To generate a certificate by using the PowerShell cmdlet New-SelfSignedCertificate on Windows 8 and later, run the following command:
pbiviz --install-cert
For Windows 7, the pbiviz tool requires the OpenSSL utility to be available from the command line. To install OpenSSL, go to OpenSSL or OpenSSL Binaries.
Create a certificate on macOS X
The OpenSSL utility is usually available in the macOS X operating system.
You can also install the OpenSSL utility by running either of the following commands:
From the Brew package manager:
brew install openssl
brew link openssl --force
By using MacPorts:
sudo port install openssl
After you install the OpenSSL utility, run the following command to generate a new certificate:
pbiviz --install-cert
Create a certificate on Linux
The OpenSSL utility is usually available in the Linux operating system.
Before you begin, run the following commands to make sure openssl and certutil are installed:
which openssl
which certutil
If openssl and certutil aren't installed, install the openssl and libnss3 utilities.
Create the SSL configuration file
Create a file called /tmp/openssl.cnf that contains the following text:
<Power BI visual project root>\node_modules\PowerBI-visuals-tools\certs
PEM format
If you use the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) certificate format, save the certificate file as PowerBIVisualTest_public.crt, and save the private key as PowerBIVisualTest_private.key.
PFX format
If you use the Personal Information Exchange (PFX) certificate format, save the certificate file as PowerBIVisualTest_public.pfx.
If your PFX certificate file requires a passphrase:
In the config file, specify:
In the server section, specify the passphrase by replacing the <YOUR PASSPHRASE> placeholder:
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