Conditional Access: Target resources

Target resources (formerly Cloud apps, actions, and authentication context) are key signals in a Conditional Access policy. Conditional Access policies allow administrators to assign controls to specific applications, services, actions, or authentication context.

  • Administrators can choose from the list of applications or services that include built-in Microsoft applications and any Microsoft Entra integrated applications including gallery, non-gallery, and applications published through Application Proxy.
  • Administrators might choose to define policy not based on a cloud application but on a user action like Register security information or Register or join devices, allowing Conditional Access to enforce controls around those actions.
  • Administrators can target traffic forwarding profiles from Global Secure Access for enhanced functionality.
  • Administrators can use authentication context to provide an extra layer of security in applications.

Screenshot displaying a Conditional Access policy and the target resources panel.

Microsoft cloud applications

Many of the existing Microsoft cloud applications are included in the list of applications you can select from.

Administrators can assign a Conditional Access policy to these Microsoft cloud applications. Some apps like Office 365 and Windows Azure Service Management API include multiple related child apps or services.


Applications that are available to Conditional Access go through an onboarding and validation process. These applications don't include all Microsoft apps. Many applications are backend services that aren't meant to have policy directly applied to them. If you're looking for an application that is missing, you can contact the specific application team or make a request on UserVoice.

Office 365

Microsoft 365 provides cloud-based productivity and collaboration services like Exchange, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams. Microsoft 365 cloud services are deeply integrated to ensure smooth and collaborative experiences. This integration can cause confusion when creating policies as some apps such as Microsoft Teams have dependencies on others such as SharePoint or Exchange.

The Office 365 suite makes it possible to target these services all at once. We recommend using the new Office 365 suite, instead of targeting individual cloud apps to avoid issues with service dependencies.

Targeting this group of applications helps to avoid issues that might arise because of inconsistent policies and dependencies. For example: The Exchange Online app is tied to traditional Exchange Online data like mail, calendar, and contact information. Related metadata might be exposed through different resources like search. To ensure that all metadata is protected by as intended, administrators should assign policies to the Office 365 app.

Administrators can exclude the entire Office 365 suite or specific Office 365 cloud apps from the Conditional Access policy.

A complete list of all services included can be found in the article Apps included in Conditional Access Office 365 app suite.

Windows Azure Service Management API

When you target the Windows Azure Service Management API application, policy is enforced for tokens issued to a set of services closely bound to the portal. This grouping includes the application IDs of:

  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure portal, which also covers the Microsoft Entra admin center
  • Azure Data Lake
  • Application Insights API
  • Log Analytics API

Because the policy is applied to the Azure management portal and API, services, or clients with an Azure API service dependency, can indirectly be impacted. For example:

  • Azure CLI
  • Azure Data Factory portal
  • Azure DevOps
  • Azure Event Hubs
  • Azure PowerShell
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure Synapse
  • Classic deployment model APIs
  • Microsoft 365 admin center
  • Microsoft IoT Central
  • SQL Managed Instance
  • Visual Studio subscriptions administrator portal


The Windows Azure Service Management API application applies to Azure PowerShell, which calls the Azure Resource Manager API. It doesn't apply to Microsoft Graph PowerShell, which calls the Microsoft Graph API.

For more information on how to set up a sample policy for Windows Azure Service Management API, see Conditional Access: Require MFA for Azure management.


For Azure Government, you should target the Azure Government Cloud Management API application.

Microsoft Admin Portals

When a Conditional Access policy targets the Microsoft Admin Portals cloud app, the policy is enforced for tokens issued to application IDs of the following Microsoft administrative portals:

  • Azure portal
  • Exchange admin center
  • Microsoft 365 admin center
  • Microsoft 365 Defender portal
  • Microsoft Entra admin center
  • Microsoft Intune admin center
  • Microsoft Purview compliance portal
  • Microsoft Teams admin center

We're continually adding more administrative portals to the list.


The Microsoft Admin Portals app applies to interactive sign-ins to the listed admin portals only. Sign-ins to the underlying resources or services like Microsoft Graph or Azure Resource Manager APIs aren't covered by this application. Those resources are protected by the Windows Azure Service Management API app. This grouping enables customers to move along the MFA adoption journey for admins without impacting automation that relies on APIs and PowerShell. When you're ready, Microsoft recommends using a policy requiring administrators perform MFA always for comprehensive protection.

Other applications

Administrators can add any Microsoft Entra registered application to Conditional Access policies. These applications might include:


Since Conditional Access policy sets the requirements for accessing a service, you aren't able to apply it to a client (public/native) application. In other words, the policy isn't set directly on a client (public/native) application, but is applied when a client calls a service. For example, a policy set on SharePoint service applies to all clients calling SharePoint. A policy set on Exchange applies to the attempt to access the email using Outlook client. That is why client (public/native) applications aren't available for selection in the app picker and Conditional Access option isn't available in the application settings for the client (public/native) application registered in your tenant.

Some applications don't appear in the picker at all. The only way to include these applications in a Conditional Access policy is to include All resources (formerly 'All cloud apps').

Understanding Conditional Access for different client types

Conditional Access applies to resources not clients, except when the client is a confidential client requesting an ID token.

  • Public client
    • Public clients are those that run locally on devices like Microsoft Outlook on the desktop or mobile apps like Microsoft Teams.
    • Conditional Access policies don't apply to the public client itself, but apply based on the resources requested by the public clients.
  • Confidential client
    • Conditional Access applies to the resources requested by the client and the confidential client itself if it requests an ID token.
    • For example: If Outlook Web requests a token for scopes Mail.Read and Files.Read, Conditional Access applies policies for Exchange and SharePoint. Additionally, if Outlook Web requests an ID token, Conditional Access also applies the policies for Outlook Web.

To view sign-in logs for these client types from the Microsoft Entra admin center:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least a Reports Reader.
  2. Browse to Identity > Monitoring & health > Sign-in logs.
  3. Add a filter for Client credential type.
  4. Adjust the filter to view a specific set of logs based on the client credential used in the sign-in.

For more information see the article Public client and confidential client applications.

All resources

Applying a Conditional Access policy to All resources (formerly 'All cloud apps') without any app exclusions results in the policy being enforced for all token requests from web sites and services including Global Secure Access traffic forwarding profiles. This option includes applications that aren't individually targetable in Conditional Access policy, such as Windows Azure Active Directory (00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000).


Microsoft recommends creating a baseline multifactor authentication policy targeting all users and all resources (without any app exclusions), like the one explained in Require multifactor authentication for all users.

Conditional Access behavior when an all resources policy has an app exclusion

If any app is excluded from the policy, in order to not inadvertently block user access, certain low privilege scopes are excluded from policy enforcement. These scopes allow calls to the underlying Graph APIs, like Windows Azure Active Directory (00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000) and Microsoft Graph (00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000), to access user profile and group membership information commonly used by applications as part of authentication. For example: when Outlook requests a token for Exchange, it also asks for the User.Read scope to be able to display the basic account information of the current user.

Most apps have a similar dependency, which is why these low privilege scopes are automatically excluded whenever there's an app exclusion in an All resources policy. These low privilege scope exclusions don't allow data access beyond basic user profile and group information. The excluded scopes are listed as follows, consent is still required for apps to use these permissions.

  • Native clients and Single page applications (SPAs) have access to the following low privilege scopes:
    • Azure AD Graph: email, offline_access, openid, profile, User.Read
    • Microsoft Graph: email, offline_access, openid, profile, User.Read, People.Read
  • Confidential clients have access to the following low privilege scopes, if they're excluded from an All resources policy:
    • Azure AD Graph: email, offline_access, openid, profile, User.Read, User.Read.All,User.ReadBasic.All
    • Microsoft Graph: email, offline_access, openid, profile, User.Read, User.Read.All, User.ReadBasic.All, People.Read, People.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, Member.Read.Hidden

For more information on the scopes mentioned, see Microsoft Graph permissions reference and Scopes and permissions in the Microsoft identity platform.

Protecting directory information

If the recommended baseline MFA policy without app exclusions can't be configured due to business reasons, and your organization’s security policy must include directory-related low privilege scopes (User.Read, User.Read.All, User.ReadBasic.All, People.Read, People.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, Member.Read.Hidden), the alternative is to create a separate Conditional Access policy targeting Windows Azure Active Directory (00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000). Windows Azure Active Directory (also called Azure AD Graph) is a resource representing data stored in the directory such as users, groups, and applications. The Windows Azure Active Directory resource is included in All resources but can be individually targeted in Conditional Access policies by using the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as an Attribute Definition Administrator and Attribute Assignment Administrator.
  2. Browse to Protection > Custom security attributes.
  3. Create a new attribute set and attribute definition. For more information, see Add or deactivate custom security attribute definitions in Microsoft Entra ID.
  4. Browse to Identity > Applications > Enterprise applications.
  5. Remove the Application type filter and search for Application ID that starts with 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000.
  6. Select Windows Azure Active Directory > Custom security attributes > Add assignment.
  7. Select the attribute set and attribute value that you plan to use in the policy.
  8. Browse to Protection > Conditional Access > Policies.
  9. Create or modify an existing policy.
  10. Under Target resources > Resources (formerly cloud apps) > Include, select > Select resources > Edit filter.
  11. Adjust the filter to include your attribute set and definition from earlier.
  12. Save the policy

All internet resources with Global Secure Access

The All internet resources with Global Secure Access option allows administrators to target the internet access traffic forwarding profile from Microsoft Entra Internet Access.

These profiles in Global Secure Access enable administrators to define and control how traffic is routed through Microsoft Entra Internet Access and Microsoft Entra Private Access. Traffic forwarding profiles can be assigned to devices and remote networks. For an example of how to apply a Conditional Access policy to these traffic profiles, see the article How to apply Conditional Access policies to the Microsoft 365 traffic profile.

For more information about these profiles, see the article Global Secure Access traffic forwarding profiles.

User actions

User actions are tasks that a user performs. Currently, Conditional Access supports two user actions:

  • Register security information: This user action allows Conditional Access policy to enforce when users who are enabled for combined registration attempt to register their security information. More information can be found in the article, Combined security information registration.


When administrators apply a policy targeting user actions for register security information, if the user account is a guest from Microsoft personal account (MSA), using the control 'Require multifactor authentication', will require the MSA user to register security information with the organization. If the guest user is from another provider such as Google, access is blocked.

  • Register or join devices: This user action enables administrators to enforce Conditional Access policy when users register or join devices to Microsoft Entra ID. It provides granularity in configuring multifactor authentication for registering or joining devices instead of a tenant-wide policy that currently exists. There are three key considerations with this user action:
    • Require multifactor authentication is the only access control available with this user action and all others are disabled. This restriction prevents conflicts with access controls that are either dependent on Microsoft Entra device registration or not applicable to Microsoft Entra device registration.
    • Client apps, Filters for devices, and Device state conditions aren't available with this user action since they're dependent on Microsoft Entra device registration to enforce Conditional Access policies.


When a Conditional Access policy is configured with the Register or join devices user action, you must set Identity > Devices > Overview > Device Settings - Require Multifactor Authentication to register or join devices with Microsoft Entra to No. Otherwise, Conditional Access policies with this user action aren't properly enforced. More information about this device setting can found in Configure device settings.

Authentication context

Authentication context can be used to further secure data and actions in applications. These applications can be your own custom applications, custom line of business (LOB) applications, applications like SharePoint, or applications protected by Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps.

For example, an organization might keep files in SharePoint sites like the lunch menu or their secret BBQ sauce recipe. Everyone might have access to the lunch menu site, but users who have access to the secret BBQ sauce recipe site might need to access from a managed device and agree to specific terms of use.

Authentication context works with users or workload identities, but not in the same Conditional Access policy.

Configure authentication contexts

Authentication contexts are managed under Protection > Conditional Access > Authentication context.

Screenshot showing the management of authentication contexts.

Create new authentication context definitions by selecting New authentication context. Organizations are limited to a total of 99 authentication context definitions c1-c99. Configure the following attributes:

  • Display name is the name that is used to identify the authentication context in Microsoft Entra ID and across applications that consume authentication contexts. We recommend names that can be used across resources, like trusted devices, to reduce the number of authentication contexts needed. Having a reduced set limits the number of redirects and provides a better end to end-user experience.
  • Description provides more information about the policies, used by administrators and those applying authentication contexts to resources.
  • Publish to apps checkbox when checked, advertises the authentication context to apps and makes them available to be assigned. If not checked the authentication context is unavailable to downstream resources.
  • ID is read-only and used in tokens and apps for request-specific authentication context definitions. Listed here for troubleshooting and development use cases.

Add to Conditional Access policy

Administrators can select published authentication contexts in their Conditional Access policies under Assignments > Cloud apps or actions and selecting Authentication context from the Select what this policy applies to menu.

Screenshot showing how to add a Conditional Access authentication context to a policy

Delete an authentication context

When you delete an authentication context, make sure no applications are still using it. Otherwise access to app data is no longer protected. You can confirm this prerequisite by checking sign-in logs for cases when the authentication context Conditional Access policies are being applied.

To delete an authentication context, it must have no assigned Conditional Access policies and must not be published to apps. This requirement helps prevent the accidental deletion of an authentication context that is still in use.

Tag resources with authentication contexts

For more information about authentication context use in applications, see the following articles.

Next steps