4月29日 下午2時 - 4月30日 下午7時
加入最終的 Windows Server 虛擬活動 4 月 29-30 日,以取得深入探討的技術研討會,並與Microsoft工程師實時問答。
立即註冊Learn how to create a bootable USB drive or DVD that can be used to install Windows Server on your devices. Creating a Windows Server installation media is a crucial step in setting up a new server or upgrade from an existing one. This article aims to guide you on how to create installation media and install Windows Server using either the Server Core or Desktop Experience install options.
Setup media for the target version of Windows Server can be obtained from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Retail, Visual Studio subscription, and the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) channels. Your device must also not be running in Azure. If you want to install Windows Server in Azure, see Quickstart: Create a Windows virtual machine in the Azure portal. The following are required before installing Windows Server:
For users who desire to install Windows Server in a virtual environment through Windows Hyper-V, the minimum RAM requirements differ. To learn more, see the Hardware requirements for Windows Server components tab.
Generally, creating a bootable USB drive can be performed using the diskpart.exe utility. An alternative to manually preparing your USB drive, users can run the following PowerShell script to make the USB drive bootable. The Windows Server installation ISO file must be mounted before running this script. To mount the ISO file, perform the following steps:
Locate your Windows Server installation ISO file.
Right-click on your ISO file and select Mount.
Mounting the ISO file creates a virtual optical drive, with its own drive letter, where users can migrate the ISO contents to their USB drive.
Once you plug in your USB drive, it should provide you with a drive letter. Once you know the drive letter of both the USB drive and mounted ISO, run one of the following scripts. Each script accounts for three retries before skipping over to the next set of files.
This script makes your USB drive bootable in NTFS format.
# Select USB drive letter
$usbDriveLetter = Read-Host "Enter USB drive letter (Ex: E)"
# Format USB drive
Format-Volume -DriveLetter $usbDriveLetter -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "WinServerUSB" -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
# Select ISO file mount point
$isoMountPointDriveLetter = Read-Host "Enter ISO mount point drive letter (Ex: F)"
# Copy ISO files to USB drive
$source = "$($isoMountPointDriveLetter):\"
$destination = "$($usbDriveLetter):\"
robocopy $source $destination /COPYALL /Z /E /SEC /R:3 /W:3
# Make USB drive bootable
$usbDriveNumber = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive | Where-Object {$_.InterfaceType -eq "USB" -and $_.DeviceID -like "*$usbDriveLetter"}).Index
bootsect /nt60 $usbDriveLetter | Out-Null
# Task completion notification
Write-Host "Copy operation complete"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Before you can install Windows Server via USB or DVD, the computer's boot order in the BIOS must be changed to ensure that the system boots from either the USB or DVD. Accessing the BIOS can vary depending on your hardware. In most cases, you can access the BIOS by pressing a specific key while your device boots. Typically, the key is either F2, F10, F12, or Delete. Refer to the user manual for your device. On certain hardware, once POST completes, there's a short window allowed for accessing the BIOS. You might need to repeatedly press one of the keys as soon as POST completes.
Once you're in the BIOS settings, navigate through the menus until you see the Boot Order or Boot Sequence option. Refer to the user manual for your device to locate this setting. Once you select the boot order setting, you can edit the boot order priority based in top-down order. Move booting from the USB or optical drive to the top of the list depending on which media installation method you're using. Once appropriate changes are made, save and exit from the BIOS. Your device reboots automatically in applying these changes.
Once modifications are made to the boot order and you select to boot from either the USB or DVD drive, follow these steps to install Windows Server.
Plug in your USB drive or DVD into your optical drive, then reboot your device.
Once your device boots, you're prompted to press any key to boot from your installation media.
Under Select language settings, select your language, time and currency format, then select Next.
Under Select keyboard settings, select your keyboard language, then select Next.
Under Select setup option, select Install Windows Server, select I agree everything will be deleted including files, apps, and settings, then select Next.
Under Choose a licensing method, select the option that best serves your environment, then select Next:
Use a product key - This option is for users who have an OEM, Retail, or Volume License (VL) key. If this license type is selected, proceed with the next steps.
Pay-as-you-go - This option is for users who desire to use their Azure subscription license. This option is only available for Windows Server 2025 and has its own set of prerequisites. If this license type is selected, see Set up Windows Server Pay-as-you-go to continue the installation process.
Under Select image, select your Windows Server version, then select Next.
Under Applicable notices and license terms, review the software terms, then select Accept.
Under Select location to install Windows Server, select the disk which you want to install Windows Server, then select Next.
Under Ready to install, select Install.
Once your device reboots a few times, the License terms appear. Select Accept to proceed.
Under Customize settings, provide a complex password for the Administrator account, then select Finish.
Once you log into the Administrator account, review the Send diagnostic data to Microsoft information, then select Accept.
To manage and configure your Windows Server Core environment, you have the option of using the Server Configuration tool (SConfig). To learn more, see Administer a Server Core server and Configure a Server Core installation of Windows Server and Azure Local with the Server Configuration tool (SConfig).
4月29日 下午2時 - 4月30日 下午7時
加入最終的 Windows Server 虛擬活動 4 月 29-30 日,以取得深入探討的技術研討會,並與Microsoft工程師實時問答。
Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate - Certifications
身為 Windows Server 混合式系統管理員,您會將 Windows Server 環境與 Azure 服務整合,並管理內部部署網路中的 Windows Server。
建立可開機的 Windows Server 2016 USB 安裝磁碟驅動器逐步執行
這些程式是使用 Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 5 撰寫和測試,但應該適用於任何版本的 Windows Server 或 Windos Desktop 版本 8 或更新版本。 它們應該適用於舊版的 Windows 10、Winndows 8、Windows Server 2012、Windows 7 和 Windows Vista 和 Windows Server 2008 或 Windows Server 2008 R2。 注意:此文章不會使用任何可下載的 .EXE。 這是很長的路要走。 如果您想要使用可執行檔建立具有 Windows 10 的可開機 USB,請參閱: 下載 Windows 10 和建立可開機的 USB Thumb 磁碟驅動器以開機至安裝 PLUS 數據遷移。 我使用這些指示建立的USB磁碟驅動器,用來在裸機上成功安裝Windows Server 2016 TP5,且在安裝期間只抹除一個內部磁碟驅動器。 如果您沒有媒體,您將需要下載。 如需Technical Preview,請參閱 Windows Server 2016 。 您也可以從 MSDN.
Windows Server 的儲存、CPU、網路和記憶體 (RAM) 的最低硬體需求是什麼?
如需此影片的完整逐步指示和首頁,請參閱 在裸機 上安裝 Windows Server 2016。 利用 建立可開機 Windows Server 2016 USB Thumb 磁片磁碟機來安裝 OS 以建立可開機的 OS 磁片(或將下載的 ISO 燒毀至 DVD 開機至 DVD 或可開機的 DVD ISO 映像 立即安裝 啟動 接受使用規定 自訂安裝 選取 OS 刪除現有的分割區 何處? 新增資料分割,執行安裝 安裝進行中 設定 管理員istrator 密碼 鎖定畫面 登入 建立新的管理員istrator 使用者 如需詳細資訊,請參閱: http://itproguru.com/expert/2016/06/installing-windows-server-2016-on-bare-metal/