AI models and business scenarios
In AI Builder, you can choose from several model types that are suited to different business scenarios. Here are some examples:
If you want to use intelligence to detect your products in images, you can refine a custom AI Builder object detection model. With a customizable model, you'll build, train, and publish it for your intended use.
If you want to use intelligence to automate your expense reports by scanning and processing business receipts, you can use a prebuilt AI Builder receipt scanning model. All prebuilt models allow you to go straight to productivity.
If you want to design a marketing campaign based on patterns in your historical data, you can use a custom prediction model tailored to your business, using your own historical data.
These models are only a few of the ways you can use AI Builder to add intelligence to your business processes.
To build a model with AI Builder:
Sign in to Power Apps or Power Automate.
On the left pane, select ... More > AI hub.
Under Discover an AI capability, select AI models.
(Optional) To keep AI models permanently on the menu for easy access, select the pin icon.
On the right pane, select the model type that matches what you want to do. You're ready to get started.
The following table lists the data type, models type, and build type.
Data type: Describes the type of AI that the models use (for example, documents, text, structured data, or images).
Build type: Indicates whether it’s a customizable model that you'll need to build, train, and publish for your intended use, or if it's a prebuilt model that’s ready to use. In general, use custom AI Builder models for applications where you're working with data that’s unique to your business. Use prebuilt models for scenarios that are common across different types of businesses.
Common business scenarios and the model types that are suited to them are described later in this topic.
Data type | Model type | AI Template table UniqueName mapping | Build type |
Documents | Business card reader | BusinessCard | Prebuilt |
Documents | Document processing | DocumentScanning, (DocumentLayoutAnalysis is used during training) | Custom |
Documents | Text recognition | TextRecognition | Prebuilt |
Documents | Receipt processing | ReceiptScanning | Prebuilt |
Documents | Invoice processing | InvoiceProcessing | Prebuilt |
Documents | ID reader | IdentityDocument | Prebuilt |
Text | Text generation (preview) | GptPowerPrompt, (GptPromptEngineering was used during Preview) | Prebuilt |
Text | Category classification | TextClassificationV2 | Prebuilt (preview) and custom |
Text | Entity extraction | EntityExtraction | Prebuilt and custom |
Text | Key phrase extraction | KeyPhraseExtraction | Prebuilt |
Text | Language detection | LanguageDetection | Prebuilt |
Text | Sentiment analysis | SentimentAnalysis | Prebuilt |
Text | Text translation | TextTranslation | Prebuilt |
Structured data | Prediction | BinaryPrediction, GenericPrediction | Custom |
Images | Object detection | ObjectDetection, (ObjectDetectionProposal is used during training) | Custom |
Images | Image Description | ImageDescription | Prebuilt (preview) |
Images | Text Recognition | TextRecognition | Prebuilt |
Preview version of App Copilot | CopilotSidePanePredict | Prebuilt (preview) |
The different types of AI models in AI Builder provide you with a broad range of AI capabilities without the need for coding or data expertise. Here are some common business scenarios, and the preferred AI model types for addressing them:
Business scenario | Model type |
Automate customer application processing | Document processing |
Automate expense reports | Receipt processing |
Categorize user feedback based on their focus | Category classification |
Extract insights from product reviews | Entity extraction |
Identify language of text | Language detection |
Identify and classify customer feedback | Sentiment analysis |
Translate support requests into your language | Text translation |
Identify fraudulent transactions | Prediction |
Get alerted to social media posts referencing your brand | Key phrase extraction |
Automate contact list | Business card reader |
Automate inventory taking | Object detection |
Take a photo of text and save it to a database | Text recognition |