move_iterator Class
Class template move_iterator is a wrapper for an iterator. The move_iterator provides the same behavior as the iterator it wraps (stores), except it turns the stored iterator’s dereference operator into an rvalue reference, turning a copy into a move. For more information about rvalues, see Rvalue Reference Declarator: &&.
template<class Iterator>
class move_iterator {
typedef Iterator iterator_type;
typedef typename
typedef typename iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type
typedef typename iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type
typedef Iterator
typedef value_type&&
explicit move_iterator (Iterator right);
template<class Type>
move_iterator (const move_iterator<Type>& right);
template <class Type>
move_iterator& operator=(const move_iterator<Type>& right);
iterator_type base () const;
reference operator* () const;
pointer operator-> () const;
move_iterator& operator++ ();
move_iterator operator++ (int);
move_iterator& operator-- ();
move_iterator operator-- (int);
move_iterator& operator+= (difference_type off);
move_iterator operator+ (difference_type off) const;
move_iterator& operator-= (difference_type off);
move_iterator operator- (difference_type off) const;
reference operator[] (difference_type off) const;
The template class describes an object that behaves like an iterator except when dereferenced. It stores a random-access iterator of type Iterator, accessed by way of the member function base(). All operations on a move_iterator are performed directly on the stored iterator, except that the result of operator* is implicitly cast to value_type&& to make an rvalue reference.
A move_iterator might be capable of operations that are not defined by the wrapped iterator. These operations should not be used.
Header: <iterator>
Namespace: std