DataListItemCollection Třída


Představuje kolekci DataListItem objektů v ovládacím DataList prvku. Tuto třídu nelze dědit.

public ref class DataListItemCollection sealed : System::Collections::ICollection
public sealed class DataListItemCollection : System.Collections.ICollection
type DataListItemCollection = class
    interface ICollection
    interface IEnumerable
Public NotInheritable Class DataListItemCollection
Implements ICollection


Následující příklad vytvoří zdroj dat ve formě DataView ovládacího prvku a vytvoří vazbu na DataList ovládací prvek deklarovaný ve značkách. Pak zobrazí obsah podkladového DataListItemCollection objektu na stránce.

<%@ Import Namespace = "System.Data"  %>
<%@ Page language="c#" AutoEventWireup="true"%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">    
// The following example creates a DataSource as a DataView.
// The DataView is bound to a DataList that is displayed using an
// ItemTemplate. When the page is first loaded, the program uses the 
// CopyTo method to copy the entire data source to an Array and then 
// displays that data.

ICollection CreateDataSource()
    DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable();
    DataRow myDataRow;

    myDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("EmployeeName", typeof(string)));
    myDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("EmployeeID", typeof(long)));
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        myDataRow = myDataTable.NewRow();
        myDataRow[0] = "somename" + i.ToString();
        myDataRow[1] = (i+1000);
    DataView dataView = new DataView(myDataTable);
    return dataView;

// <Snippet2>
void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        // Bind the DataView to the DataSource.
        myDataList.DataSource = CreateDataSource();
        // Create a Array to hold the DataSource.
        System.Array myArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DataListItem),
        // Copy the DataSource to an Array.

// Prints each element in the Array onto the label lblAllItems1.
public void PrintValues(Array myArr)
    DataListItem currentItem;
    System.Collections.IEnumerator myEnumerator = myArr.GetEnumerator();
    while (myEnumerator.MoveNext())
        currentItem = (DataListItem)myEnumerator.Current;
        lblAllItems1.Text += "<br /><br />" + 

// Event handler method for show button.
void show_Click(Object sender,EventArgs e)
    // Get the underlying DataListItemCollection from the DataList object.
    DataListItemCollection myDataListItemCollection = myDataList.Items;
    // Display the read-only properties.
    Response.Write("<b>The Total number of items are " + 
        myDataListItemCollection.Count + "</b>");
    Response.Write("<br /><b>The ReadOnly property of the " + 
        "DataListItemCollection is always" + 
        myDataListItemCollection.IsReadOnly + "</b>");
    Response.Write("<br /><b>The IsSynchronized property of the " +
        "DataListItemCollection is always " +
        myDataListItemCollection.IsSynchronized + "</b>");
    myDataListItemCollection = null;
// </Snippet2>

// <Snippet5>
void allItems_Click(Object sender,EventArgs e)
    IEnumerator dataListEnumerator;
    DataListItem currentItem;
    lblAllItems.Text = "";
    // Get an enumerator to traverse the DataListItemCollection.
    dataListEnumerator = myDataList.Items.GetEnumerator();
        currentItem = (DataListItem)dataListEnumerator.Current;
        // Display the current DataListItem onto the label.
        lblAllItems.Text += ((Label)(currentItem.Controls[1])).Text + " ";
// </Snippet5>

// <Snippet6>
void itemSelected(Object sender,EventArgs e)
    // Get the underlying DataListItemCollection from the DataList object.
    DataListItemCollection myDataListItemCollection = myDataList.Items;
    // Get the index of the selected radio button in the RadioButtonList.
    int index = Convert.ToInt16(listItemNo.SelectedItem.Value);
    // Get the DataListItem corresponding to index from DataList.
    // SyncRoot is used to make access to the DataListItemCollection 
    // in a thread-safe manner It returns the object that invoked it. 
    DataListItem currentItem = 
    // Display the selected DataListItem onto a label.
    lblDisplay.Text = "<b>DataListItem" + index + " is : "
        + ((Label)(currentItem.Controls[1])).Text;
    currentItem = null;
    myDataListItemCollection = null;
// </Snippet6>

<html xmlns="" >
        DataListItemCollection Example
<form runat="server" id="Form1">
        DataListItemCollection Example
                <asp:datalist id="myDataList" runat="server" Font-Size="8pt" 
                    Font-Names="Verdana" BorderColor="black" CellSpacing="5"
                    CellPadding="10" GridLines="Horizontal">
                    <HeaderStyle BackColor="#aaaadd"></HeaderStyle>
                        EmployeeName EmployeeID
                        <asp:Label id="label1" runat="server"
                            Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "EmployeeName") %>'>
                        <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "EmployeeID")%>
                <asp:label id="lblAllItems1" 
                    Text="The following items <br /> are copied to the array: " 
                    Runat="server" ForeColor="blue" Font-Bold="true" 
                    The following items <br /> are copied to the array:
                    <b>Show Items:</b>
                <asp:RadioButtonList ID="listItemNo" 
                    OnSelectedIndexChanged="itemSelected" AutoPostBack="true" 
                    <asp:ListItem Value="0" Text="0"></asp:ListItem>
                    <asp:ListItem Value="1" Text="1"></asp:ListItem>
                    <asp:ListItem Value="2" Text="2"></asp:ListItem>
                <asp:Label ID="lblDisplay" Runat="server" />
        <asp:button id="show" onclick="show_Click" Runat="server" 
             Font-Bold="True" Text="DataList Information" />
        <asp:button id="allitems" onclick="allItems_Click" Runat="server" 
            Font-Bold="True" Text="Show All DataListItems" />
        <b>All DataList items will be shown here:</b>
        <asp:label id="lblAllItems" Runat="server" ForeColor="blue" />
<%@ Import Namespace = "System.Data"  %>
<%@ Page language="VB" AutoEventWireup="true"%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">    
' The following example creates a DataSource as a DataView.
' The DataView is bound to a DataList that is displayed using an
' ItemTemplate. When the page is first loaded, the program uses the 
' CopyTo method to copy the entire data source to an Array and then 
' displays that data.

Function CreateDataSource() As ICollection 
    Dim myDataTable As DataTable = New DataTable()
    Dim myDataRow As DataRow 
    Dim i As Integer

    myDataTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("EmployeeName", GetType(String)))
    myDataTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("EmployeeID", GetType(Integer)))
    For i = 0 To 2
        myDataRow = myDataTable.NewRow()
        myDataRow(0) = "somename" + i.ToString()
        myDataRow(1) = i + 1000
    CreateDataSource = new DataView(myDataTable)
End Function

' <Snippet2>
Sub Page_Load(sender As object, e As EventArgs)
    If (Not IsPostBack)
        ' Bind the DataView to the DataSource.
        myDataList.DataSource = CreateDataSource()
        ' Create a Array to hold the DataSource.
        Dim myArray As System.Array = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(DataListItem), _
        ' Copy the DataSource to an Array.
        myDataList.Items.CopyTo(myArray, 0)
    End If
End sub

' Prints each element in the Array onto the label lblAllItems1.
Public Sub PrintValues(myArr As Array)
    Dim currentItem As DataListItem 
    Dim myEnumerator As System.Collections.IEnumerator = myArr.GetEnumerator()
    While (myEnumerator.MoveNext())
        currentItem = CType(myEnumerator.Current,DataListItem)
        lblAllItems1.Text = lblAllItems1.Text & "<br /><br />" & _
    End While
End Sub

    ' Event handler method for show button.
Sub show_Click(sender as Object, e As EventArgs)
    ' Get the underlying DataListItemCollection from the DataList object.
    Dim myDataListItemCollection As DataListItemCollection = myDataList.Items
    ' Display the read-only properties.
    Response.Write("<b>The Total number of items are " & _
        myDataListItemCollection.Count & "</b>")
        Response.Write("<br /><b>The ReadOnly property of the " & _
            "DataListItemCollection is always " & _
            myDataListItemCollection.IsReadOnly & "</b>")
        Response.Write("<br /><b>The IsSynchronized property of the " & _
            "DataListItemCollection is always " _
            & myDataListItemCollection.IsSynchronized & "</b>")
    myDataListItemCollection = Nothing
End Sub
    ' </Snippet2>

' <Snippet5>
Sub AllItems_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    Dim dataListEnumerator As IEnumerator
    Dim currentItem As DataListItem 
    lblAllItems.Text = ""
    ' Get an enumerator to traverse the DataListItemCollection.
    dataListEnumerator = myDataList.Items.GetEnumerator()
        currentItem = CType(dataListEnumerator.Current,DataListItem)
        ' Display the current DataListItem onto the label.
        lblAllItems.Text = lblAllItems.Text & CType((currentItem.Controls(1)), _
        Label).Text & "  "
    End While
End Sub
' </Snippet5>

' <Snippet6>
Sub ItemSelected(sender As object, e As EventArgs)
    ' Get the underlying DataListItemCollection from the DataList object.
    Dim myDataListItemCollection As DataListItemCollection  = myDataList.Items
    ' Get the index of the selected radio button in the RadioButtonList.
    Dim index As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(listItemNo.SelectedItem.Value)
    ' Get the DataListItem corresponding to index from DataList.
    ' SyncRoot is used to make access to the DataListItemCollection 
    ' in a thread-safe manner It returns the object that invoked it. 
    Dim currentItem As DataListItem = _ 
    ' Display the selected DataListItem onto a label.
    lblDisplay.Text = "<b>DataListItem" & index & " is: " _
        & CType(currentItem.Controls(1),Label).Text
    currentItem = Nothing
    myDataListItemCollection = Nothing
End Sub
    ' </Snippet6>

<html xmlns="" >
        DataListItemCollection Example
<form runat="server" id="Form1">
        DataListItemCollection Example
                <asp:datalist id="myDataList" runat="server" Font-Size="8pt" 
                    Font-Names="Verdana" BorderColor="black" CellSpacing="5"
                    CellPadding="10" GridLines="Horizontal">
                    <HeaderStyle BackColor="#aaaadd"></HeaderStyle>
                        EmployeeName EmployeeID
                        <asp:Label id="label1"  runat="server"
                            Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "EmployeeName") %>' />
                        <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "EmployeeID")%>
                <asp:label id="lblAllItems1" 
                    Text="The following items <br /> are copied to the array: " 
                    Runat="server" ForeColor="blue" Font-Bold="true" 
                    The following items <br /> are copied to the array:
                    <b>Show Items:</b>
                <asp:RadioButtonList ID="listItemNo" 
                    OnSelectedIndexChanged="itemSelected" AutoPostBack="true" 
                    <asp:ListItem Value="0" Text="0"></asp:ListItem>
                    <asp:ListItem Value="1" Text="1"></asp:ListItem>
                    <asp:ListItem Value="2" Text="2"></asp:ListItem>
                <asp:Label ID="lblDisplay" Runat="server" />
        <asp:button id="show" onclick="show_Click" Runat="server" 
            Font-Bold="True" Text="DataList Information" />
        <asp:button id="allitems" onclick="allItems_Click" Runat="server" 
            Font-Bold="True" Text="Show All DataListItems" />
        <b>All DataList items will be shown here:</b>
        <asp:label id="lblAllItems" Runat="server" ForeColor="blue" />


Třída DataListItemCollection představuje kolekci DataListItem objektů, které zase představují datové položky v ovládacím DataList prvku. K programovému DataList načtení DataListItem objektů z ovládacího prvku použijte jednu z následujících metod:

Vlastnost Count určuje celkový počet položek v kolekci a běžně se používá k určení horní hranice kolekce.



Inicializuje novou instanci DataListItemCollection třídy.



Získá počet DataListItem objektů v kolekci.


Získá hodnotu, která označuje, zda DataListItem objekty v objektu DataListItemCollection lze upravit.


Získá hodnotu označující, jestli je přístup k požadavkům DataListItemCollection synchronizovaný (thread-safe).


DataListItem Získá objekt v zadaném indexu v kolekci.


Získá objekt, který lze použít k synchronizaci přístupu k kolekci DataListItemCollection .


CopyTo(Array, Int32)

Zkopíruje všechny položky z této DataListItemCollection kolekce do zadaného Array objektu počínaje zadaným indexem v objektu Array .


Určí, zda se zadaný objekt rovná aktuálnímu objektu.

(Zděděno od Object)

IEnumerator Vrátí rozhraní, které obsahuje všechny DataListItem objekty v objektu DataListItemCollection.


Slouží jako výchozí funkce hash.

(Zděděno od Object)

Type Získá aktuální instanci.

(Zděděno od Object)

Vytvoří použádnou kopii aktuálního souboru Object.

(Zděděno od Object)

Vrátí řetězec, který představuje aktuální objekt.

(Zděděno od Object)

Metody rozšíření


Přetypuje prvky zadaného IEnumerable typu.


Filtruje prvky IEnumerable založené na zadaném typu.


Umožňuje paralelizaci dotazu.


Převede na IEnumerable IQueryable.

Platí pro

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