當視覺效果具有階層時,您可以允許使用者使用 Power BI 向下切入功能來顯示更多詳細資料。
在 Power BI 服務中的鑽研模式中深入了解 Power BI 向下切入功能。 若要允許視覺效果來動態啟用或停用鑽研功能,請參閱動態向下切入控制項。
若要在您的視覺效果中支援向下切入動作,請新增欄位至名為 drill-down
的 capabilities.json
。 此欄位有一個名為 roles
的屬性,其中包含您要啟用向下切入動作的 dataRole 名稱。
"drilldown": {
"roles": [
向下切入 dataRole 必須是 Grouping
dataRole 條件中的 max
屬性必須設為 1。
"dataRoles": [
"displayName": "Category",
"name": "category",
"kind": "Grouping"
"displayName": "Value",
"name": "value",
"kind": "Measure"
"drilldown": {
"roles": [
"dataViewMappings": [
"categorical": {
"categories": {
"for": {
"in": "category"
"values": {
"select": [
"bind": {
"to": "value"
pbiviz new testDrillDown -t default
若要建立預設範例視覺效果,並將上述 capabilities.json
建立 div
容器的屬性,以保留視覺效果的 HTML 元素:
"use strict";
import "core-js/stable";
import "./../style/visual.less";
// imports
export class Visual implements IVisual {
// visual properties
// ...
private div: HTMLDivElement; // <== NEW PROPERTY
constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
// constructor body
// ...
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
// update method body
// ...
* Returns properties pane formatting model content hierarchies, properties and latest formatting values, Then populate properties pane.
* This method is called once each time we open the properties pane or when the user edits any format property.
public getFormattingModel(): powerbi.visuals.FormattingModel {
return this.formattingSettingsService.buildFormattingModel(this.formattingSettings);
export class Visual implements IVisual {
// visual properties
// ...
private div: HTMLDivElement;
constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
console.log('Visual constructor', options);
this.formattingSettingsService = new FormattingSettingsService();
this.target = options.element;
this.updateCount = 0;
if (document) {
const new_p: HTMLElement = document.createElement("p");
new_p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Update count:"));
const new_em: HTMLElement = document.createElement("em");
this.textNode = document.createTextNode(this.updateCount.toString());
this.div = document.createElement("div"); // <== CREATE DIV ELEMENT
若要建立 button
,更新 update
export class Visual implements IVisual {
// ...
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
this.formattingSettings = this.formattingSettingsService.populateFormattingSettingsModel(VisualFormattingSettingsModel, options.dataViews);
console.log('Visual update', options);
const dataView: DataView = options.dataViews[0];
const categoricalDataView: DataViewCategorical = dataView.categorical;
// don't create elements if no data
if (!options.dataViews[0].categorical ||
!options.dataViews[0].categorical.categories) {
// to display current level of hierarchy
if (typeof this.textNode !== undefined) {
this.textNode.textContent = categoricalDataView.categories[categoricalDataView.categories.length - 1].source.displayName.toString();
// remove old elements
// for better performance use D3js pattern:
// https://d3js.org/#enter-exit
while (this.div.firstChild) {
// create buttons for each category value
categoricalDataView.categories[categoricalDataView.categories.length - 1].values.forEach( (category: powerbi.PrimitiveValue, index: number) => {
let button = document.createElement("button");
button.innerText = category.toString();
// ...
在 .\style\visual.less
button {
margin: 5px;
min-width: 50px;
min-height: 50px;
H1 | H2 | H3 | VALUES |
A | A1 | A11 | 1 |
A | A1 | A12 | 2 |
A | A2 | A21 | 3 |
A | A2 | A22 | 4 |
A | A3 | A31 | 5 |
A | A3 | A32 | 6 |
B | B1 | B11 | 7 |
B | B1 | B12 | 8 |
B | B2 | B21 | 9 |
B | B2 | B22 | 10 |
B | B3 | B31 | 11 |
B | B3 | B32 | 12 |
並在 Power BI Desktop 中建立階層:
將所有類別目錄資料行 (H1、H2、H3) 包含至新的階層:
若請將 host
物件儲存在視覺效果的屬性中,並呼叫 createSelectionManager
方法至建立選取項目管理員,以使用 Power BI 視覺效果 API 來顯示操作功能表。
"use strict";
import "core-js/stable";
import "./../style/visual.less";
// default imports
import IVisualHost = powerbi.extensibility.visual.IVisualHost;
import ISelectionManager = powerbi.extensibility.ISelectionManager;
import ISelectionId = powerbi.visuals.ISelectionId;
export class Visual implements IVisual {
// visual properties
// ...
private div: HTMLDivElement;
private host: IVisualHost; // <== NEW PROPERTY
private selectionManager: ISelectionManager; // <== NEW PROPERTY
constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
// constructor body
// save the host in the visuals properties
this.host = options.host;
// create selection manager
this.selectionManager = this.host.createSelectionManager();
// ...
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
// update method body
// ...
// ...
將 forEach
categoricalDataView.categories[categoricalDataView.categories.length - 1].values.forEach( (category: powerbi.PrimitiveValue, index: number) => {
// create selectionID for each category value
let selectionID: ISelectionId = this.host.createSelectionIdBuilder()
.withCategory(categoricalDataView.categories[0], index)
let button = document.createElement("button");
button.innerText = category.toString();
// add event listener to click event
button.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// call select method in the selection manager
button.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => {
// call showContextMenu method to display context menu on the visual
this.selectionManager.showContextMenu(selectionID, {
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY
第 1 列 | 第 2 列 | 列 3 | 欄 1 | 欄 2 | 欄 3 | 值 |
R1 | R11 | R111 | C1 | C11 | C111 | 1 |
R1 | R11 | R112 | C1 | C11 | C112 | 2 |
R1 | R11 | R113 | C1 | C11 | C113 | 3 |
R1 | R12 | R121 | C1 | C12 | C121 | 4 |
R1 | R12 | R122 | C1 | C12 | C122 | 5 |
R1 | R12 | R123 | C1 | C12 | C123 | 6 |
R1 | R13 | R131 | C1 | C13 | C131 | 7 |
R1 | R13 | R132 | C1 | C13 | C132 | 8 |
R1 | R13 | R133 | C1 | C13 | C133 | 9 |
R2 | R21 | R211 | C2 | C21 | C211 | 10 |
R2 | R21 | R212 | C2 | C21 | C212 | 11 |
R2 | R21 | R213 | C2 | C21 | C213 | 12 |
R2 | R22 | R221 | C2 | C22 | C221 | 13 |
R2 | R22 | R222 | C2 | C22 | C222 | 14 |
R2 | R22 | R223 | C2 | C22 | C223 | 16 |
R2 | R23 | R231 | C2 | C23 | C231 | 17 |
R2 | R23 | R232 | C2 | C23 | C232 | 18 |
R2 | R23 | R233 | C2 | C23 | C233 | 19 |
"dataRoles": [
"displayName": "Columns",
"name": "columns",
"kind": "Grouping"
"displayName": "Rows",
"name": "rows",
"kind": "Grouping"
"displayName": "Value",
"name": "value",
"kind": "Measure"
"drilldown": {
"roles": [
"dataViewMappings": [
"matrix": {
"columns": {
"for": {
"in": "columns"
"rows": {
"for": {
"in": "rows"
"values": {
"for": {
"in": "value"
// ...
import DataViewMatrix = powerbi.DataViewMatrix;
import DataViewMatrixNode = powerbi.DataViewMatrixNode;
import DataViewHierarchyLevel = powerbi.DataViewHierarchyLevel;
// ...
為資料列和資料行元素的兩個 div
export class Visual implements IVisual {
// ...
private rowsDiv: HTMLDivElement;
private colsDiv: HTMLDivElement;
// ...
constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
// constructor body
// ...
// Create div elements and append to main div of the visual
this.rowsDiv = document.createElement("div");
this.colsDiv = document.createElement("div");
// ...
export class Visual implements IVisual {
// ...
constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
// constructor body
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
this.formattingSettings = this.formattingSettingsService.populateFormattingSettingsModel(VisualFormattingSettingsModel, options.dataViews);
console.log('Visual update', options);
const dataView: DataView = options.dataViews[0];
const matrixDataView: DataViewMatrix = dataView.matrix;
// if the visual doesn't receive the data no reason to continue rendering
if (!matrixDataView ||
!matrixDataView.columns ||
!matrixDataView.rows ) {
// to display current level of hierarchy
if (typeof this.textNode !== undefined) {
this.textNode.textContent = categoricalDataView.categories[categoricalDataView.categories.length - 1].source.displayName.toString();
// ...
// ...
建立用於周遊階層的函式 treeWalker
export class Visual implements IVisual {
// ...
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
// ...
// if the visual doesn't receive the data no reason to continue rendering
if (!matrixDataView ||
!matrixDataView.columns ||
!matrixDataView.rows ) {
const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement) => {
// ...
if (matrixNode.children) {
// ...
// traversing child nodes
matrixNode.children.forEach((node, index) => treeWalker(node, index, levels, childDiv));
// traversing rows
const rowRoot: DataViewMatrixNode = matrixDataView.rows.root;
rowRoot.children.forEach((node, index) => treeWalker(node, index, matrixDataView.rows.levels, this.rowsDiv));
// traversing columns
const colRoot = matrixDataView.columns.root;
colRoot.children.forEach((node, index) => treeWalker(node, index, matrixDataView.columns.levels, this.colsDiv));
// ...
const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement) => {
// generate selectionID for each node of matrix
const selectionID: ISelectionID = this.host.createSelectionIdBuilder()
.withMatrixNode(matrixNode, levels)
// ...
if (matrixNode.children) {
// ...
// traversing child nodes
matrixNode.children.forEach((node, index) => treeWalker(node, index, levels, childDiv));
為階層的每個層級建立 div
const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement) => {
// generate selectionID for each node of matrix
const selectionID: ISelectionID = this.host.createSelectionIdBuilder()
.withMatrixNode(matrixNode, levels)
// ...
if (matrixNode.children) {
// create div element for level
const childDiv = document.createElement("div");
// add to current div
// create paragraph element to display next
const p = document.createElement("p");
// display level name on paragraph element
const level = levels[matrixNode.level];
p.innerText = level.sources[level.sources.length - 1].displayName;
// add paragraph element to created child div
// traversing child nodes
matrixNode.children.forEach((node, index) => treeWalker(node, index, levels, childDiv));
建立 buttons
const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement) => {
// generate selectionID for each node of matrix
const selectionID: ISelectionID = this.host.createSelectionIdBuilder()
.withMatrixNode(matrixNode, levels)
// create button element
let button = document.createElement("button");
// display node value/name of the button's text
button.innerText = matrixNode.value.toString();
// add event listener on click
button.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// call select method in the selection manager
// display context menu on click
button.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => {
// call showContextMenu method to display context menu on the visual
this.selectionManager.showContextMenu(selectionID, {
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY
if (matrixNode.children) {
// ...
於再次轉譯元素之前,清除 div
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
// ...
const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement) => {
// ...
// remove old elements
// to better performance use D3js pattern:
// https://d3js.org/#enter-exit
while (this.rowsDiv.firstChild) {
// create label for row elements
const prow = document.createElement("p");
prow.innerText = "Rows";
while (this.colsDiv.firstChild) {
// create label for columns elements
const pcol = document.createElement("p");
pcol.innerText = "Columns";
// render elements for rows
const rowRoot: DataViewMatrixNode = matrixDataView.rows.root;
rowRoot.children.forEach((node, index) => treeWalker(node, index, matrixDataView.rows.levels, this.rowsDiv));
// render elements for columns
const colRoot = matrixDataView.columns.root;
colRoot.children.forEach((node, index) => treeWalker(node, index, matrixDataView.columns.levels, this.colsDiv));
Use hierarchies and DAX in your first data model - Online workshop - Training
In this module, you add measures to a Power BI data model for the first time. You use hierarchies, matrix visuals, and DAX in your data model to explore the data further.
Certificat Microsoft: Asociat analist de date Power BI - Certifications
Demonstrați metode și cele mai bune practici care se aliniază cu cerințele de afaceri și tehnice pentru modelarea, vizualizarea și analiza datelor cu Microsoft Power BI.
Use inline hierarchy labels in Power BI - Power BI
Learn how to use inline hierarchy labels to see hierarchy labels as you expand visuals using the Expand All feature.
The dynamic drill-down API in Power BI visuals - Power BI
This article explains how to create a Power BI custom visual that allows the user to enable or disable drill-down support.
Set up drillthrough in Power BI reports - Power BI
Learn how to apply drillthrough in Power BI reports and let users drill down into data on a new report page