適用於 Android 的 .NET 錯誤 XA4216
error XA4216: The deployment target '19' is not supported (the minimum is '21'). Please increase the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) property value in your project file.
error XA4216: The deployment target '19' is not supported (the minimum is '21'). Please increase (or remove) the //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion value in your AndroidManifest.xml.
warning XA4216: AndroidManifest.xml //uses-sdk/@android:targetSdkVersion '19' is less than API-21, this configuration is not supported.
此錯誤或警告表示您的應用程式是以不支援的 API 層級為目標。
編輯您的 csproj,並將 '$(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)' 屬性值增加為大於或等於最低支援版本的專案。
編輯您的AndroidManifest.xml並移除 //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion
編輯您的AndroidManifest.xml並移除 //uses-sdk/@android:targetSdkVersion