LINEGENERATETONE structure (tapi.h)
The LINEGENERATETONE structure contains information about a tone to be generated. This structure is used by the lineGenerateTone and TSPI_lineGenerateTone functions.
typedef struct linegeneratetone_tag {
DWORD dwFrequency;
DWORD dwCadenceOn;
DWORD dwCadenceOff;
DWORD dwVolume;
Frequency of this tone component, in hertz. A service provider may adjust (round up or down) the frequency specified by the application to fit its resolution.
Length of the "on" duration of the cadence of the custom tone to be generated, in milliseconds. Zero means no tone is generated.
Length of the "off" duration of the cadence of the custom tone to be generated, in milliseconds. Zero means no off time, that is, a constant tone.
Volume level at which the tone is to be generated. A value of 0x0000FFFF represents full volume, and a value of 0x00000000 is silence.
This structure may not be extended.
This structure is used only for the generation of tones. It is not used for tone monitoring.
Requirement | Value |
Header | tapi.h |