24,794 questions

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Is there a way can query my Microsoft Account Balance

Is there a way I can query my Personal Microsoft Account Balance? And anyway I can query my recent purchases? Thanks, John

Microsoft Q&A
Microsoft Q&A
Use this tag to share suggestions, feature requests, and bugs with the Microsoft Q&A team. The Microsoft Q&A team will evaluate your feedback on a regular basis and provide updates along the way.
863 questions
asked 8 Sept 2020, 04:42
Zhijiang Chen 1 Reputation point
0 answers

Name Ändern

Gerne Möchte ich meinen Familien Namen ändern, da er sich durch Heirat geändert hat von Plückhahn in Fienhold

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42,879 questions
asked 7 Sept 2020, 11:42
Sebastian Fienhold 1 Reputation point
0 answers

Sandbox connectivity issues from Microsoft Learning Paths?

I joined Azure through the Microsoft Learning paths link, for the class, it instructs us to use the link, sign up for the free membership and then continue. Now that I've done that and continued with the class, I'm expected to be connected to their…

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42,879 questions
asked 5 Sept 2020, 20:06
Anna ten Bensel 11 Reputation points
0 answers

We need microsoftgraph video call meeting custom inside android and IOS app

Dear, Can you help me for Android and IOS Application in MicrosoftGraph. We are using MicrosoftGraph SDK/API. I want to do video call meeting custom inside my app android and IOS, is it possible or not.

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42,879 questions
asked 4 Sept 2020, 14:45
Rupesh Chhabra 21 Reputation points
0 answers

Add libraries, in my case SDL.h for C, to use in Ubuntu wsl with VS Code

Hi, I have a problem. I really don't know how to add new libraries in a linux distribution (Ubuntu 20.04) opened on wsl. In my case I need to add SDL.h library for C, but if you can explain me the general method to add libraries I would be very happy.…

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42,879 questions
asked 3 Sept 2020, 10:34
Michele Bosio 1 Reputation point
0 answers

The ADFS service account has insufficent privileges to create the Account Activity database.

I keep getting the error "The ADFS service account has insufficent privileges to create the Account Activity database." when running the ADFS Diagnostic. It's the only error I get, everything else passes. I have run the script that is…

Active Directory Federation Services
Active Directory Federation Services
An Active Directory technology that provides single-sign-on functionality by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries.
1,296 questions
asked 1 Sept 2020, 17:58
Todd 26 Reputation points
0 answers

Multiple action pack for the same partner id

Hello, does anyone know if we can activate multiple action pack subscriptions for the same partner id? Thank you in advance, Theodora

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42,879 questions
asked 1 Sept 2020, 09:16
Theodora Foutsitzidou 1 Reputation point
0 answers

How to mass upload the Job cost codes/ Dimensions

HI , We are trying to mass upload the Job cost codes and Dimensions however we are unable to do so. Is there a fix for this?

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42,879 questions
asked 31 Aug 2020, 22:28
Ram Nishant 1 Reputation point
0 answers

download QR scanner in Share scanners

When i want to download Share scanners it downloaded as .txt file and not as an image extension Why "

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42,879 questions
asked 31 Aug 2020, 15:35
عبد الرحمن قنديل 1 Reputation point
0 answers

SCCM - GPupdate /force as a 'self-serve' item?

Hi, Needing to make gpupdate /force available to users as a self-serve item to run when needed. Was wanting to use Software Centre/SCCM to do this. I'm thinking a batch file or something as a package and allow it to be re-run from within Software…

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42,879 questions
asked 31 Aug 2020, 12:42
Tyren Williams 1 Reputation point
0 answers

Syntax error for Microsoft Academic query with wildcard

The following query expression was passed to the Microsoft Academic API and was successful: And(OR(Pt='1'),AND(W='graphene'),OR(W='corrugation',W='corrugations',W='corrugated')) Yet, a similar query that includes a wildcard fails to retrieve any…

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42,879 questions
asked 30 Aug 2020, 11:17
Michael Gauci 1 Reputation point
0 answers

Disable driver signature enforcement on Windows 10 ARM

Hi, I'm trying to port application on arm, I've recompiled the drivers for arm architecture and trying to install it on windows 10 ARM laptop. During installation, I'm getting error "A Digitally signed driver is required". As we're in…

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42,879 questions
asked 28 Aug 2020, 07:48
prxy 61 Reputation points
0 answers

Public DNS

I plan to setup a small (2-3 apps) with ADFS. I suppose I have to put in public DNS the ip address of a server with each app and a ip address of my adfs proxy server? Problem is that my ISP can provide me with only one external IP address and I am…

Active Directory Federation Services
Active Directory Federation Services
An Active Directory technology that provides single-sign-on functionality by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries.
1,296 questions
asked 28 Aug 2020, 03:02
TomaszW-0873 136 Reputation points
0 answers

Intermittend Microsoft Store

Open the MS Store, search for an application, like the Windows Calculator. Watch the spinner for some time. And then error 194. An error SO broad it can be anything. 30 minutes later. Try the same procedure again. Calculator shows up immediately. Try to…

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42,879 questions
asked 25 Aug 2020, 09:11
Simon Weel 6 Reputation points