShift = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Shift"
$SyncScenarioSwapRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Swap Request"
$SyncScenarioTimeCard = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Card"
$SyncScenarioTimeOff = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Off"
$SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Off Request"
$SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference = GetSyncScenarioSetting "User Shift Preferences"

#Read admin email list
[psobject[]]$AdminEmailList = @()
while ($true){
    $AdminEmail = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter admin's email to receive error report"
    $AdminEmailList += $AdminEmail
    $title    = 'Adding another email'
    $question = 'Would you like to add another admin email?'
    $choices  = '&Yes', '&No'
    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
    if ($decision -eq 1) {
$InstanceResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance `
    -ConnectionId $ConnectionId `
    -ConnectorAdminEmail $AdminEmailList `
    -DesignatedActorId $teamsUserId `
    -Name $InstanceName `
    -SyncFrequencyInMin $syncFreq `
    -SyncScenarioOfferShiftRequest $SyncScenarioOfferShiftRequest `
    -SyncScenarioOpenShift $SyncScenarioOpenShift `
    -SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest $SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest `
    -SyncScenarioShift $SyncScenarioShift `
    -SyncScenarioSwapRequest $SyncScenarioSwapRequest `
    -SyncScenarioTimeCard $SyncScenarioTimeCard `
    -SyncScenarioTimeOff $SyncScenarioTimeOff `
    -SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest $SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest `
    -SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference $SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference

$InstanceId = $InstanceResponse.id
if ($null -ne $InstanceId){
    Write-Output "Success"
} else {
    throw "Connector instance creation failed"

#Keep mapping teams until user stops it
while ($true)
    #Create a new Teams team with owner set to system account and name set to the site name
    Write-Output "Creating a Teams team"
    $teamsTeamName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the Teams team name"
    $Team = New-Team -DisplayName $teamsTeamName -Visibility "Public" -Owner $teamsUserId
    Write-Output "Successfully created a team"

    #Retrieve the list of wfm locations
    Write-Output "Listing the WFM team sites"
    $WfmTeamIds = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmTeam -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
    Write-Output $WfmTeamIds
    if (($NULL -ne $WfmTeamIds) -and ($WfmTeamIds.Count -gt 0)){
        [System.String]$WfmTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the ID of WFM team you want to map"
    else {
        throw "The WfmTeamId list is null or empty"

    #Retrieve the list of WFM users and their roles
    Write-Output "Listing WFM users and roles"
    $WFMUsers = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmUser -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId
    Write-Output $WFMUsers

    #Add users to the Team for Shifts
    Write-Output "Adding users to Teams team"
    $currentUser = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the current user's user name or AAD ID"
    Add-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamsTeamId -User $currentUser -Role Owner
    foreach ($user in $WFMUsers) {
        try {
        $userEmail = $user.Name + "@" +$domain
        Add-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamsTeamId -User $userEmail
        } catch {
    if($failedWfmUsers.Count -gt 0){
        Write-Output "There are WFM users not existed in Teams tenant:"
        Write-Output $failedWfmUsers

    #Enable scheduling in the group
    $RequestBody = @{
        Enabled = $true
        TimeZone = "America/Los_Angeles"
    Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $teamUpdateUrl -Method PUT -Body $RequestBody

    #Create a mapping of the new team to the instance
    Write-Output "Create a mapping of the new team to the site"
    $TimeZone = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the time zone of team mapping"
    $mapping = @{
        teamId = $TeamsTeamId
        wfmTeamId = $WfmTeamId
        timeZone = $TimeZone
    $mappings += , $mapping

    $title    = 'Connecting another team'
    $question = 'Would you like to connect another team?'
    $choices  = '&Yes', '&No'

    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
    if ($decision -eq 1) {
$batchMappingResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionBatchTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -TeamMapping @($mappings)
if ($null -ne $batchMappingResponse.OperationId){
    "The mapping has begun asynchronously. To query mapping results run Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionOperation with the operation Id."
else {
    throw "The mapping has failed due to validation errors."
Write-Output $batchMappingResponse

Remove-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamsTeamId -User $currentUser -Role Owner


#Map WFM instances to existing teams script
Write-Host "Map WFM sites to existing teams"
Start-Sleep 1

#Ensure Teams module is at least version x
Write-Host "Checking Teams module version"
try {
    Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -MinimumVersion 5.2.0
} catch {

#Connect to MS Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"

#List connector types available
Write-Output "Listing connector types available"
$UkgId = "95BF2848-2DDA-4425-B0EE-D62AEED4C0A0"
$connectors = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector
Write-Output $connectors
$Ukg = $connectors | Where-Object {$_.Id -match $UkgId}
if ($NULL -eq $Ukg) {
    throw "UKG Dimensions not currently supported"

#Prompt for entering of WFM username and password
$WfmUserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your UKG account username'
$WfmPwd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your UKG account password' -AsSecureString
$plainPwd =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($WfmPwd))

#Test connection settings
Write-Output "Testing connection settings"
$ConnectionName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connection name'
$apiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connector api url'
$ssoUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connector sso url'
$clientId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connector client id'
$AppKey = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your app key' -AsSecureString
$plainKey =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($AppKey))
$ClientSecret = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your client secret' -AsSecureString
$plainSecret =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($ClientSecret))

$testResult = Test-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionValidate `
    -Name $ConnectionName `
    -ConnectorId $UkgId `
    -ConnectorSpecificSettings (New-Object Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.Generated.Models.ConnectorSpecificUkgDimensionsSettingsRequest `
        -Property @{
            apiUrl = $apiUrl
            ssoUrl = $ssoUrl
            appKey = $plainKey
            clientId = $clientId
            clientSecret = $plainSecret
            LoginUserName = $WfmUserName
            LoginPwd = $plainPwd
if ($NULL -ne $testResult.Code) {
    Write-Output $testResult
    throw "Validation failed, conflict found"
Write-Output "Test complete, no conflicts found"

#Create a connection
Write-Output "Creating a connection"
$ConnectionResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnection `
    -Name $ConnectionName `
    -ConnectorId $UkgId `
    -ConnectorSpecificSettings (New-Object Microsoft.Teams.ConfigAPI.Cmdlets.Generated.Models.ConnectorSpecificUkgDimensionsSettingsRequest `
        -Property @{
            apiUrl = $apiUrl
            ssoUrl = $ssoUrl
            appKey = $plainKey
            clientId = $clientId
            clientSecret = $plainSecret
            LoginUserName = $WfmUserName
            LoginPwd = $plainPwd

$ConnectionId = $ConnectionResponse.Id
if ($null -ne $ConnectionId){
    Write-Output "Successfully created connection"
} else {
    throw "Connection creation failed"

#Create a connection instance
Write-Output "Creating a connection instance"
$designatedActorName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Microsoft 365 System Account (person@contoso.com)"
$designator = Get-MgUser -UserId $designatedActorName
$teamsUserId = $designator.Id
$syncFreq = Read-Host -Prompt "Input sync frequency in minutes"
$InstanceName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input connection instance name"

#Read sync scenarios for connection instance
function GetSyncScenarioSetting {
    param (
    $TwoWay = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&TwoWay', 'TwoWay'
    $Disabled = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Disabled', 'Disabled'
    $FromWfmToShifts = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&FromWfmToShifts', 'FromWfmToShifts'
    $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($TwoWay, $Disabled, $FromWfmToShifts)
    $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice("Set sync scenario for $SettingName", "", $options, 0)

    switch ($result)
        0 { return "TwoWay" }
        1 { return "Disabled" }
        2 { return "FromWfmToShifts" }
$SyncScenarioOfferShiftRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Offer Shift Request"
$SyncScenarioOpenShift = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Open Shift"
$SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Open Shift Request"
$SyncScenarioShift = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Shift"
$SyncScenarioSwapRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Swap Request"
$SyncScenarioTimeCard = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Card"
$SyncScenarioTimeOff = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Off"
$SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest = GetSyncScenarioSetting "Time Off Request"
$SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference = GetSyncScenarioSetting "User Shift Preferences"

#Read admin email list
[psobject[]]$AdminEmailList = @()
while ($true){
    $AdminEmail = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter admin's email to receive error report"
    $AdminEmailList += $AdminEmail
    $title    = 'Adding another email'
    $question = 'Would you like to add another admin email?'
    $choices  = '&Yes', '&No'
    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
    if ($decision -eq 1) {
$InstanceResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance `
    -ConnectionId $ConnectionId `
    -ConnectorAdminEmail $AdminEmailList `
    -DesignatedActorId $teamsUserId `
    -Name $InstanceName `
    -SyncFrequencyInMin $syncFreq `
    -SyncScenarioOfferShiftRequest $SyncScenarioOfferShiftRequest `
    -SyncScenarioOpenShift $SyncScenarioOpenShift `
    -SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest $SyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest `
    -SyncScenarioShift $SyncScenarioShift `
    -SyncScenarioSwapRequest $SyncScenarioSwapRequest `
    -SyncScenarioTimeCard $SyncScenarioTimeCard `
    -SyncScenarioTimeOff $SyncScenarioTimeOff `
    -SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest $SyncScenarioTimeOffRequest `
    -SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference $SyncScenarioUserShiftPreference

$InstanceId = $InstanceResponse.id
if ($null -ne $InstanceId){
    Write-Output "Success"
} else {
    throw "Connector instance creation failed"

#Keep mapping teams until user stops it
while ($true)
    $TeamsTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the ID of the Teams team to be mapped"
    #Clear schedule of the Teams team
    Write-Host "Clear schedule of the existing team"

    $entityTypeString = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the entity types of clear schedule'
    $Delimiters = ",", ".", ":", ";", " ", "`t"
    $entityType = $entityTypeString -Split {$Delimiters -contains $_}
    $entityType = $entityType.Trim()
    $entityType = $entityType.Split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
    Remove-CsTeamsShiftsScheduleRecord -TeamId $TeamsTeamId -ClearSchedulingGroup:$True -EntityType $entityType

    #Retrieve the list of wfm locations
    Write-Output "Listing the WFM team sites"
    $WfmTeamIds = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmTeam -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
    Write-Output $WfmTeamIds
    if (($NULL -ne $WfmTeamIds) -and ($WfmTeamIds.Count -gt 0)){
        [System.String]$WfmTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the ID of WFM team you want to map"
    else {
        throw "The WfmTeamId list is null or empty"

    #Retrieve the list of WFM users and their roles
    Write-Output "Listing WFM users and roles"
    $WFMUsers = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmUser -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId
    Write-Output $WFMUsers

    #Create a mapping of the existing team to the instance
    Write-Host "Create a mapping of the existing team to the site"
    $TimeZone = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the time zone of team mapping"
    $mapping = @{
        teamId = $TeamsTeamId
        wfmTeamId = $WfmTeamId
        timeZone = $TimeZone
    $mappings += , $mapping

    $title    = 'Connecting another team'
    $question = 'Would you like to connect another team?'
    $choices  = '&Yes', '&No'

    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
    if ($decision -eq 1) {
$batchMappingResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionBatchTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -TeamMapping @($mappings)
if ($null -ne $batchMappingResponse.OperationId){
    "The mapping has begun asynchronously. To query mapping results run Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionOperation with the operation Id."
else {
    throw "The mapping has failed due to validation errors."
Write-Output $batchMappingResponse


班次連接器 Cmdlets

有關班次連接器 Cmdlet (包括指命碼中使用的 Cmdlets) 的說明,請搜尋 Teams PowerShell Cmdlets 參考中的 CsTeamsShiftsConnection。 以下是一些常用 Cmdlet 的連結,依類別分組:


WFM 系統認證






