IDesignerSerializationManager Rozhraní


Poskytuje rozhraní, které může spravovat serializaci v době návrhu.

public interface class IDesignerSerializationManager : IServiceProvider
public interface IDesignerSerializationManager : IServiceProvider
type IDesignerSerializationManager = interface
    interface IServiceProvider
Public Interface IDesignerSerializationManager
Implements IServiceProvider


Následující příklad ukazuje, jak použít IDesignerSerializationManager k serializaci a deserializaci příkazů Code DOM.

#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Design.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::CodeDom;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design::Serialization;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

namespace CodeDomSerializerSample
   ref class MyComponent;
   private ref class MyCodeDomSerializer: public CodeDomSerializer
      Object^ Deserialize( IDesignerSerializationManager^ manager, Object^ codeObject ) new
         // This is how we associate the component with the serializer.
         CodeDomSerializer^ baseClassSerializer = (CodeDomSerializer^)(
               MyComponent::typeid->BaseType, CodeDomSerializer::typeid ));
         /* This is the simplest case, in which the class just calls the base class
            to do the work. */
         return baseClassSerializer->Deserialize( manager, codeObject );

      Object^ Serialize( IDesignerSerializationManager^ manager, Object^ value ) new
         /* Associate the component with the serializer in the same manner as with
            Deserialize */
         CodeDomSerializer^ baseClassSerializer = (CodeDomSerializer^)(
               MyComponent::typeid->BaseType, CodeDomSerializer::typeid ));

         Object^ codeObject = baseClassSerializer->Serialize( manager, value );
         /* Anything could be in the codeObject.  This sample operates on a
            CodeStatementCollection. */
         if ( (CodeStatementCollection^)(codeObject) )
            CodeStatementCollection^ statements = (CodeStatementCollection^)(codeObject);
            // The code statement collection is valid, so add a comment.
            String^ commentText = "This comment was added to this object by a custom serializer.";
            CodeCommentStatement^ comment = gcnew CodeCommentStatement( commentText );
            statements->Insert( 0, comment );
         return codeObject;

   public ref class MyComponent: public Component
      String^ localProperty;

         localProperty = "Component Property Value";

      property String^ LocalProperty 
         String^ get()
            return localProperty;
         void set( String^ value )
            localProperty = value;
using System;
using System.CodeDom;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CodeDomSerializerSample
    internal class MyCodeDomSerializer : CodeDomSerializer {
        public override object Deserialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object codeObject) {
            // This is how we associate the component with the serializer.
                CodeDomSerializer baseClassSerializer = (CodeDomSerializer)manager.
                GetSerializer(typeof(MyComponent).BaseType, typeof(CodeDomSerializer));

            /* This is the simplest case, in which the class just calls the base class
                to do the work. */
            return baseClassSerializer.Deserialize(manager, codeObject);
        public override object Serialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object value) {
            /* Associate the component with the serializer in the same manner as with
                Deserialize */
            CodeDomSerializer baseClassSerializer = (CodeDomSerializer)manager.
                GetSerializer(typeof(MyComponent).BaseType, typeof(CodeDomSerializer));
            object codeObject = baseClassSerializer.Serialize(manager, value);
            /* Anything could be in the codeObject.  This sample operates on a
                CodeStatementCollection. */
            if (codeObject is CodeStatementCollection) {
                CodeStatementCollection statements = (CodeStatementCollection)codeObject;
                // The code statement collection is valid, so add a comment.
                string commentText = "This comment was added to this object by a custom serializer.";
                CodeCommentStatement comment = new CodeCommentStatement(commentText);
                statements.Insert(0, comment);
            return codeObject;
    [DesignerSerializer(typeof(MyCodeDomSerializer), typeof(CodeDomSerializer))]
    public class MyComponent : Component {
        private string localProperty = "Component Property Value";
        public string LocalProperty {
            get {
                return localProperty;
            set {
                localProperty = value;
Imports System.CodeDom
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Namespace CodeDomSerializerSample
   Friend Class MyCodeDomSerializer
      Inherits CodeDomSerializer

      Public Overrides Function Deserialize(ByVal manager As IDesignerSerializationManager, _
                                                ByVal codeObject As Object) As Object
         ' This is how we associate the component with the serializer.
         Dim baseClassSerializer As CodeDomSerializer = CType(manager.GetSerializer( _
                GetType(MyComponent).BaseType, GetType(CodeDomSerializer)), CodeDomSerializer)

         ' This is the simplest case, in which the class just calls the base class
         '  to do the work. 
         Return baseClassSerializer.Deserialize(manager, codeObject)
      End Function 'Deserialize

      Public Overrides Function Serialize(ByVal manager As IDesignerSerializationManager, _
                                            ByVal value As Object) As Object
         ' Associate the component with the serializer in the same manner as with
         '  Deserialize
         Dim baseClassSerializer As CodeDomSerializer = CType(manager.GetSerializer( _
                GetType(MyComponent).BaseType, GetType(CodeDomSerializer)), CodeDomSerializer)

         Dim codeObject As Object = baseClassSerializer.Serialize(manager, value)

         ' Anything could be in the codeObject.  This sample operates on a
         '  CodeStatementCollection.
         If TypeOf codeObject Is CodeStatementCollection Then
            Dim statements As CodeStatementCollection = CType(codeObject, CodeStatementCollection)

            ' The code statement collection is valid, so add a comment.
            Dim commentText As String = "This comment was added to this object by a custom serializer."
            Dim comment As New CodeCommentStatement(commentText)
            statements.Insert(0, comment)
         End If
         Return codeObject
      End Function 'Serialize
   End Class

   <DesignerSerializer(GetType(MyCodeDomSerializer), GetType(CodeDomSerializer))> _
   Public Class MyComponent
      Inherits Component
      Private localProperty As String = "Component Property Value"

      Public Property LocalProp() As String
            Return localProperty
         End Get
         Set(ByVal Value As String)
            localProperty = Value
         End Set
      End Property
   End Class

End Namespace


Návrhář může využít IDesignerSerializationManager přístup ke službám užitečným pro správu procesů serializace v době návrhu. Například třída, která implementuje návrhář serializace správce může použít toto rozhraní k vytváření objektů, vyhledávání typů, identifikaci objektů a přizpůsobení serializace konkrétních typů.



Získá zásobníku, uživatelem definované oblasti úložiště, která je užitečná pro komunikaci mezi serializátory.


Označuje vlastní vlastnosti, které lze serializovat s dostupnými serializátory.



Přidá zadaného zprostředkovatele serializace do správce serializace.

CreateInstance(Type, ICollection, String, Boolean)

Vytvoří instanci zadaného typu a přidá ji do kolekce pojmenovaných instancí.


Získá instanci vytvořeného objektu zadaného názvu, nebo null pokud tento objekt neexistuje.


Získá název zadaného objektu nebo null pokud objekt nemá žádný název.

GetSerializer(Type, Type)

Získá serializátor požadovaného typu pro zadaný typ objektu.


Získá objekt služby zadaného typu.

(Zděděno od IServiceProvider)

Získá typ zadaného názvu.


Odebere vlastního zprostředkovatele serializace ze správce serializace.


Hlásí chybu v serializaci.

SetName(Object, String)

Nastaví název zadaného existujícího objektu.



Nastane, když GetName(Object) nelze najít zadaný název v tabulce názvů správce serializace.


Nastane po dokončení serializace.

Platí pro

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