Power Platform licensing FAQs

This article lists common questions and answers for licensing and plan options.

For more details about Microsoft Power Platform licensing, download the Licensing Guide.

Licensing for Copilot chat and form fill assistance in model-driven apps

What are the licensing implications of generally available Copilot capabilities for end users of model-driven apps?

As part of 2024 release wave 1, Copilot chat and form fill assistance are both generally available and on-by-default for Dynamics 365 users.

To utilize these features, you need any of the following licenses:

  • Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise or Sales Premium

  • Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

  • Dynamics 365 Field Service

  • Dynamics 365 Project Operations

For more information about Dynamics 365 licensing, see Dynamics 365 license transition guide. For more information about Copilot data security and privacy, see FAQ for Copilot data security and privacy for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform.


For standalone Power Apps, these features continue to be in public preview and customers can opt-in to these features from the Power Platform admin center.

Learn more about Copilot chat and form fill assistance from the following table.

Feature Description
Copilot chat Allows end users to ask natural language questions about the data in their model-driven apps and get instant answers.
Form fill assistance Helps end users fill in complex forms in model-driven apps by providing suggestions and guidance based on the data context.

Power Platform product licensing

This section provides answers to Power Platform products in general.

What are the self-service purchase options for the Power Platform products?

Go to the FAQ: Self-service purchase FAQ.

Is non-profit, government, and academic pricing available?

Yes, non-profit, government, and academic pricing is available in respective program channels.

Is there a plan for developers?

Yes, we have a free Developer Plan to learn and build skills on Power Apps, Power Automate, and Microsoft Dataverse. To learn more, go to Power Apps Developer Plan.

What happens when I use all the data storage, file storage, and flow runs included in my per user licenses?

You can buy more data storage, file storage, and flow runs. To learn more, go to Licensing overview for Microsoft Power Platform.

Who can buy Microsoft Power Platform apps plans?

Any customer can sign up for a free trial. Microsoft 365 admins can buy Power Platform apps plans for their teams or organization. Contact your Microsoft 365 admin when you're ready to buy.

Are there limits on the number of Power Platform Requests users can make?

Yes. To help ensure service levels, availability and quality, there are limits to the number of Power Platform Requests users can make across Power Platform. Service limits are set against normal usage patterns in both 5-minute and per 24-hour intervals, and most customers won't reach them.

Power Platform Requests capacity is tracked based on consumption at an individual, user level, and the daily limits can't be pooled at any other level.

Power Platform Requests limits are also applicable to application users, non-interactive users, and administrative users in Dataverse.

More information: Requests limits and allocations

Power Apps

How is Microsoft Power Apps licensed?

  • Power Apps Premium is licensed per user and entitles the licensed user to build, modernize, and run unlimited custom applications and access unlimited websites for $20/user/month (or $12 per user/month with 2,000+ new user licenses).

  • Power Apps per app enables individual users to run (one custom app or access one Power Pages website) for a specific business scenario based on the full capabilities of Power Apps for $5/user/app/month. This plan provides an easy way for customers to get started with the platform before broader scale adoption.

  • Power Apps pay-as-you-go allows individual users to run applications (one app) without any licenses via an Azure subscription. You postpay only for the number of users who used the app in a month. See Preview: Pay-as-you-go plan.

More information: Power Apps pricing

What is the difference between the legacy Power Apps per user offer and the Power Apps Premium offer?

There's no difference between these two offers. Power Apps per user has been renamed Power Apps Premium.

How do I use Power Apps per app?

More information: About Power Apps per app plans

How do I use Power Apps pay-as-you-go?

More information: Preview: Pay-as-you-go plan

Power Apps per app allows users to run specific apps. Can you explain what this means in terms of the number and types of apps I can use?

Power Apps per app is designed to help organizations solve for one business scenario at a time, which may involve a combination of individual apps. Each per app license provides an individual user with rights to one app (canvas and/or model-driven) within a single environment. A single user might be covered by multiple per app licenses to allow the user to use multiple apps, without requiring a per-user license. In other words, the per app license is stackable.

An important part of this feature simplification is that we'll no longer require any standalone plans for maker or admin capabilities. Previously admins required a Power Apps P2 license for certain management operations; this will no longer be the case.

Do embedded canvas apps in model-driven apps count consume multiple per app plans?

No. Embedded canvas components within the model-driven app are recognized as a single app.

What license must be assigned to a guest so they can run a canvas app shared with them?

The guest user must have a Power Apps license assigned through one of the following tenants:

  • The tenant hosting the app being shared
  • The home tenant of the guest user

When using Microsoft Dataverse as the data source, be sure that the guest user is licensed from the same tenant where you have Dataverse data located. For more information, see Share a canvas app with guest users.

Also, the guest must have the same license that's required for non-guests to run an app. A collection of examples is available in Frequently asked questions.

Are full Power Automate capabilities included in Power Apps licenses?

Power Apps licenses continue to include Power Automate capabilities. However, flows need to run within the context of the app, which refers to using the same data sources for triggers or actions as the app. Consuming standalone Power Automate flows unrelated to the app(s) requires purchase of a Power Automate license.

Do all my users need to be licensed with the same types of Power Apps licenses, or can I mix licenses?

You can mix and match Power Apps licenses, and licenses that include Power Apps capabilities, across the users in your organization.

Power Automate

How is Microsoft Power Automate licensed?

To learn more, go to Types of Power Automate licensesFrequently asked questions about Power Automate licenses, and Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate Licensing Guide.

Power Automate Premium

What are the pricing and licensing details for Power Automate Premium?

  • List Price (USD): $15 per user/month
  • Entitlements: Licensed per user, Power Automate Premium enables licensed users to automate modern applications via API-based digital process automation, Digital Process Automation (cloud flows), and legacy applications via UI-based robotic process automation (desktop flows) in attended mode. It also includes full Process Mining desktop functionality and a limited amount of Process Mining data storage (50 MB per user license up to 100 GB per customer).

How does this compare to the previous Power Automate per user with attended RPA offer and the Power Automate per user offer?

This new offer includes all the benefits of Power Automate per user with attended RPA offered at $40 per user/month, plus the Process Mining visualize and analyze processes capabilities, and is offered at $15 per user/month. As a reminder, the Power Automate per user with attended RPA license today includes DPA flows as well.

Power Automate Process

What are the pricing and licensing details for Power Automate Process?

  • List Price (USD): $150 per bot/month
  • Entitlements: Licensed per bot, Power Automate Process licenses a single 'automation' bot that can be used for unattended robotic process automation (unattended RPA), or business critical processes that need to be accessed by unlimited users within an organization.


Any software automated with an unattended bot may require extra licensing per software terms. For example, unattended RPA scenarios incorporating Microsoft 365 or Office 365 require the Microsoft 365 - Unattended License. To learn more, go to Product Terms.

Are there minimum purchase requirements for Power Automate Process?

No, there are no minimum purchase requirements.

Are there licensing prerequisites required for eligibility to purchase Process?

No, there are no licensing prerequisites required for eligibility to purchase Power Automate Process.

Power Automate Process Mining

What are the pricing and licensing details for Power Automate Process Mining?

  • List Price (USD): $5,000 for 100 GB of data stored/month
  • Required prerequisite: Power Automate Premium. Multiple add-ons can be applied to a single prerequisite.
  • More entitlements per capacity pack:
    • Dataverse Database capacity 2 GB/capacity pack
    • Dataverse File capacity 1 TB/capacity pack
    • 250k Power Platform Requests/24 hrs

When will Process Mining be available to purchase?

Process Mining became generally available on August 1, 2023.

Are there limits to the number of users per tenant?

No, there is no limit to the number of users per tenant.

Is there a trial version of Power Automate Process Mining?

Yes, Process Mining offers a free 30-day trial giving access to many of the key features of Process Mining. The free Process Mining trial is included in the Power Automate trial available here.

Will Process Mining use rights come with any other Power Platform or Dynamics 365 licenses?

Process Mining Desktop capability and limited amount of Process Mining data storage capacity is included with the Power Automate Premium per user offer. We plan to update the Process Mining use rights in the future.

Are Power BI Pro, Power BI Per User or Power BI premium capacity licenses required for this solution? If so, do any Power BI limitations come into play or is there a package price?

Power BI licenses aren't included in Power Automate Process Mining. In order to customize and analyze your process mining results further, you might want to acquire more Power BI Pro*, Power BI per user, or Power BI premium capacity licenses if you haven't already done so. To learn more, go to Power BI pricing.

* Power BI Pro is included in Microsoft 365 E5 and Office 365 E5.

Can customers use the Power Platform admin center to assess their highest monthly Process Mining usage?

Yes, customers can assess their highest monthly Process Mining usage to understand capacity needed. Current and past usage data are available in the Power Platform admin center.

How much capacity should I purchase if my company has occasional spikes?

Capacity should be purchased for the peak utilization over a 12-month contract period. If customers experience monthly or seasonal spikes, they must purchase enough capacity to allow for this high watermark when estimating the amount of capacity needed per month.

How much process mining capacity is included in the Power Automate Premium license?

Customers that purchase the Power Automate Premium license are able to use entitlements for task mining and limited data storage for process mining (up to 50 MB) at no extra charge.

How much process mining capacity is included in the Power Automate Premium trial?

The Power Automate Premium trial will include 100 MB of Process Mining stored data per process.

Power Automate Hosted RPA add-on

What are the pricing and licensing details for Power Automate Hosted RPA?

  • List Price (USD): $215 per bot/month
  • Entitlements: Licensed per bot, the Power Automate Hosted RPA add-on license provides capacity for a single Microsoft RPA bot and a virtual machine for running automations.
  • Qualifying prerequisite: Power Automate Premium, Power Automate Process
    • Multiple hosted RPA add-on licenses can be added with a single qualifying base license.
    • Concurrent instances of a singular process require an extra unattended bot for each instance.


Any software automated with an unattended bot may require extra licensing per software terms. For example, unattended RPA scenarios incorporating Microsoft 365 or Office 365 require the Microsoft 365 - Unattended License. Please see the Product Terms for more information.

Is Power Automate per flow an eligible prerequisite for the Hosted RPA add-on?

Yes, per flow is eligible.

How are the bots hosted?

The bots are hosted with Azure virtual machines leveraging Virtual Machine Scale Sets. This is an Azure Compute resource which can be used to deploy and manage a set of identical VMs providing (up to 1,000 VMs) by spreading VMs across fault domains in a region or within an Availability Zone.

Is this offer available worldwide?

Yes, the hosted RPA add-on will be available to all geographies worldwide except for UAE, due to capacity restrictions.

Is there a trial version of Power Automate Hosted RPA?

Yes, trial users can create up to 10 hosted RPA bots groups and have up to two bots running in parallel in a given environment. To start a trial, customers can go to the Power Automate pricing page and select the Try free link, under Power Automate per user with attended RPA or navigate to the Power Automate portal desktop flow page.

Are Power Automate per user and the Power Automate unattended RPA add-on still available?

These offers are available until February 1, 2024.

Power Automate unattended RPA add-on

How can I apply unattended RPA add-ons to my flows?

Follow these steps to apply unattended RPA add-ons for your flows.

  1. The tenant admin must purchase or get a trial version of the unattended RPA add-on capacity for the tenant. The tenant admin can do this from the Microsoft 365 admin portal. Just search the purchase services page for the add-on.
  2. The environment admin must assign the available (paid or trial) unattended add-on capacities to a specific environment.
  3. Makers can now run unattended desktop flows within the environment that has the unattended capacity.


The unattended add-on is environment-specific. If you have multiple environments that need to run unattended RPA, you need to assign add-on capacity to each of them. If you need to run multiple unattended desktop flows in parallel in a single environment, you need to assign the right number of unattended add-ons to the environment to support the flow runs.

Microsoft Copilot Studio

What are the licensing details for Microsoft Copilot Studio?

Licensed by tenant, Microsoft Copilot Studio entitles a tenant to 25,000 messages per month. Users in the tenant can create and iterate on topics by describing them, and AI features build them. Generative answers can be used as primary information sources in the chatbots, or used when authored topics are unable to address a user's query. As a result, functional bots can be quickly created and deployed without users having to manually author multiple topics. Power Automate for Copilot Studio use rights are limited to cloud flows within the context of Microsoft Copilot Studio bots.

  • Entitlements: Customers who purchase the new Microsoft Copilot Studio receive the following entitlements.
    • Messages: 25,000 messages per tenant/month  
    • Billed messages definition: Microsoft Copilot Studio messages are the common currency across Microsoft Copilot Studio capabilities. A billed message is a request or message sent to the copilot triggering an action or response. Examples:
      • User asks copilot when a store is open, and copilot replies with store hours = 1 billed message
      • Copilot proactively greets the user on a website = 1 billed message
      • User asks copilot for store hours for the upcoming holiday, and copilot responds using GenAnswers = 2 billed messages.
    • Message Consumption rates: Customers can use a mix of Regular and Generative AI messages.
      • Regular (non-generative AI) = 1 message
      • Generative AI (Gen AI) answers over your data = 2 messages
    • Gen AI-enabled conversations: Consumption rate of 2 messages when Generative AI is used
    • Copilot: Create and iterate chatbot topics using expanded natural language capabilities  
    • Power Automate for Microsoft Copilot: Create cloud flows (Automated, instant, and scheduled flows) within the context of Microsoft Copilot Studio bots  
    • Connectors: Standard, Premium, and Custom connectors  
    • Dataverse for Microsoft Copilot (Dataverse default capacity): 5 GB Database, 20 GB File, 2 GB Log  

Microsoft Copilot Studio User License

  • List Price (USD): $0 per user/month
  • Entitlements: Licensed by user. The Copilot Studio User License is required for each user authoring bots. It is recommended to acquire the tenant license and user licenses as part of a single transaction to simplify onboarding to Microsoft Copilot Studio.

How do Microsoft Copilot Studio use rights that come with Microsoft 365 or Office 365 licenses compare with use rights for the full Microsoft Copilot Studio licenses?

Microsoft Copilot Studio for Teams enables customers with select Microsoft 365 or Office 365 licenses to build and deploy custom chatbots directly within Teams, using Dataverse for Teams, as opposed to Dataverse. Additionally, chat sessions are unlimited per tenant/month. A service limit of 10 sessions per user/24 hours across all bots in a tenant is enforced.

Are there additional Microsoft Copilot Studio licensing requirements to create and edit with Copilot?

  • You need a Microsoft Copilot Studio license and you must create an account.
    • If you don't have a Microsoft Copilot Studio account, or you haven't created chatbots with Copilot Studio, go to the Quickstart guide for building bots with GPT.
  • This capability might be subject to usage limits or capacity throttling.

Power Pages

How is Power Pages licensed?

Power Pages (formerly Power Apps portals) licensing is capacity based and offers two types of capacities based on user type: Authenticated users per website/month and Anonymous users per website/month.

  • Authenticated users
    • The Authenticated user capacity subscription license can be purchased for the anticipated number of unique, authenticated users. For example, employees (internal) or non-employees (external) accessing a website during a month. 
    • The Authenticated user pay-as-you-go meter enables customers to pay-as-you-go based on the actual number of authenticated users who have accessed a website in a month.

Meter Definition: Power Pages Authenticated user pay-as-you-go meter: A measure of the number of unique authenticated users per website per month.

  • Anonymous users
    • The Anonymous user monthly capacity subscription license can be purchased for the anticipated number of unique, anonymous users accessing a website in a month.
    • The Anonymous user pay-as-you-go meter enables customers to pay-as-you-go based on the actual number of anonymous users who have accessed a website in a month.

What is an authenticated user and how are authenticated users per website/month calculated?

Authenticated users are users who obtain secure access to a website by logging in through an authentication provider.

Authenticated users per website/month are calculated as unique users who log into the website in a calendar month duration. Even if a user logs in multiple times to a website in a calendar month, then that user is counted as one user. Uniqueness is determined by using the ID of the contact record (Microsoft Dataverse contact table) to which the user is mapped.

What is an anonymous user and how are anonymous users per website/month calculated?

Anonymous users are users who browse a website and don't log in.

Anonymous users per website/month are calculated as unique users who access one or more anonymous pages of the website in a calendar month duration. Uniqueness is determined through a unique anonymous user ID stored in a browser cookie. If the user accesses the site using different browsers or devices or cleans up browser cookies, then a new anonymous user ID is generated and the user would be counted as a different user.

What are the scenarios in which a user isn't counted as an anonymous user, even though the user browses an anonymous page on the website?

There are several scenarios in which a user who has anonymously browsed the website won't be counted in the meter. Some of these are described below:

  • Any access of a website running in trial mode won't be counted.
  • Any access of a website running in private mode won't be counted.
  • If the user accesses specific pages on the website, then they aren't counted as anonymous users. These are:
    • Pages related to log in like sign-in, register, invitation, and external authentication call back. This is done to ensure if the user is trying to authenticate to the website, they aren't counted as an anonymous user.
    • System pages like the ones starting with /_ such as /_services and /_resource.
    • If a page returns a redirect response (http 3xx status).
    • If a page returns an error response (http 5xx status).
    • If a page returns 404, or any http 4xx response.
  • Bots and crawler accessing anonymous pages of the website isn't counted.
  • If there's a monitoring system set up to test website availability periodically, it is removed if it sends a non-browser user agent. In case your monitoring system sends a user agent that is of any standard browser, it might be counted. If using a monitoring system to test website availability, we recommend targeting /_services/about page of your website to ensure that it isn't counted in anonymous user access.
  • If a user is accessing only static resources (CSS, JavaScript, and images), it won't be counted.
  • If a user is browsing anonymously and later logs in to the website within the same day (UTC time zone), then that user will only be counted as an authenticated user and won't be counted as an anonymous user.

If a user accesses a site anonymously and then logs in to the site in the same session, will the user be counted as both an anonymous and an authenticated user?

If a user accesses a site in both an anonymous and an authenticated manner, in the same session or even within the same day (24 hours using UTC time zone), the user will be counted as an authenticated user.

Access to my website is authenticated, however it has an anonymous log-in page. Do I need to purchase an anonymous user subscription?

No, log-in page access isn't counted for calculating anonymous users. If the only anonymous page is the sign-in page, then it will not require an anonymous user subscription to be purchased.

However, it's important to ensure that the rest of the site is made authenticated. This can be done by using page-level permissions on home page and only making it available for authenticated user roles. If any other method is used, like using a client-side (JavaScript) redirect to a log-in page, then it might lead to some pages being available anonymously.

How much do these licenses cost?

The Power Pages authenticated per user and Power Pages anonymous per user offers serve both small and large customer scenarios with a low barrier to entry, and easily scale for high-volume growth. Subscription and pay-as-you-go pricing is detailed below.

Authenticated per user/website subscription capacity packs

Capacity pack tiers Capacity packs minimum purchase Number of users
(100 users/capacity pack)
Price per capacity pack/month
Tier 1 1 pack 100+ users $200
Tier 2 100 packs 10,000+ users $75
Tier 3 1,000 packs 100,000+ users $50

Anonymous per user/website subscription capacity packs

Capacity pack tiers Capacity packs minimum purchase Number of users (500 users/capacity pack) Price per capacity pack/month
Tier 1 1 pack 500+ users $75
Tier 2 20 packs 10,000+ users $37.50
Tier 3 200 packs 100,000+ users $25

Prices quoted above are list prices for commercial channel. Special prices are offered for education and non-profit customers.

Do Power Pages licenses include Dataverse storage?

Yes, Dataverse Database and Dataverse File capacity is included with the authenticated per user/website and the anonymous per user/website licenses. Allocated capacities differ between subscription plans and pay-as-you-go plans as detailed below.

Dataverse default capacity - subscription plans

Capacity type   Dataverse database storage per tenant Dataverse database storage per capacity pack Dataverse file storage per capacity pack
Authenticated per user plan  5 GB  2 GB 16 GB 
Anonymous per user plan  5 GB   500 MB  4 GB  

How many users are included in each capacity pack for Power Pages licenses?

  • Power Pages authenticated user/website subscription: Each pack consists of 100 users. This is the same for all tiers.
  • Power Pages anonymous user/website subscription: Each pack consists of 500 users. This is the same for all tiers.

What are the Power Pages use rights included with Power Apps and Dynamics 365 enterprise licenses?

Authenticated users licensed with Power Apps or Dynamics 365 enterprise licenses are granted use rights for Power Pages as described below.

  1. Power Apps per app licensed users: One Power Pages website.
  2. Power Apps per user licensed users: Unlimited Power Pages websites.
  3. Dynamics 365 enterprise licensed users: Unlimited Power Pages websites. These websites must map to the licensed Dynamics 365 application context and map to the same environment as the licensed Dynamics 365 application.

What are the main differences between Power Pages and Power Apps portals licensing?

Parameter Power Apps portals licensing Power Pages licensing
Provisioning a website Every extra website in the environment requires 1 GB of Dataverse capacity No Dataverse capacity is required to provision a website
Qualifying base offers Dynamics 365 and Power Apps licenses No base offer is required and licenses can be purchased standalone
Licenses required for internal authenticated users Dynamics 365 enterprise licenses

Power Apps per app plan

Power Apps per user plan

Power Apps per app pay-as-you-go meter
Dynamics 365 enterprise licenses

Power Apps per app plan

Power Apps per user plan

(New) Authenticated per user/website subscription

Licenses required for external authenticated users Power Apps portals logins capacity (one login = daily unique login) Authenticated per user/website subscription

Licenses required for anonymous users Power Apps portals page view capacity Anonymous per user/website subscription

Dataverse storage Not included with Power Apps portals logins and page view capacity Included with Power Pages subscription

Included with Power Pages

If I'm building a Power Pages website for my employees who log in using their Microsoft Entra credentials, what Power Pages licenses do I need?

Internal authenticated users of a Power Pages website can use one of the following type of licenses:

Subscription based

  1. Power Apps per app: Users can access one Power Pages website that should be part of the environment to which Power Apps per app capacity licenses are assigned.
  2. Power Apps per user licensed users: Users who have been assigned Power Apps per user licenses can use unlimited Power Pages websites.
  3. Dynamics 365 enterprise licensed users: Users who have been assigned Dynamics 365 enterprise licenses can use unlimited Power Pages websites. These websites must map to the licensed Dynamics 365 application context and map to the same environment as the licensed Dynamics 365 application.
  4. Power Pages authenticated user/website subscription: Users can access one Power Pages website to which Power Pages authenticated per user/website capacity is assigned. If a user accessing the website has a Power Apps per user or a Dynamics 365 enterprise license assigned, then that user won't be counted in Power Pages authenticated user/website capacity.

In order for Power Apps per users/premium and Dynamics 365 enterprise licenses to be recognized:

  • Users should access the Power Pages site using their Entra ID and utilizing the out of the box Azure AD provider.
  • Users need a license assigned in the same tenant as the Power Pages site. If the user's license is assigned in a different tenant, it is not recognized.

What is the difference between Power Apps portals login capacity and Power Pages authenticated per user/month capacity?

Power Pages Authenticated per user/month capacity counts the number of unique users in a month that have accessed the website in an authenticated manner whereas Power Apps login capacity counts the number of total logins all users had on the website over a 24-hour period.  
For example, consider a scenario where a website was accessed by a total of 100 authenticated users in a month with each user logging in once every day to the website. In this scenario, if we apply both meters, here is how they work:

  1. Power Pages authenticated per user

    With Power Pages authenticated per user per website monthly capacity, the total number of users would be 100 and the customer will need to purchase capacity for 100 users for the website.

  2. Power Apps portal login

    With Power Apps portal logins, total number of logins would be 100 * 30 = 3,000 (as each user is logging in once every day) and customer will need to purchase capacity for 3,000 logins for the website.

Suppose I create a Power Pages website that can potentially be used by 100,000 authenticated users. However, in a given month it will only be used by 5,000 users (out of the 100,000). Do I need to purchase authenticated per user capacity for 100,000 users or 5,000 users?

Power Pages authenticated per user/website is licensed based on the number of unique authenticated users who access the site in a month. In this example, the customer should purchase capacity for 5,000 users.

The same is true if the users are anonymous and not authenticated.

Do I require extra licensing for Power Pages content delivery network (CDN) and web application firewall (WAF) capabilities?

No. Both CDN and WAF capabilities are included as part of Power Pages licensing and don't require any extra licenses to be purchased.

For subscription-based licenses, what is the minimum number of authenticated and anonymous user capacity I need to assign to an environment?

  • Authenticated users: Minimum quantity that needs to be assigned to an environment is 25.

    For example, if you have three websites (in three different environments) and bought one authenticated user pack (100 users), you can assign them in the following ways:

    • Environment 1: 25 (min 25)
    • Environment 2: 35 (min 25)
    • Environment 3: 40 (min 25)
  • Anonymous users: Minimum 200 per environment. After that you can assign 1 at a minimum.

    For example, if you have two websites (in two different environments) and licensed one anonymous user pack (500 users), you can assign them in the following ways:

    • Environment 1: 220 (min 200)
    • Environment 2: 280 (min 200)

Can I still purchase Power Apps portals login and page view subscriptions?

Power Apps portals login and page view subscriptions will be available for purchase during the transition period.

  • Existing customers who have Power Apps portals login and page view subscriptions

    • Power Apps portals customers whose agreements expired before March 31, 2023, will have the option to renew their agreements using the existing Power Apps portals SKUs for one more agreement term.
    • During this transition period, existing customers will also be able to purchase more capacity for existing SKUs to create new websites or augment capacity for existing websites.  
    • Power Apps portals customers whose agreements expire after March 31, 2023, will need to transition to the new Power Pages licensing upon expiration of their Power Apps portals subscription term.
  • New customers

    • Power Apps portals per login and per page view SKUs will be available for new customers to purchase until March 31, 2023.
    • After March 31, 2023, new customers will purchase the new Power Pages SKUs.

Do unused Power Pages subscription licenses (authenticated per user and anonymous per user) carry forward to the next month?

Power Pages are licensed at a monthly rate that is based on a customer's anticipated user volume. They aren't accumulated as individual assets and wouldn't carry forward month to month.


What Dataverse capacity is included with the Power Apps and Power Automate plans?

Every tenant with a Power Apps license gets default capacity. In addition, for each license there's additional accrued (pooled) capacity added to the tenant.

Power Apps capacity limits Per license entitlement (Power Apps per app plan) Per license entitlement (Power Apps per user plan)
Dataverse Database capacity + 50 MB + 250 MB
Dataverse Log capacity + 0 + 0
Dataverse File capacity + 400 MB + 2 GB

Since flows, as well as certain Power Automate features like approvals, run inside of the Dataverse, every tenant with a Power Automate license gets default capacity. In addition, for each per-user or per-flow license there is additional accrued capacity added to the tenant.

Power Automate capacity limits + Per user + Per flow
Dataverse Database capacity + 250 MB + 50 MB
Dataverse Log capacity + 0 + 0
Dataverse File capacity + 2 GB + 200 MB

Dataverse for Teams

Are the existing Power Platform use rights included with Microsoft 365 licenses changing?

To deliver a comprehensive low-code extensibility platform for Microsoft Teams, Power Platform capabilities available as part of select Microsoft 365 subscriptions are expanding with the introduction of Dataverse for Teams.

Dataverse for Teams is a built-in flexible datastore that provides data storage and a one-click solution for (app/chatbot) deployment in Teams. With the addition of Dataverse for Teams:

  • Power Apps capabilities seeded in Microsoft 365 licenses are expanding to enable building and deploying custom apps natively within Teams. This includes using custom APIs built using Azure API Management.

  • Additionally, Microsoft Copilot Studio capabilities have been introduced to Teams. Customers will now be able to build and deploy custom chatbots directly within Teams only.

The existing Microsoft Power Platform functionality available for use in Microsoft 365 more broadly outside of Teams remains otherwise unchanged.

Is there any new capability coming with Dataverse for Teams to Power Automate rights included with Microsoft 365?

Yes. With Dataverse for Teams, users now can build flows that operate in a Dataverse for Teams environment. Please note that a Dataverse for Teams environment needs to be created first by either authoring an app or chatbot.

Which Microsoft 365 subscriptions include Dataverse for Teams and Microsoft Copilot Studio capabilities with Teams?

Dataverse for Teams and Microsoft Copilot Studio for Teams capabilities are available as part of select Microsoft 365 subscriptions with Power Platform and Teams capabilities, excluding plans for EDU A1 and SUB SKUs. To learn more, go to the Licensing Guide.

How is a Dataverse for Teams environment created?

Creation of Dataverse for Teams environments isn't available from the Power Platform admin center. Creation of new Dataverse for Teams environments is only possible from within Teams.

Can Dataverse for Teams be used outside of Teams?

Dataverse for Teams is designed to work in the Teams client across web, desktop, and mobile. If you want to use Dataverse for Teams outside of Teams, you must upgrade your environment to Dataverse.

Is there a limit to Dataverse for Teams capacity? How many Dataverse for Teams environments can be created in a tenant?

Each Dataverse for Teams environment uniquely maps (1:1) to a Teams team and can store up to 1,000,000 records based on typical usage (enforced as 2 GB relational database storage per Dataverse for Teams environment). To learn more about service limits, including the tenant-level capacity limits associated with Dataverse for Teams, go to About the Dataverse for Teams environment.

Can we control who can create environments with Dataverse for Teams?

Teams governs who can create and join a Team. The environment is created for a team when an owner or member tries to create an application in it.

Can a Dataverse for Teams environment be deleted?

A Dataverse for Teams environment is deleted when the associated Team is deleted.

How does the capacity enforcement work for Dataverse for Teams environments?

When the environment capacity limits are reached (2 GB per environment) new solutions (apps, chatbots, flows) can't be created or installed in that specific Dataverse for Teams environment.

When the tenant capacity service limits are reached (grows with the number of eligible Microsoft 365 USLs in the tenant), go to About the Microsoft Dataverse for Teams environment.

  • New apps, chatbots, flows, or tables can't be created or installed in any Dataverse for Teams environment.

  • New Dataverse for Teams environments can't be created in the tenant.

In both cases:

  • Users who want to create/install new apps, chatbots, flows, or tables in that environment will be notified that the capacity limit is reached, and they need to reduce storage usage or contact their admins.

  • Existing solutions in the environment will continue to work (CRUD allowed). The environments will be able to continue to grow beyond the 2 GB limit. 

  • Existing solutions within the environment can be updated.

  • Certain options within each solution (Power Apps/Power Automate/Copilot Studio) will be hidden or unavailable.

Can customers with Power Apps, Power Automate, and Microsoft Copilot Studio subscriptions use premium connectors with Dataverse for Teams?

Yes. Accessing premium connectors in a specific Dataverse for Teams environment requires users in that environment to be licensed accordingly.

Example: In a Dataverse for Teams environment, accessing premium connectors in the context of an app requires all users accessing the app to be licensed by either the Power Apps per app or per user plan depending on the customer scenario.

Can I use AI Builder with Dataverse for Teams?

No. Tables for AI Builder aren't included in Dataverse for Teams.

Can I use desktop flows with Dataverse for Teams?

No. Desktop flows aren't supported in Dataverse for Teams.

Can I use custom connectors in Dataverse for Teams?

Custom connectors aren't supported in Dataverse for Teams, but support for Azure API Management (API-M) will be available in the future in Dataverse for Teams.

Can customers purchase more capacity for a Dataverse for Teams environment?

No. Dataverse for Teams provides support for approximately 1 million rows per team. Although existing apps and chatbots continue to work when a Dataverse for Teams environment reaches the per environment limit (2 GB), users who want to create a new app, flow, chatbot, or table in the environment must:

  1. Purchase Power Apps, Power Automate, and Copilot Studio subscriptions based on their needs and start building their new app, flow, or chatbot in an environment.
  2. Upgrade the existing Dataverse for Teams environment to Dataverse in the Power Platform admin center and, if needed, purchase Power Apps, Power Automate, or Copilot Studio subscriptions based on their needs.

Can customers package and export their solution (app/flow/chatbots) built in Dataverse for Teams, and then import that into an environment (assuming they have the corresponding license including access rights to Dataverse)?

This capability isn't available yet, but is included in our roadmap.

Other than adding capacity, what are the other reasons to upgrade a Dataverse for Teams environment?

Upgrading an environment from Dataverse for Teams to Dataverse enables customers to take advantage of more capacity and capabilities, such as:

  • Enterprise ALM, data types
  • Support for log and managed data lake
  • Rich access control, auditing
  • Governance and security


Accessing an environment with Dataverse requires all users to have a corresponding standalone Power Platform license for each service being utilized. For example, a user accessing an app running on Dataverse needs to be licensed by either the Power Apps per app or per user plan depending on the customer scenario.

No. A limited set of Dataverse capabilities were recently added to Microsoft 365 licenses to support service capabilities available (for example, Microsoft Project). A standalone Power Apps, Power Automate, or Copilot Studio plan is still needed to run apps/flows/bots with Dataverse. To learn more about this feature, go to Dataverse capabilities with Microsoft 365 licenses.


There's a service plan called Dataverse for Teams that's related to the Dataverse for Teams capabilities. Our platform uses this service plan for granting customer tenants Dataverse for Teams storage capacity. Don't deactivate it.

Is geo migration supported for Dataverse for Teams environments?

Geo migration isn't supported for Dataverse for Teams environments.

AI Builder

To find other frequently asked questions about credit management, go to AI Builder licensing FAQ.

How is AI Builder licensed?

AI Builder is licensed as an add-on to your Power Apps, Power Automate, or Dynamics 365 license. Each $500 subscription includes 1 million AI Builder service credits applied at the tenant level. To use your AI Builder capacity, an administrator has to allocate AI Builder capacity to the environment where you want to use AI Builder.

How is AI Builder capacity enforced?

The AI Builder capacity add-on is an annual subscription, and capacity is enforced on a monthly basis. Purchase capacity for the peak utilization monthly period.

  • To learn more about AI Builder credit management and enforcement, go to AI Builder licensing.
  • For general information about how to allocate capacity to your environment, go to Capacity add-ons.

Can AI Builder capacity be added to the P1 and P2 plans for Power Apps and Power Automate that are being retired?

Yes. AI Builder capacity can be added to the P1 and P2 plans for Power Apps and Power Automate for customers who haven't yet transitioned to the new Power Apps and Power Automate plans.

What is a service credit, and how does it work?

AI Builder includes several model types, including custom and prebuilt. For a full list, go to Model types.

AI models consume service credits when they are trained, used in an app or flow, or scheduled to periodically run. The amount of capacity consumed varies based on the AI model, and the size and complexity of the data set.

What can I do with the 5,000 AI credits included in the per user plan with attended RPA?

Each user license grants you 5,000 credits, which allows you to assess the capabilities in AI Builder. For instance, you could use these credits to extract data from a few documents with form processing or perform hundreds of basic OCR extractions with text recognition.

Which AI models are available for free in public preview and which are in paid general availability (GA) status?

The release status (preview or GA) for AI Builder features is available in Model types.

AI models available in public preview don't require paid AI Builder capacity.

Is a trial available for AI Builder?

Users without an existing Power Apps or Power Automate license can access AI Builder trial capacity for 30 days by signing up for either a Power Apps or Power Automate trial. Existing Power Apps and Power Automate users can access AI Builder trial capacity for 30 days by signing in to the respective service and accessing AI Builder in the left navigation pane.

More information: AI Builder trial

Power Platform pay-as-you-go plan

More information:


What add-ons are available to the Power Apps and Power Automate plans?

The following list provides add-ons applicable to all standalone Power Apps and Power Automate plans:

  • Power Platform Requests add-on (formally the Power Apps and Power Automate capacity add-on) increases daily API request limits for Power Apps, Power Automate, and Dynamics 365 workloads for users that exceed their usage entitlement (10,000 daily API requests for $50 per month).
  • Dataverse Database Capacity (1 GB) $40 per month
  • Dataverse File Capacity (1 GB) $2 per month
  • Dataverse Log Capacity (1 GB) $10 per month

Trial licenses

How long is the free trial period?

Free trials for Microsoft Power Apps last 30 days. For Power Automate, they're available for 90 days.

Is there a way to develop my Power Apps and Power Automate skills for more than 90 days?

Yes. With the Power Apps Developer Plan, you get a free environment for individual use with functionality including Dataverse. In this environment, you can explore and learn everything about Power Automate and Power Apps for free, but the Power Apps Developer Plan isn't intended for production use.

To learn more, go to pricing and explore.

How do I convert my trial environment to a production environment?

More information: About trial environments

Where can I find more information about trial environments?

More information: About trial environments

Power Platform use rights included with Microsoft 365

What are Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate use rights for Microsoft 365 applications?

For Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate use rights for Microsoft 365 applications, go to Licensing guide.

The SQL, Azure, and Dynamics 365 connectors in the following list are now classified as Premium. Non-Microsoft connectors that had previously been classified as standard connectors are still available to Microsoft 365 users. A standalone Power Apps or Power Automate plan license is required to access all Premium, on-premises and custom connectors.

Premium connectors list:

  • Azure Application Insights
  • Azure Automation
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure Container
  • Azure Cosmos
  • Azure Data Factory
  • Azure Data Lake
  • Azure DevOps
  • Azure Event Grid
  • Azure Event Grid Publish
  • Azure File Storage
  • Azure IoT Central
  • Azure Kusto
  • Azure Log Analytics
  • Azure Log Analytics Data Collector
  • Azure Queues
  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure SQL
  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Azure Table Storage
  • Dynamics 365
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Insights
  • Finance and operations
  • Dynamics 365 Sales Insights
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central (on-premises)
  • Dynamics NAV
  • Event Hubs
  • Service Bus
  • SQL Server

Power Automate plan-based limits on trigger frequency and the number of runs allocated to a tenant per month are being removed.

Power Apps and Power Automate usage will be subject to service limits described in Requests limits and allocations. Per user service limits provide capacity assurance for users and alleviate the risk of one user exhausting the tenant-wide quota.

How does the change to Power Apps and Power Automate use rights for Microsoft 365 applications affect me if I purchased the subscriptions prior to Oct. 1, 2019? Will my existing apps and Power Automate workflows continue to work?

Yes, existing apps and flows will continue to work. Customers who have been using Power Apps or Power Automate with Microsoft 365 using one or more of the connectors listed above will receive a transition period before the connector reclassification goes into effect. This transition period would be until October 1, 2020, or the expiration of their current Microsoft 365 subscription term, whichever is longer. During the transition period, customers can continue to create additional apps and flows using these connectors.

In addition, apps and flows created prior to October 1, 2019, that are using these connectors will receive an extended transition period until October 1, 2024. During this time, these qualifying apps and flows will be exempt from the Premium connector licensing requirements for the reclassified connectors, custom connectors and on-premise data gateways.

The extended transition period allows for using the connectors listed above but it doesn't allow these connectors to use gateways. Gateways were a premium capability before the transition and they continue to be a premium capability.

Although apps may be granted to use the Dynamics 365 connector for an extended transition period, the ability to use the connector doesn't provide Dataverse capacity. Dataverse capacity is a prerequisite for Power Apps and Power Automate workflows to use Dataverse.

I have apps and flows that were in an extended transition period until October 1, 2024, under the Power Apps and Power Automate use rights for Microsoft 365 applications. What happens to my apps and flows after October 1, 2024?

The period for extended use rights concludes on October 1, 2024 and users are required to have appropriate licenses to maintain compliance. In-product licensing enforcement will begin April 1, 2025, until which your users will be able to use these apps and flows. However, if an action to purchase and assign Premium licenses to users is not taken now before the full enforcement date of April 1, 2025, such users will be unable to use these apps and flows.

What is the recommendation before the enforcement of Premium connector licensing requirements begins from 1st April 2025?

How do I identify apps and flows that are using specific connectors that were under the extended use rights?

The following inventory reports are available in the Power Platform admin center to help you identify your apps and flows with the connectors being used -

  • Power Apps inventory report - Available at Power Platform admin center > Analytics > Power Apps > Overview tab > App Inventory tab. You can view the connectors list in the drill through the report. Right-click on the app with the connections and in the menu that opens, select Drill-through > App Connectors

    A screenshot of Power Apps Inventory report

    This takes you to the Connectors used by the app.

    A screenshot of details about connectors in Power Apps Inventory report

  • Power Automate Inventory report - Available at Power Platform admin center > Analytics > Power Automate > Overview tab > Inventory tab. Steps to view the connectors list in the drill through Flow connectors report are similar to the steps described above for Power Apps.

Can licenses be automatically assigned to ensure these apps and flows continue to function for users?

Yes, we highly recommend that you enable auto-claim policy to help you automatically assign licenses to users and avoid any disruption. Similar to how auto-claim policy is enabled by default for managed environments, starting January 2025 auto-claim policy will also be enabled for all customers who were in an extended transition period. More information: Manage auto-claim policies in the Microsoft 365 admin center

How many apps can I run with Microsoft 365 plans?

There's no limit on the number of applications. Customers can continue to run standalone apps to extend and customize Microsoft 365 using standard connectors.

Power Platform use rights included with Dynamics 365

What are Power Apps and Power Automate use rights for Dynamics 365 applications?

For Power Apps and Power Automate use rights for Microsoft 365 applications, go to Licensing guide.

Can I connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for finance and operations apps?

Yes, you can use the finance and operations apps connector to build canvas apps using this data.

Power Platform security and governance licensing requirements

Managed Environments

Managed Environments is included as an entitlement with:

  • Power Apps Premium
  • Power Apps per app
  • Power Automate Premium
  • Power Automate Process
  • Power Automate Hosted Process
  • Power Automate per user
  • Power Automate per flow
  • Microsoft Copilot Studio
  • Power Pages Authenticated Users
  • Power Pages Anonymous Users and
  • Dynamics 365 Premium, Enterprise and Team Members licenses.

For more information, see Managed Environments Licensing.

Advanced security and governance

Customer Managed Key (CMK)

Customer Managed Key policy will only be enforced in environments that are activated for Managed Environments. Users in the environment are required to have one of these subscriptions:

  • Microsoft 365 or Office 365 A5/E5/G5
  • Microsoft 365 A5/E5/F5/G5 Compliance
  • Microsoft 365 F5 Security & Compliance
  • Microsoft 365 E5/F5/G5 Information Protection and Governance

For more information, see Licensing requirements for Customer Managed Key.

Customer Lockbox

Enabling Customer Lockbox will enforce the policy only for environments that are activated for Managed Environments. Users in the environment where the Lockbox policy is enforced are required to have any of these subscriptions:

  • Microsoft 365 or Office 365 A5/E5/G5
  • Microsoft 365 A5/E5/F5/G5 Compliance
  • Microsoft 365 F5 Security & Compliance
  • Microsoft 365 E5/F5/G5 Insider Risk Management

Note: Customer Lockbox is available in public clouds and US Government Community Cloud (GCC), GCC High, and Department of Defense (DoD) regions.

For more information, see Licensing requirements for Customer Lockbox.

Azure Virtual Network (vNet)

To enable Virtual Network support for Power Platform, environments must be Managed Environments. In addition, access to using Virtual Network support for Power platform requires users in the environments where the Virtual Network is enabled to have one of these subscriptions:

  • Microsoft 365 or Office 365 A5/E5/G5
  • Microsoft 365 A5/E5/F5/G5 Compliance
  • Microsoft 365 F5 Security & Compliance
  • Microsoft 365 E5/F5/G5 Information Protection and Governance
  • Microsoft 365 E5/F5/G5 Insider Risk Management
  • Organization must have an Azure subscription with permissions to create a virtual network, subnet, and the enterprise policy resources.

For more information, see Set up Virtual Network support for Power Platform.